View Full Version : sidelining punch?

11-09-2002, 01:59 PM

When I do the sidelining punch i think of shifting the weight on to one leg-which is done by bending/sinking the knee.And for getting power into the punch i make sure the elbow shoulder wrist knee etc are on the same line.
basically i think the power is from a sinking action but im not too sure!!!are the hips involved in this shifting? How do u guys do the sidelining punch?


11-09-2002, 04:21 PM
There are differences in the mechanics in different lineages.
Since you are in WT perhaps Andrew S can comment.

Jim Roselando
11-09-2002, 04:25 PM

Your waist and hips are the source of your shifting. Not only is it the transfer of weight but the turning of the body that enhances power to your skills. The turning body acts in a Yum Yeung way which one side recieves and the other side sends. Hope that helps.


11-09-2002, 07:29 PM
Suggest being careful in not throwing off your center in turning.
Chor ma is tricky business.

11-09-2002, 07:41 PM
Hey Faze,

FWIW, there are probably a couple of ways to do this, and what I use may be frankly wrong in some ways. I also haven't spent the time analyzing this that I have on some other things and reserve the right to change my mind on what I think is going on.

Done without contact, as a full body powered motion, I *think* the way to do this is to initiate movement from the midback out to the punching hand and opposite leg which will start to drive you over on to your other leg, and allow you to use the adductors to start your hip turn. As your weight 'drops' onto the support leg, the torso contracts back to a neutral state (cracking the whip) as the hip flexors and adductors complete the 'turn', stabilizing you into the ground.

This gives me some nice penetrating force.

You could also power this with just a sinking component, or with just the drive, or try to get multiple punches off the whole arc of motion (three works pretty well for me).

