View Full Version : CLF history and the Lacey Brothers

11-09-2002, 05:31 PM
Everyone on this forum talks about Sifu Dave Lacey because of his contraversial views, yet very few people know or talk about his equally capable identical twin brother Vince.

It is interesting to see the two contrasting ways the twin brothers tackled the question of the history and the founder of CLF. They make fascinating readings, especially when one realized that they have the same up-bringing, the same teachers and the same tradition.

Sifu Vince Lacey:

Sifu Dave Lacey:

This is how Sifu Vince Lacey sees the issue:

One Family - Choy Lay Fut

“There is only ONE Choy Lay Fut, whether it’s the Chan family, Hung Sing or Buk Sing with its roots from the Shaolin Temple, with styles including Hung, Lau, Choy, Lee (Lay) Mok, Fut Gar, etc. The founding father from the beginning, Chan Heung, should be given the credit and respect he deserves. All three branches of Choy Lay Fut have something valuable to offer-no branch is better or superior, only the individuals behind the system.

As long as we believe and agree that Great Grandmaster Chan Heung is the Founder and Jeung Hung Sing (Jeung Yim) is the founder of the Hung Sing Kwoon (school) and Tarm Sarm (Tam Sam) is the founder of Buk Sing Kwoon, there is no need to fight among yourselves as to who has the real version of the History of Choy Lay Fut! We are all ONE family-Choy Lay Fut!”

This is how his identical twin brother Sifu Dave Lacey sees the issue:

The Segregation of Choy Lay Fut

”In 1839 Cheung Hung Sing founded the first "Hung Sing Gwoon" martial arts school in Futsan. His popularity and martial arts reputation attracted many students and he was known to everyone as "Choy Lay Fut Hung Sing". Hence Chan Heung and Cheung Hung Sing separately propagated Choy Lay Fut - Chan in King Mui village and Cheung in Futsan. In time, both used their martial arts knowledge to develop their own individual forms and methods of training. Thus Choy Lay Fut martial arts gradually segregated into two branches - that of Chan Heung and Cheung Hung Sing. That did not mean the Choy Lay Fut that Chan Heung and Cheung Hung Sing taught were two different Styles - they both came from the same roots!

Because of the propaganda by the Chan Family branch to promote Chan Heung as the sole founder of Choy Lay Fut martial arts, they not only denied Cheung Hung Sing's role in Choy Lay Fut, but also his existence in King Mui Village (Chan village) where Chan Heung taught martial arts to his fellow clansmen (those of the Chan family name). This was seen by the Futsan Hung Sing Gwoon as a deliberate scheme orchestrated by the "CHAN FAMILY" Choy Lay Fut branch in King Mui Village to discredit any revelation by the Hung Sing branch about Cheung Hung Sing's direct involvement in the development of Choy Lay Fut fighting arts and his rightful title as the style's "Chong Pai Jung Si" (Founder).”

One advocated unity while the other blamed the Chan Family and advocated segregation and a new founder. Life is stranger than fiction, their opposing points of view reflected and summarised exactly the various points of views on this forum. After lengthen debates, it became quite obvious that it is not about historical truth (no one cares about that), it is about what you are being taught to believe by your teacher or your tradition.

As far as I am concerned, I am with Sifu Vince Lacey and I am for unity and against segregation, I am for a blame-free one big CLF family with the same ancestry. What are your views on this and what is the position of your school? Are you on Vince or Dave's side?

11-09-2002, 05:47 PM
After re-reading my posting, I realized that my words may appear to some people that I am trying to drive a wedge between the twin brothers. This is not my intention at all, my intention is to use their opposing views to summarize the current position of the debates on the history of CLF and its founder. Instead of amending my submission, I apologise for any misunderstandings that may have occured.

11-10-2002, 12:45 PM
Thanks for clearing these things out, I hope that some people find peace in their mind now :)

Diu Sao
11-10-2002, 01:02 PM
I am with the unification of Choy Lee Fut. As my sifu says, there is just Choy Lee Fut. I hate to say it but, united we stand, divided we fall. Their (the Lacey brothers) father also belives in unification of Choy Lee Fut. Fighting about lineage only takes time and energy away from training.

Diu Sao

11-10-2002, 04:26 PM
So extrajoseph, what was the point of your post again, besides attempting to create more problems for the brothers and again, trying to discredit Sifu Lacey? Your previous attempts were rather crafty and subtle, but you are getting a little obvious here, OLD pal.


11-10-2002, 05:35 PM
I have made my position clear on this issue, and I know where you stand, so let others have their say. There is no need to attack me here, let your Sifu do it on his webpage, he is much better at it than you. No hard feelings, I know you have to do what you are told.


11-10-2002, 08:24 PM
Your position is VERY UNCLEAR. It is a table with 2 legs. It makes no sense whatsoever. What the two brothers disagree on has nothing to do with the question at hand. You are bringing it up for the very reason you say you aren't.

I do everything of my own volition, and I am my own man. What I do in verifying my stand is out of RESPECT, something you know NOTHING about. You can fool the new practicioners but the real kung fu men see through you.


11-10-2002, 08:31 PM
My question is why don't you ever see Janet and Micheal together?? The world's full of conspiracies...


11-11-2002, 02:30 PM

One question; what year Jeong Yim born?

Hung Sing America (Sifu Dino Salvaterra) Jeong Yim (1828 - 1893)

Sifu Dave Lacey ¿?

Sifu Doc Fai Wong ¿?

Sifu Chan Yong Fa ¿?

Sifu Tat Mau Wong ¿?

Thank You

monk weed
11-11-2002, 08:02 PM
I thought the jeong yim died as a young man, in his mid or early thirties.

11-13-2002, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by nospam
My question is why don't you ever see Janet and Micheal together?? The world's full of conspiracies...


Interesting words on conspiracy theories, I like the last paragraph - food for thought.


11-13-2002, 07:53 AM
Chen Yong Fa was born in 1951.

11-15-2002, 04:50 PM
joseph, you are a pure punk ass *****. since you obviously cannot defeat sifu d lacey you go and try to pit brother against brother. your antics need to stop now before you end up missing.

you are out of ammunition so the only thing you have left is to attack dave lacey by igniting a fire between the two. well, to both sides of the the lacey family, if you let this little punk ass ***** joseph start a fire then your sifu's didn't teach you ****.

joseph isn't **** don't let him win.


11-16-2002, 01:33 AM
Scared of something, Frank?

You sound agitated.

11-16-2002, 02:02 PM
don't feed the beast Serpent! :D

Now do you see the result of the bickering? No one wins when this happens!

11-16-2002, 03:41 PM
There is no sense to this. Why not step back a generation?
Both Lai Hung and Kong Hing are cherished teachers of the brothers two.
According to Lai Hung's website (current):
"Although Choy Lay Fut's parentage reaches back to the 6th century A.D., it's synthesis by Master Chan Heung into a unique style occurred in the 1830's."

Whatever is going on, I don't think that concentrating on a division of agreement between brothers will foster anything except more rancor on this board.
Causation and symptoms can be confused and even apparently interchanged. I think that might be what we have going on here, at least in terms of this topic. In other words, agreement or disagreement between two men might not be pivotal, only symptomatic of what is unknown (at least to me).

My feeling is that if you have and express loyalty to a person or a way, or an idea (popular or not), that is very fine, even noble. Minds can change too, though. I think it is best to set up some standards within yourself that are for you, and of you (no one touches this!), and follow them, while following what you believe to be true. while following a person who embodies something that you hold important or sacred. There is a double loyalty here, and I believe that is as it should be. imo

unless you enjoy bickering, as do countless husbands and wives who probably never should have been married to begin with, please reconsider, because the fellowship erodes and life goes on, with or without you.

There's got to be a better way, and I don't know what it is.
