View Full Version : What to do when you're down and out?

11-09-2002, 09:28 PM
I got major girl problems, major money problems, major study problems, and the only thing that keeps me sane, my rapping, is going downhill... what i mean is i'm losing confidence.... nothing seems to be going right... i dunno what to do. i just want to hide away, nothing seems to be going right. i have no idea what to do.

i feel so useless. what do you do when you feel like this?

it's 4:30am and i can't get to sleep.

11-09-2002, 09:31 PM
I know this will sound mad cliche, but....

keep ya head up.

Just keep doing what you're doing and be strong. It'll work out.

11-09-2002, 09:34 PM
Thanks man.

Lung Hu Pai
11-09-2002, 09:38 PM
Get angry. Be like, screw this, give out a mighty yell and do something, anything.

11-09-2002, 09:45 PM
I'd be in jail if i did that. It's now quarter to five in the morning, there is **** all i can do.

11-09-2002, 09:47 PM
hey sharky... havent seen ya around here 4 a while man...

i know the feeling - life sux sometimes and nothing seems to go right :mad: for me, i just take out the frustration with my training, get some pads and muck around with some mates...

one of my other mates (also an emcee) had a bad time recently and wrote some really good lyrics during those times... really managed ot go deep and meaningful, and his spitting got better...

apart fomr that i dunno what to say, except to keep going. When i had a rough patch around 6 months ago i hid myself away and did nothing for a while - but that doesnt change anything, just means ur alone with ur depression. For me it was better to actually start doing stuff - even if it was only 1/2 arsed...

take care buddy and shoot me a pm if u wanna (?) :)


11-09-2002, 10:17 PM
Figure out all the things you do that you enjoy. Spend as much time as possible doing them.

Keep yourself busy. Don't give yourself any time to brood about things being bad, or sit around feeling depressed. Be out doing things all day, come home and hit the heavy bag till your arms won't move, collapse exhausted into bed and sleep.

I hope things start looking up for you.

11-10-2002, 12:48 AM
Sharky. Try to look at things from a different perspective and be creative. If things aren't going 'right' for you at the moment, try to do things in a different way.

Just keep trying things though. From my experience it's better to be working on something and fail at it and learn something rather than constantly psycho analysing myself, thinking about the same problems over and over again.

11-10-2002, 03:29 AM
Sharky, holy ****, i haven't seen you in a while. what's up? :D

listen dude, there's these song lyrics that go "for every day that stings, two better days it brings." so just hang in there, alright?


11-10-2002, 03:40 AM
...and if you're really desperate for a laugh, you can always download "suck a cheetah's dick" by Wesley Willis.



Former castleva
11-10-2002, 03:50 AM
"i feel so useless. what do you do when you feel like this?"

I usually drop down and wrap myself up in a ball. :)

Besides that,it´s pretty hard to say anything of great wisdom from this position...but I might be able to know how you feel,as they say.
Maybe you´d like to gather all that dirt and toss it out in terms of rapid rap?
Do not necessarily stick into anything,but keep going on,you might find something good along the way.
Try to yield and bend enough,become a symbol of life.

11-10-2002, 05:41 AM
Secrets of life:

1. Don't give a **** about females.

2. Keep your friends close, those r the only sorry fools that will actually listen to your problems all day long :)

3. Keep reading those school books!!!! (this is a recuring problem I have)

4. Dineros will come. Be smart, sell stuff, get a job, rob an ******* or something.

11-10-2002, 08:33 AM
1. Don't give a **** about females.

I never usually do. I'm not 'bad' to girls, but i don't usually get emotionally attached. But every now and again, a girl comes along that can turn any man into a blubbering fool. And i mean any man.

2. Keep your friends close, those r the only sorry fools that will actually listen to your problems all day long

What if you don't have any close friends that really understand you?

3. Keep reading those school books!!!! (this is a recuring problem I have)

What if you have

4. Dineros will come. Be smart, sell stuff, get a job, rob an ******* or something.

I have a job collecting glasses in a nightclub. I work in the rnb room... i'm sick of getting into fights with drunkards, working my arse off sweating like a cun.t for £4.50 an hour, getting treated like utter trash, when i know i have an IQ far higher than any other fool in there. I thought i had left fighting behind when i left london, but no. I abandoned the friends that were a bad influence on me, and i'm still getting people starting on me now. The girl problem is tied in with work, so that does help. It doesn't pay enough, i'm sick of getting home at 4:30am, looking like a zombie at uni, and i can't actually keep up the job an uni at the same time. The rent ain't gettin paid this month.

I can't do what all the other lovely students do, and ask mummy and daddy - my parents are in a situation 29083402938409 times worse. It's just that we've had a pathetic life so far, and we started getting on our feet in the last couple of years, now we're going back to the **** we thought we'd left.

I think i might go to the gym.

11-10-2002, 09:10 AM
Bro, stuff has a way of working itself out. Usually better if we don't mess with it. When I get in a funk I keep putting one foot in front of the other and try to remember to do the next right thing. Oh yeah, this may sound like crap but if money will fix it, it's not a problem.

11-10-2002, 11:51 AM
Make new friends?

11-10-2002, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by dezhen2001
For me it was better to actually start doing stuff - even if it was only 1/2 arsed...

I gotta second that one. When I'm all funked out, I force myself to be active. I make myself go out and do stuff. It's sort of like you are behaving your way out of it.

Even if you're miserable where you go, you'll be less likely to wallow in your existential angst.

If you can figure this out, you'll be on the way to enlightenment:
When life seems its worst, when everything is devoid of meaning, that is when there is some serious fun to be had. Leave the rapping and the girls alone for a while. Ease up on the studying a bit. Start playing tricks on the people at work, mess with their minds.

Take a little vacation from yourself, as it were.

11-10-2002, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by eulerfan

I gotta second that one. When I'm all funked out, I force myself to be active. I make myself go out and do stuff. It's sort of like you are behaving your way out of it.

Even if you're miserable where you go, you'll be less likely to wallow in your existential angst.

If you can figure this out, you'll be on the way to enlightenment:
When life seems its worst, when everything is devoid of meaning, that is when there is some serious fun to be had. Leave the rapping and the girls alone for a while. Ease up on the studying a bit. Start playing tricks on the people at work, mess with their minds.

Take a little vacation from yourself, as it were.

Now that's a cool way of thinking about things :)

Shadow Dragon
11-10-2002, 04:13 PM

Sounds like you hit a spot of bad luck there.
Sounds like your current job is stressing you badly and that is affecting the rest of your life.
So first order would be to find a different Job with better hours and better condition.

After that you just need to keep doing your things to the best of your abilities.
It sucks to be down and out, we all been there (I guess) but it is part of life and getting established in Life.

One thing that helps me when feeling down is listening to music.

If "Always look on the bright side" can't cheer you up ....


11-10-2002, 05:18 PM
Yeah, she may be right. I was really throwing ideas out. However, I really think you should leave the rapping alone. I write poems and short stories. Sometimes it just stops working. I just make myself miserable if I try to force it. I drive myself crazy trying to produce something which is inevitably cr@p and I lose all kinds of confidence for the effort.

But, if I let go of it when that happens, I come back to it fresh and, somehow, a little bit better.

It'll wait for you. It'll be there when you get back.

11-11-2002, 07:27 PM
Thanks for all your replies guys, i really appreciated them all,

Take care


11-12-2002, 12:04 AM
aye, and notice one thing, sharky?

you're rather missed around here.