View Full Version : how do i make my lats wide?

11-13-2002, 06:01 AM
i have a varied weight training regime and this includes exercices for my lats (wide grip pullups, bent over rows, dumbell pull overs etc). the trouble is my lats aren't getting any wider to get a good V shape they're just getting thicker, which i don't really want.

any suggestions?

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Ford Prefect
11-13-2002, 06:51 AM
Concentrate on the eccentric (negative) portion of the lift. This premotes the most hypertrophy. The typical bodybuilding approach is to keep a 3/0/1 tempo which means 3 seconds to lower the weight, no pause, and then 1 second to lift. Keep in the 8-12 rep range. For any muscle growth, your diet needs to be right too.

11-13-2002, 07:53 AM
cheers ford.

this is my current routine:

clean & press 3x8 reps
squat 3x12 reps
pullover 3x8 reps
(chest press x 10 reps, dumbell flyes x 6 reps) x 3 sets
bent over rows 3x8 reps
curls 3x8

thats my general 3 - 4 times a week weight routine. sometimes i play around with different exercices and i usually finish with about 10 mins ab work and a load of stretching.

my lats are growing, just not in the way i want. they're getting thicker not wider.

i'll have ago at concentrating on the negative part of the movement.

thanks again,
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11-13-2002, 11:09 AM
Shaping a muscle has about as much to do with genetics as it does with exercises. I mean, everyone can improve the width of their lats, but if you want really wide ones or whatever it's going to be based mostly on your genes.

That being said, there are other things you can do to help... remember, having a trim waist will make your lats appear larger.

Wide grip pullups are good (palms facing away from you), but don't make them too wide. I've seen people do pullups where their arms are so far apart that their body only goes up and down like 6 inches for the entire range of motion. That's too far.

People tell me I have wide lats. All I did was pullups. Lots and lots of pullups. And then weighted pullups.


11-13-2002, 11:45 AM
thanks ironfist,

that reminds of another question. i've got a good shaped stomach and its really strong. but how to i actually make it thinner? i dont want a 6 pack or whatever. i can already see the top two parts of the abs and i got a bodyfat of 13.5%. is the answer to that question again genetics or can i actually make my waist slimmer?

i also find most ab routines quite boring because it takes so long for me to feel im actually working the muscles. i've had a go at janda situps but they don't feel too hard. maybe im not doing them right. i haven't got a partner to hold my legs either. my ab rocker thingy works quite well but i think it might actually be making my gut bigger. i've asked for one of those ab wheels for christmas too see if they're any good.

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Ford Prefect
11-13-2002, 12:27 PM

The best bet is to do foot-to-bar leg raises. Basically grab a pull-up bar, and while keeping your legs straight, slowly raise your legs so your feet come in contact with pull-up bar. Count to 5 on the way up and down. By the time you can do 5 sets of 5 reps, you'll have a rock hard stomach. Point your toes out to increase difficulty.

As for the visibility, that is strictly a body fat thing. Most males need to have a BF% of 8% in order to have a visible 6-pack. What it looks like after you get to that body fat level is strictly genetic. Let me know if you'd like some tips on cutting out the fat.

11-13-2002, 04:40 PM
that reminds of another question. i've got a good shaped stomach and its really strong. but how to i actually make it thinner? i dont want a 6 pack or whatever. i can already see the top two parts of the abs and i got a bodyfat of 13.5%. is the answer to that question again genetics or can i actually make my waist slimmer?

I've heard a six pack becomes visable at 10%. Ford said 8%. It's somewhere around there. Again, it differs from individual to individual.

i also find most ab routines quite boring because it takes so long for me to feel im actually working the muscles.

Ok, sounds like your doing sets of a lot of crunches. If you want to make it harder, add weight. Keep the reps low and the sets with a lot of rest in between them, because you don't want much hypertrophy in your abs. Most people don't want their abs to stick out like their pecs.

i've had a go at janda situps but they don't feel too hard.

Then you're not doing them right :)

Ab wheels are pretty cool. Make sure you get one of the like $8 ones, though, because they're exactly the same as the $40 ones you see on TV.

About making your waist slimmer... it depends on what you mean that determines if it's genetic or not. For example, you can always lose fat to make it smaller, but if it's your hip bones that are making your waist look wide, there isn't much you can do about that. Does that make sense?


David Jamieson
11-16-2002, 09:27 AM
rows and military presses.

the further down you go in the forward motion of the row, the more the lat will get the forward pull and the negative through the entire length. Some of the other exercises you are doing may be countering the lengthening of the muscle.

It'll balance out in the end :)
