View Full Version : volcano high school!

doug maverick
11-12-2002, 01:36 PM
i just worked at a comic convention here in ny this big expo nothing fancy but i scored tons of ma flicks like VHS(excused the pun) man this flick had graphics that would make the matrix look like your little brothers coloring book, and this other flick called versus was even better, finally i scored the ring the japanese version, the american version was garbage compared to this flick!

11-16-2002, 04:35 PM
That movie sucks.

Qi dup
11-21-2002, 10:50 PM
So are you saying I should see the japanese version of 'the ring'?

11-22-2002, 02:36 AM
Hey, what about the American version of Shogun Assassin? That's was a pretty darn lousy case too.

Volcano Admim
11-22-2002, 10:31 AM
Who summoned me??

11-23-2002, 10:34 AM
VA: u go to high school? :eek: pretty ****ed off teenager then huh? or r u a mature student? :D


11-24-2002, 04:12 PM
I saw Volcano High at the cinema last friday. Pretty good. Wild action and funny twists in the storyline. I liked that everyone was 'captain of the wrestling team' or 'ballet class member' or stuff like that. Ooooooh and the Kendo club.. *drool*
However I think that his fight with the uuuh whats his name again.? Great Ox? Dark Ox? ..could be finished quicker. They fought too many times.

I have the japanese version of the RING at home but I've yet to watch it. Last week I saw another movie from the same director called Dark Water. Pretty scary :) So I'm looking forward to see more of his work.

Volcano Admim
11-24-2002, 10:16 PM
Well, young one with last year name person, you obviously duno the depths of my wide academics caliber here displaied before the eye of the wrold, alowing me to escape your small understanding and as a roll model to propers spelling and correct maner.

12-05-2002, 10:46 AM
The Ring was kool. nice ending