View Full Version : The Problem with CLF??? Tangent Time!

11-16-2002, 04:23 AM
Have been observing this CLF founder dispute for some time now and just from an outsider type standpoint (have experience in CLF but no longer train), it would seem to me that one of the central roots of this dispute over the 'founder' of CLF comes from the old which is original & closer to the source. This need seems to be a common thing in Chinese martial arts, why study from the Master when you can go straight to the grandmaster. Wing Chun & JKD have these problems but with CLF because there are three (or is it four) distinct branches only serves to further enflame the situation (no brainer some might say).

I met many years ago in the US some students of the Jeung Hung Sing branch while I was with some students of the first Hung Sing (I guess it's called Chan family now) branch it was stated by my companions that they themselves did the 'original' CLF while the others did a 'branch'. I got almost a sense of snobbery. In the back of my mind however I was thinking, 'Who gives a toss? If you want to see who is the best go into the back alley & sort things out'. You guys regardless of branch or proximity to the 'original' source are training in a form of martial arts ideally with the goal of mastery, perhaps going a little different paths but working towards the same or similar goals.

Some have said they put out that Jeung Yim (Hung Sing) is the founder in order to correct history. Whatever, is there truly conclusive evidence? My two cents; one group just wants to validate themselves as the 'original' and that is the central source of motivation. So what if one is from Chan Heung or Jeung Yim or Tam Sam for that matter? Being a good martial artist is what should be about.

I know a guy here from a club where the master decided to teach some untaught materail to some students of lesser seniority, he was not really training but was offended that material was not offered to him during his days. He was especially upset because he felt he was better then the younger generation classmates, he was right. I countered that he needn't be bothered as this new material hadn't done much to improve the younger generation classmates & he was still a better martial artist then them. Correlation here; so what about the material or source if it makes you a better martial artist that's all that should matter.

Final point the CLF persons that get all caught up in the labels should take a closer look a what really matters.

Just some food for thought!


Ben Gash
11-16-2002, 09:22 PM
I raised this point when the issue first raised it's head here, and everyone angrily retorted that this wasn't the issue and no one was on record as saying their's was better than another.
However this is of course the implication in these origin disputes. As someone who has been fortunate to study Chan Hung Sing, Jeong Hung Sing, Bak Sing, Toisan and Malay CLF, all I can say is "whatever" .

11-17-2002, 12:42 AM
They are doing what they want to do. Simple as that!

11-17-2002, 12:33 PM
Amen brother.