View Full Version : Question for WingChunger's

Diu Sao
11-11-2002, 03:33 PM
I'm a Choy Lee Fut man, I have no knowledge of comtemporary Wing Chung history, so I was wondering if everyone could fill me in briefly on the Emin Boztepe and Willam Chueng(spelling?) thing. I have heard a few accounts from each camp, I just was wondering what the general concensus on what happened is. Sorry if I touched on a sensitive subject, I thought this would be the best place to ask instead of making my own assumptions. Thanks in advance.

Diu Sao

11-11-2002, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by Diu Sao
I'm a Choy Lee Fut man, I have no knowledge of comtemporary Wing Chung history, so I was wondering if everyone could fill me in briefly on the Emin Boztepe and Willam Chueng(spelling?) thing. I have heard a few accounts from each camp, I just was wondering what the general concensus on what happened is. Sorry if I touched on a sensitive subject, I thought this would be the best place to ask instead of making my own assumptions. Thanks in advance.

Diu Sao
What a nice day for trolling. :rolleyes:

Diu Sao
11-11-2002, 04:00 PM
I'm sorry if I appear to be trolling, I asked an honest question. Like I said, I apologize if I touched on a sensitive subject. I had no idea it would come across as 'trolling'. I just figured this would be the best place to get some answers, I had no bad intentions. Forgive me for my ignorance, if I had known it would've been percieved as such I would have never posted (or at least worded it diffrently I guess).

My sincerest apologies,

Diu Sao

kungfu cowboy
11-11-2002, 04:29 PM
I am going to use the theatrical mediums of performance art and modern dance to create an interpretive rendition of their encounter.

11-11-2002, 05:11 PM
before labeling anybody a troll I take a few to scan their past posts. And you seemed fine, till I saw this -

I like the hating on Wing-Chung idea

uh huh

all in good fun eh! :D

sadly the only source of information of the "germany incedent" is that dead pulp of a horse over there in the back yard. you'll find a stick nearby, but it's likely being used by some MMAist to prove why fighting with pillows on your hands is the only way to go.

really guys Dui Sao does not seem to be a troll, are we realy that touchy?

11-11-2002, 05:47 PM
This is a worn out, old topic. Probably the best summary of it, that I've seen, was Mat's writeup found here:


11-11-2002, 07:35 PM
What's this Wing-Chung stuff? You trying to be funny or something?

If you want people to give you dirt on a style's practitioners, shouldn't you dish out some on your own in return? Even better if one of the parties concerned is your own teacher or teacher's teacher, as one of the two people you talk about is in my case.

So, how about some really nasty CLF dirt for us Wing-Chung [sic] guys? Fair's fair ...

I had no idea it would come across as 'trolling'.

Yeah, and I've got a nice bridge over Sydney Harbour I want to sell YOU.

11-11-2002, 07:45 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by anerlich

So, how about some really nasty CLF dirt for us Wing-Chung [sic] guys? Fair's fair ...
Yeah- on CLF-- whats with the differences between the Lacey brothers. Is CLF a consistent art? How come Doc Fai Wong's CLF looks different from Tat Mau Wong's. Do they get along? How come TMW's late sifu's brother is modifying the sytem with add ons? What do the elders think of that?Which family art among the ones that went inro CLF is the real one? Just curious.

11-11-2002, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by yuanfen
[QUOTE]Originally posted by anerlich

So, how about some really nasty CLF dirt for us Wing-Chung [sic] guys? Fair's fair ...
Yeah- on CLF-- whats with the differences between the Lacey brothers.
Are the Lacey's related to the Gracies and the Traceys?

Diu Sao
11-11-2002, 08:56 PM
You do have point, the CLF rivalry and dirt is past ridiculous. Just a glance at the sourthern kung-fu forum can tell you that! The hating on wing chung thing was a joking response to another CLF person saying we should stop hating on each other and hate on wing chung like the old days. It was just a joke, but you got me there. The original thread was an attempt to stop CLF rivalry, and someone thought it would be funny to give that as an alternative to in-fighting. My bad, I apologize for that comment though, it wasn't very intelligent. Like they say, good words seldom leave the home, while bad words travel a thousand miles. Sorry about that. Once again, I should have done more research before asking what I did. My intent was only to further my knowledge instead of believing rumors and hear say. Thanks for understanding.

Diu Sao

11-12-2002, 02:47 AM
hi, diu sao you seem like a genuine guy (and im sick of people on this forum accusing people of being trolls just because they cant be arsed to answer questions..).

basically, the event your enquiring about happened back in 1986..

william cheunq had put out some silly challenge to any wing chun people saying that he reckoned he was the best wc fighter on the planet etc....

the most popular reason (although there are various other theories out there) why emin boztepe turned up at cheungs seminar was simply to teach cheung a lesson (another more realistic, in my opinion, reason, was that leung ting did not want cheung opening up too many schools in germany and figured that by humiliating cheung in public ,would create the desired effect...).

anyways, cheung was in the middle of teaching a seminar when emin boztepe and his cohorts (conveniently armed with a video camera) marched in...

boztepe went up to cheung and asked him if he stood by what he'd been saying in the martial arts mags etc...

i think cheung was a bit bemused by the whole thing, but boztepe
just said words to the effect of "get ready to fight , here i come 1,2,3) and attacked cheung....

now this is where things start getting a bit misty, there are MANY
accounts of what boztepe did,what cheung did/didnt do, i wasnt there but have seen the infamous video and have also seen the fight broken down into a series of pictures and basically from MY viewpoint boztepe quickly closed the gap, cheung got him into a headlock then they both crashed to the ground where boztepe quickly gained control and punched cheung into oblivion...

although he claims otherwise, from what i have seen, cheung had no defence on the ground and certainly did not reply with any recognisable wing chun shapes or strategies...

does this mean wing chun is sh*t, no of course not, a fights a fight and anything can happen....

hope this helps

black and blue
11-12-2002, 03:50 AM
The EB and WC fight is really old news, but the thing that interests me is that at the end of the fight, from all accounts given, both 'fighters' looked fine.

EB wasn't hurt and neither was WC, who apparently continued on with his seminar. I've been hit fairly lightly in class and have left at the end of the night with a lump or two clearly visible, and once or twice with a fat lip.

If my Sifu 'punched me (or anyone else) into oblivion' I/they wouldn't get up to tell the tale!!!

Me thinks this fight is something the WC/WT world would rather forget.

11-12-2002, 06:43 AM
Bougeac sez:
(and im sick of people on this forum accusing people of being trolls just because they cant be arsed to answer questions..).

hope this helps

black and blue(sez)
Plastic pipe is the key!
((To what?))

Me thinks this fight is something the WC/WT world would rather forget.

))Most have forgotten- till some new person rather than dealing with the art asks about it. Somethinga good FAQ could take care of perhaps. Ther are shots of the incident on the net- simply referring someone to it would be the simple thing to do. The fight
IMO was not either lineages final hour- but leaves many basically unaffected- a small blip ona big screen))

black and blue
11-12-2002, 07:02 AM
Not the key to a successful Wooden Dummy! 'Tis the key to my feet and hands working in a sneaky way. :)

The tag refers to a thread ages ago about training exercises. I have a drill with a fairly long, thin piece of flexible plastic pipe that sticks out of my yard wall at about nipple height (God this sounds perverted).

I change stance, and work on stepping, angle changes while keeping bong, fook or tan on the pipe. The point of my drill (yes... there is a point :) ), is to utilise my feet while retaining hand/arm position without making the pipe move and sway.

I find this helps me alter distance in Chi Sau without giving away my intentions to my partner. I have to keep structure with the pipe yet remain relaxed enough to not bounce the pipe all over the place.

Does that make any sense? :D I don't know. It's a drill I use to highlight an area of my Chi Sau when there's no partner about.


Rolling Elbow
11-13-2002, 10:05 AM
Just go look at footage of the event at http://www.McDojo.com. It is garbagge footage but pretty much shows a ground and pound Wing Chun style lol.