View Full Version : Check out the new avatar

African Tiger
11-09-2002, 12:53 PM
I hope this works, cause it took me FOREVER to reduce an 8" x 10" to 50 x 50 pixels...GENE!!!!

African Tiger
11-09-2002, 12:57 PM
Oh, that's me doing cold weather training in a blinding snowstorm.....:rolleyes:

gonna try that again any second now...

Diu Sao
11-09-2002, 01:21 PM
Can't see it, turns up blank. Maybe it's just my browser. The last one was cool though.

Diu Sao

African Tiger
11-09-2002, 01:32 PM
I finally got this sucker to crop down!!!!

Ok, it looks like the cinescope opening to some of those old Shaw Brothers films, but maybe that adds character to the photo?

Yup, that's me. Old, injured, hopelessly addicted to weed, and kicking ass in my kwoon baby!

Chang Style Novice
11-09-2002, 02:07 PM
If you're using photoshop, check "constrain proportions" when you change the image size. If you're not, get a calculator and find the appropriate width for the 50 pixel height.

Ah forget it, I'll do it for you. 8.5:11::39:50

11-09-2002, 02:11 PM
Sorry, it's not as good at the "Terrifica" avatar.

11-10-2002, 09:34 AM
Good pic Man, but you've got to change the size to 40x50 so it doesn't compress the image.

African Tiger
11-10-2002, 06:29 PM
I don't have photoshop, so I had to use Microsoft's Photo Draw 2000.

It hates to reduce a photo by using pixel count, so I actually had to drag one of the handles, until the photo read "48x50" pixels. And voila! Instant Shaw Brothers hero....:rolleyes:

Maybe for Christmas Gene will allow a larger avatar size????

11-10-2002, 06:55 PM
Hmmm, I like the old one with the 'fro, dude.

This one needs a bit more contrast (but as per usual I'm being picky).

How's the world of fame and fortune treating you AT?

Chang Style Novice
11-10-2002, 08:38 PM
Just one question then: is that Mexican Hat Dance stance?