View Full Version : I feel the life juices dwindling!

Ruah Boxer
11-18-2002, 03:30 PM
Lately, over the past few months actually, I've been falling apart physically. I use to sculpt my body with such zeal. My will to become a better me was unstoppable. Now it has completely disappeared. I haven't worked out in a while and whenever I try to get back into my routine or semi-routine, it falls apart on me. What I need is inspiration! Give me advice to get back into the zone. Yell hurtful, yet motivational things at me! Help me! Seriously though, sincere suggestions are welcomed too if any of you guys have experience similar slumps. And it really isn't burn out from overtraining. It's just I got out of a routine because of work and now it feels almost impossible to get back into it.

Qi dup
11-18-2002, 04:22 PM
Don't beat yourself up to much man. Everyone goes through slumps. If it's been a few months you may need to start out slow. You may even try a new routine all together. You can't expect yourself to jump right up to the same level, so start at what isn't to hard and work your way up. Have you changed your diet any? sometimes the wrong foods can make me feel lazy. Another thing to get over is getting back into a routine. it will be probably be hard for the first week or two, but make yourself stick with it. you coem home from work and your tired but you just have to do it at first to get yourself into a pattern. What you need to do right now is watch Rocky. This will get you ready to crush it. Now, if you like hardcore music, you need to listen to 'break of the edgecrusher, by fear factory, 'new dsease' by Spineshank and 'left behind' by slipknot. this will surely work. Now get of your ass, nancy boy!

45degree fist
11-21-2002, 07:10 PM
This may sound corny but when after watching any Kung Fu or fighting movie it makes me want to train. Even reading about fighting or a fighters training regiment pumps me up this may not work for everyone but it works for me.

11-21-2002, 08:23 PM
An inspirational article done right:

11-22-2002, 09:55 AM
Get off your arse and train maggot! There's at least two billion commies that want to come over here with baseball bats and take your bubblegum! So move it! Get your hands off your ***** and your feet in your socks and let's go.

How was that? I "borrowed" that from one of my BCT DI's.:p