View Full Version : Inspiration

11-15-2002, 08:25 AM
As we all know, to learn a CMA a lot of effort and patience is needed. I think for a lot of students, it is sometimes frustrating to follow the routine basic training. Especially in the beginning, when you have to learn the basics, only the guys who REALLY want to learn it, continue the training.
I would be interested in things which inspire you to keep on training day per day.

For me, it is the huge aspect of philosophy which you can always explore. It even includes real old school Kung Fu movies for me.
Reading books, get information from the internet, discussions with other MA mates as we do here!! These are the things which give me the power to KEEP ON!!!


11-15-2002, 09:27 AM
Reading about kungfu (books, magazines, internet) and watching kungfu movies create strong inspiration. In the early stages it is good to have a role model, of any kind, for instance Bruce Lee or Jet Li. It's very important and healthy to keep a hobby continuously inspiring you, which also avoids you from being drifted away from the great passion. Kungfu movies, which provide bursts of inspiration are of great help (no matter how silly it may sound).

When one spends even more time on kungfu, it becomes a habit and therefore it eventually becomes more and more part of yourself. So after a very long period of time, you won't be able to detach kungfu from your way of life.