View Full Version : Mandarin or Cantonese (which is mostly....

11-11-2002, 12:15 PM
Which of the two is mostly spoking among immirgrants in the U.S and other countires.

And can someone who speaks Mn understand someone speaking in Ct.


11-11-2002, 12:34 PM
Don't know about geographic distribution. However, I have heard conversations in which one person was speaking Cantonese and the other Mandarin. I asked about it and was told there was enough commonality to get basic things across.


11-11-2002, 12:38 PM
mandarin is mostly spoken and possible to learn if you didn't grow up with it.

Cantoneese has more tones 7 I believe.

Most movies are made in Hong Kong and so are in cantonese, but the majority of chinese/taiwanese/singapore speak mandarin.

Mandarin is one of the most widely spoken languages. Learn Spanish, English, French and Chinese and you've got most of the world covered

11-11-2002, 01:39 PM
Mandarin is the national language, so everyone is required to learn it in school, but otherwise, like in HK, they use their local dialect. All official notices from the gov. are in Mandarin.

As far as immigrants in the US, I've mostly heard mandarin speakers, though I think I remember hearing a lot of Cantonese in NY Chinatown.

11-11-2002, 02:00 PM
what about cities like vancouver's chinatown, or the ct down in frisco?

11-11-2002, 02:01 PM
In the UK most Chinese speak cantonese.

I am asuming that this is because most come in from hong Kong and cantonese is the dialect there but I could be wrong.

If you could learn to write chinese it wouldnt matter!!

Former castleva
11-11-2002, 02:24 PM
As far as my knowledge goes,there can be major problems between two chinese with different style of same language (Maybe it is that some mix better than other ones)
It is funny thing though that I´ve read that mostly spoken/"general" chinese would be that of Shanghai origin but it seems that many are to disagree.

11-12-2002, 04:23 PM
interesting question... being form the UK i would say most chinese around here speak cantonese, ive noticed more mandarin lately in the chinatowns i 'frequent' lol, as well as hakka of course.

Mandarin (to me anyway) sounds very flat, whereas cantonese has more tonal variation. I find it easier to listen and speak cantonese than mandarin personally as the tonal difference in mandarin is very difficult for me to pick up on :)

it depends what u wanna do... if its for gong fu, then why not learn the language that the style is taught in? Choy lay fut for eg. is cantonese.. in mandarin it would be cai li fo... if its coz of a gal (;)) then why not get her to help ya? lol if its for movies then most are cantonese but ive noticed a lot more mandarin releases of things as well.

if its for general speaking i would say most chines ebusinesses would speak mandarin as it's 'putonghua' - the national spoken language. Most businesses and things usually have some knoweledge of both ime :)

hmmm... hope it helps,
take care,


11-13-2002, 07:36 AM
Cantonese is spoken most widely around the world (outside of China of course) and is considered as the main language in Chinatowns. But as dezhen2001 already told, Mandarin is the standard dialect of the Chinese language.

11-13-2002, 07:38 AM
Oh, and I feel that Mandarin is more simple in the terms of learning, but actually Cantonese is easier to pronounce. But generally speaking, Chinese (in my opinion) is one of the easiest languages to learn due to its simple grammar.

11-13-2002, 07:58 AM
Cantonese is horrible to pronounce! I feel mandarin 'simpler' :rolleyes: cant. has like 7 notes, mandarin only 5.

11-13-2002, 08:27 AM
i find mandarin harder coz the tones r all so close for me anyway. cantonese has a wider tonal variation. hakka confuses me :D


Former castleva
11-13-2002, 09:33 AM
"Chinese (in my opinion) is one of the easiest languages to learn due to its simple grammar"

That´s a relief. :)

11-13-2002, 10:16 AM
The most common chinese language in western Canada is cantonese. This is due to the large wave of immigration to Canada from the Hong Kong area.

Mandarin is by far the most common (by population) chinese language. It's just that most mandarin speakers are in mainland China.

11-13-2002, 01:03 PM

what part of the great white north are you stashed in, if you don't mind my askin?

11-13-2002, 02:40 PM
I live in Saskatchewan and likely will for a couple of more years. I've got plans to move closer to your part of the world - British Columbia.

Bye for Now

12-20-2017, 11:00 AM
Ben Sir, the scholar-turned-celebrity determined to save Cantonese from a slow death (http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/community/article/2123518/meet-scholar-turned-celebrity-ben-sir-out-save-cantonese)
Benjamin Au Yeung quit his job as a senior lecturer at a top Hong Kong university to enter show business as a stand-up comedian. After a long career in academia studying the culture and language, he says his brave move is part of a mission to ‘revitalise and uplift’ Cantonese
PUBLISHED : Saturday, 09 December, 2017, 3:32pm
UPDATED : Saturday, 09 December, 2017, 5:29pm
Yupina Ng


Benjamin Au Yeung Wai-hoo is standing at the entrance to Hong Kong’s Victoria Park holding up a red banner that says “Cantonese won’t die”. Two Mandarin-speaking tourists from another region of China are apparently distracted by the scene, shifting their focus from a nearby fountain to the witty 50-year-old.

Such showmanship is now a common activity for Au Yeung, better known as Ben Sir, a former senior lecturer at the Chinese University of Hong Kong’s Department of Chinese Language and Literature. Earlier this year he left the university he had taught at for 13 years in favour of an unlikely career move into the world of entertainment.

He shot to fame last year when he appeared on a local television programme to teach Cantonese swear words. The show, according to him, has since been viewed more than two million times online. It sparked a realisation inside him that his mission to revitalise the indigenous culture of Hong Kong, Guangdong province and other parts of southern China could better be pursued with star power rather than in the classroom.

He wanted to reach a wider audience with his message that local culture needed to be nurtured in light of the growing presence of Mandarin, China’s national language, and its associated culture from the north. The success of the television show, he says, also made him realise how much he loved performing.

“I am already in my 50s,” he says. “But I think it’s still worth taking risks and having fun.”

Now, as he prepares for his second stand-up comedy show in January next year, which is also mainly about Cantonese swear words, some might say it is a risky business proposition trying to cash in on what many say is a declining dialect.

A census report last year showed 88.9 per cent of Hong Kong’s seven million residents usually spoke Cantonese at home – a decrease from the 90.9 per cent recorded in 2006. More people were speaking English and Mandarin.

Au Yeung believes Cantonese will be pushed out if no one stands up for the dialect.

“I think it’s time for us to reflect on what we can do to help Cantonese thrive,” he says. “We should treat Cantonese like our parents – no matter if they are healthy or sick, we need to respect and look out for them.”

Au Yeung appeared on a television show to teach Cantonese swear words without actually saying the words. Photo: YouTube

Some expats in Hong Kong find learning Cantonese very hard and prefer learning Mandarin. What do you want to say to them?

I think there is no contradiction between the two languages. You can learn Mandarin first, and then Cantonese. Some people prefer learning Mandarin because they are working for the mainland Chinese market. But if you live in Hong Kong and target the local market, then it’s necessary to learn our language and culture. Let’s say you are a doctor whose mother tongue is English. Some Hongkongers may not know how to express themselves in English, especially when they are sick. Unless you only take care of English-speaking patients, you would need to learn Cantonese to communicate.

I won’t arrogantly say that Cantonese is best. But it is worth studying why Mandarin has four tones while Cantonese has nine. It is always interesting and fun to learn something that you find hard. I think we can let these people learn Mandarin first, and then Cantonese, so that they will be pleasantly surprised to find how special Cantonese is.

Some schools in Hong Kong teach students English or Mandarin rather than Cantonese. Do you think Cantonese is valued in our education system?

It seems there’s no place for Cantonese in our education system. Educators may think that way because everyone here can already speak it. Our Cantonese oral exam carries very little weight. Lots of people learning the language say the system of romanisation for Cantonese words is very important, but not many native speakers know about it. The education sector, meanwhile, has come up with lots of excuses for not putting Cantonese into the school syllabus.

But instead of waiting for a change in our education system, why don’t we tackle this problem through our culture? We can highlight the advantages of Cantonese in different areas. For example, we can produce more Hong Kong films, write more Cantonese songs and do more stand-up comedy in and about Cantonese. These will not only entertain people but also enrich their knowledge of the dialect. When we strengthen the role of Cantonese in our popular culture, educators will naturally change the system.
continued next post

12-20-2017, 11:01 AM
Au Yeung says Cantonese has been given no place in the education system. Photo: SCMP

Is Cantonese dying?

It’s dying and diminishing when we look at the statistics. A census report last year showed 88.9 per cent of our population usually spoke Cantonese at home. In 2011, the percentage was 89.5, and it was 90.8 in 2006. Economically speaking, more and more people are shifting their business focus to mainland China, which means knowing Mandarin is a must for them. But that also means fewer people are using Cantonese. People may have noticed that even some primary pupils in Hong Kong are using Mandarin for daily conversation. If this phenomenon continues, Cantonese will be pushed out.

Let’s look at Guangzhou and Shenzhen [where people historically spoke Cantonese]. Nowadays, you need to speak mostly Mandarin when you are at the bank or in a taxi. Lots of migrant workers have moved to these cities from elsewhere in China where they have their own dialects. Luckily, Hong Kong is still safeguarding the importance of Cantonese.

I think it’s time for us to reflect on what we can do to help Cantonese thrive. If you think Cantonese is not dying yet, then you should think about how to keep it going before it dies. We should treat Cantonese like our parents – no matter whether our parents are healthy or sick, we need to respect and look out for them. Actually, I don’t really like to talk about conserving the language because that implies it is dying. I prefer saying that we are revitalising it and making it thrive.

‘I think it’s time for us to reflect on what we can do to help Cantonese thrive,’ Au Yeung says. Photo: Bruce Yan
‘I think it’s time for us to reflect on what we can do to help Cantonese thrive,’ Au Yeung says. Photo: Bruce Yan

So how can Cantonese speakers keep it going?

We should start writing formal documents in Cantonese. Some mobile phone companies are doing it. They notify their clients about changes to charges by texting them in Cantonese, not formal Mandarin. It’s true that Cantonese is not a formal language, but that’s why we should start changing the norms of the dialect in a formal way. I am not saying we should immediately write the Basic Law in Cantonese, because that involves lots of stakeholders. I’m saying we should take the first step by using more Cantonese in our daily social interaction, such as by writing lease contracts and text messages in Cantonese.

Some Hongkongers have rejected Mandarin for social reasons, as they question their Chinese identity. Are you one of these people?

Mandarin is just another language to me. I use it when I travel or work on the mainland. I learn it purely because I need to communicate with people there. But I think it makes sense for those who don’t like a certain country to refuse to speak its language. A language represents a country. The biggest problem in Hong Kong is why young people nowadays dislike their own country, but it’s not my place to comment on that.

Au Yeung says Hongkongers should start writing formal documents in Cantonese. Photo: K.Y. Cheng

Your major was English when you were an undergraduate. When did you realise you had a strong interest in Cantonese?

When Hong Kong was ruled by Britain, English was placed in a very high position in society. It still is now. But when I was pursuing my PhD I realised that every language is equal. There is a subject called linguistics comparison in my field. When studying it I looked at different languages, including my mother tongue, closely and neutrally. What surprised me was that Cantonese can actually express tenses without using different verb forms like English does. This is how great Cantonese is.

What is the difference between a celebrity and a university lecturer in educating people about Cantonese culture?

I can reach out to a larger scope of people now. I promote the culture in a more entertaining way. I can promote the dialect through different performances. For example, my audiences for my stand-up shows actually help me learn more about Cantonese. When they laugh they are not laughing because of me – they are laughing because of the language. Working in show business is often an experiment for me.

Au Yeung is preparing for his second stand-up comedy show in January. Photo: Sam Tsang

What do your family think about you being in the entertainment industry?

They have been kind of forced to accept it. I had actually already thought about leaving the education field for entertainment even before I became famous. Two years ago I asked my parents if I should try to be a celebrity. They said no because I had studied hard. I replied that since I had studied hard I should now do something fun. Ironically, they like watching me on television.

When did you realise you were making a name for yourself in entertainment?

I did a television show about the culture of Cantonese swear words without actually saying the bad words last year. The show has been viewed more than two million times online. Lots of people, including the senior management at television station TVB, reached out to me afterwards. My schedule was packed with media interviews for months because of the show. After that, I felt like I was on cloud nine.

You seem to have run out of space on the red banner where you wrote “Cantonese doesn’t die”. The word “doesn’t” was placed on the side instead of in the traditional vertical style. Or did you do that on purpose?

I deliberately wrote it that way. Because I believe people have to think out of the box when keeping Cantonese going.

Can you share with us one of your most embarrassing moments?

I was studying in primary school, and we had this school picnic in the garden at Victoria Peak. I somehow got a hole in the front of my trousers. Coincidentally, I wasn’t wearing underpants that day. My classmate saw and asked the teacher for help. I didn’t know our teacher could help us fix this kind of stuff until she took out a sewing kit and patched it up on the spot.

What was your dream job when you were a child?

Either a doctor or lawyer. Because that’s what textbooks usually suggested. I didn’t really think much about my future career when I was a child. I just wanted to go with the flow.

Which film have you watched recently?

I recently watched the American superhero film Justice League. I like how Superman is reborn in the film. And, of course, Wonder Woman is my favourite.

Why do you always tell jokes?

I like making people laugh. I think it’s some kind of battle, and if I manage to make people laugh, then I win. I also challenge myself to see how soon I can make people laugh, even strangers. Maybe this is why I’m an entertainer.

I'm linking this to the Cantonese or Mandarin? thread on the WC forum, just for future reference. (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?10056-Cantonese-or-Mandarin)

10-15-2018, 02:07 PM
Isn't Cantonese always kinda loud? :rolleyes:

Blowing Water by Luisa Tam
Speak Cantonese loud and proud – there is no need for it to play second fiddle to Mandarin (https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/2168593/speak-cantonese-loud-and-proud-there-no-need-it-play-second)
Like the youngest child in a family, Cantonese, which is unpredictable and delightful, does not follow rules and is far more influential than people give it credit for

PUBLISHED : Monday, 15 October, 2018, 2:50pm
UPDATED : Monday, 15 October, 2018, 9:45pm
Luisa Tam


Every now and then, the political rumour mill in Hong Kong is abuzz with talk of replacing Cantonese with Mandarin as the medium of instruction in schools.

Most Hongkongers were particularly offended by his comment, in which he said “the future development of Chinese language learning across the globe will rely mainly on Mandarin”.

His comments unwittingly hit a raw nerve with Hongkongers because many see their southern dialect as an exemplification of their proud heritage and distinctive identity. As a result, Yeung had no choice but to clarify it was not his intention to force schools to teach Mandarin.

Hong Kong Secretary for Education Kevin Yeung. Photo: Edward Wong

I was at a school talk recently and was asked by a student whether I thought Cantonese was a dialect or language.

My answer was a simple one: it does not actually matter whether Cantonese has status as a language or a dialect. I elaborated my point with an unusual – but hopefully apt – analogy. If one owns a priceless antique but leaves it to collect dust in the corner rather than display it proudly, then what purpose does it serve?

At the end of the day, Cantonese serves an all-important function, and every day it is spoken it continues to evolve and develop; this is good news for Cantonese, as it means that it will continue to remain relevant and will certainly not fade into obscurity.

Cantonese has been around for 2,000 years and it is spoken by at least 60 million people in overseas Chinese communities. It is versatile, colourful, and ever evolving, and it is also fun, characterful, and very often cheeky and sarcastic.

Like the youngest child in a family, it does not follow the rules, and that is why it is so delightful and unpredictable. That is the beauty of Cantonese that makes people – even non-Chinese – love it so much and want to do their utmost to preserve it.

A suggestion to teach the Chinese language in Mandarin in Hong Kong schools has drawn flak. Photo: Edmond So

It is certainly not a problem to promote Mandarin in schools, but it does not have to be done at the expense of Cantonese. In fact, the more languages or dialects are spoken in a community, the better it is for diversity and development.

It is certainly not a problem to promote Mandarin in schools, but it does not have to be done at the expense of Cantonese
We should support and promote linguistic diversity because learning languages helps broaden our personal or even world perspectives. And speaking different dialects also affects how people of the same ethnic background think and behave. An individual’s point of view or behaviour can be influenced by the different varieties of a language or dialects they speak. For example, a Chinese who speaks Cantonese will think quite differently from one who speaks Shanghainese.

In the early 20th century, linguistic relativism – most commonly known as the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis – was a fashionable theory stating that an individual’s world view and cognitive ability is influenced by the language he or she speaks. Although this theory has fallen in and out of fashion over the years and has been continually disproved, there has been some interesting research into linguistic relativity in Chinese, and some – albeit limited – research into the significance of Cantonese.

In 2000, a linguist at the University of Maryland named Minglang Zhou published an article exploring the metalinguistic effects experienced by Cantonese speakers. He found that people who spoke fragmented Cantonese in Guangzhou – thanks to the economic boom experienced in the region over 40 years – tended to adopt some Cantonese-specific cultural practices.

For example, the auspicious practice of displaying potted orange trees and serving oranges in celebration of a newly opened business is particular to Cantonese speakers, as the words gam and gat, meaning mandarin orange and auspicious respectively, sound very similar. Therefore, when these southern mainland businesses refer to said orange trees, they do so with a Cantonese accent rather than in Mandarin.

This may seem insignificant, but the point is that Cantonese is far more influential than people give it credit for. Furthermore, there is a great deal of anecdotal evidence from the city’s own pool of bilingual speakers who claim they feel like a different person when they code-switch between Cantonese and English.

This phenomenon of possessing different “souls” has been observed in many multilingual individuals, and Cantonese is no exception.

Multilingualism builds bridges, connects people, and leads to an inclusive society. It is the same with dialects. All languages and dialects should be equally respected and valued.

Linguists and psychologists have long been saying that speaking two or more languages is a great asset to the cognitive process. There is no need to fixate on making Mandarin superior to Cantonese. In fact, Cantonese and other dialects within the Chinese language are, essentially, a means of communication. Having access to multiple Chinese dialects adds to the variety of the Chinese language, and can even strike a responsive chord with non-Chinese people.

For example, the common Cantonese expression “ai yah” is a case in point. I featured this insanely versatile and colourful Cantonese slang in my weekly video tutorial for the Post and it went viral. The phrase can represent a wide range of emotions encompassing surprise, anger, disappointment, disgust, or even sympathy.

People from different age groups and ethnic backgrounds responded to this phrase because it serves the fundamental purpose of communication: it communicates and it elaborates.

So remember everyone, make sure to speak Cantonese loudly and proudly.