View Full Version : Dead Styles

11-18-2002, 05:34 PM
Are there a lot of styles out there no one has really heard of, and that is on the brink of extinction as far as not being passed on any further? Do any of you feel you practice a style like?

11-18-2002, 06:35 PM
Considering the variety out there and the potential of having thousands of family styles, there's probably a lot that has become extinct. I remember reading about an animal style derived from the crab that no longer exists.

Royal Dragon
11-18-2002, 07:07 PM
There are hundreds, maybe even thousands of styles, but all work off only a dozen or so sets of principals and mechanics.

That being said, styles will come and go, but the principals are too big to vanish, so does it matter?

11-18-2002, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by Royal Dragon
There are hundreds, maybe even thousands of styles, but all work off only a dozen or so sets of principals and mechanics.

That being said, styles will come and go, but the principals are too big to vanish, so does it matter?

I was hoping it'd help hide the fact from the ladies that I can't match my clothes to save my life.

Chicks dig exotic kung fu styles. or so Run-Run Shaw has led me to believe.

Royal Dragon
11-19-2002, 05:21 AM
LOL!!!!!!! Sorry to blow your cover dude. I'm a pain like that sometimes:D

11-19-2002, 06:23 AM
Originally posted by Royal Dragon
styles will come and go, but the principals are too big to vanish

That was probably the most insightful and accurate statement I've seen on this forum.

Spirit Writer
11-19-2002, 07:53 AM
I would go so far as to say Taiji is getting close. It could be revived, but its lifesigns are growing dim.

11-19-2002, 11:30 AM
KOGA = Dead!!!

Just have to keep reminding the sokes of that!:D

11-19-2002, 11:55 AM

Koga? What on earth is that?

Royal Dragon-

Don't sweat it, bub. That's why I stockpiled cans of spray on pheremones-- you never know when your mojo needs help rising.

11-19-2002, 12:00 PM
Koga (actually Koka) is a reigion in Japan know for ninjutsu. However Koga ryu ninjutsu is a dead system. No contious lineage has been found. But if you go on the net you would think it was the most popular form of ninjutsu around (hell we have CHINESE KOGA NINJAS running around) Basicly pple try to cash in on the name.

11-19-2002, 12:08 PM
Ah. Interesting.

Thanks for the info, Asia.

11-19-2002, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by Asia
KOGA = Dead!!!


11-19-2002, 01:52 PM
LOL @ Fatherdog. An "Animal House" reference, I like it! :D

To hear the BJJ'ers talk, and to believe their smack, kung fu and just about every other martial art in existence other than wrasslin' is on life support and doomed to die the miserable wretched deaths they deserve.

Royal Dragon
11-19-2002, 04:47 PM
"dnc101 - That was probably the most insightful and accurate statement I've seen on this forum."


Why THANK YOU!!!! :p

CrippledAvenger - Cool!!

11-19-2002, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by Budokan
LOL @ Fatherdog. An "Animal House" reference, I like it! :D

To hear the BJJ'ers talk, and to believe their smack, kung fu and just about every other martial art in existence other than wrasslin' is on life support and doomed to die the miserable wretched deaths they deserve.

I have to agree with you here. The fact is that there are many rare arts out there that are still going strong. Just because you don't know of somethings existence doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Most little kids are natural "wrasslers". The grappling arts monopolize on this fact. I would bet anyone that the toughest guys to ever walk the earth weren't necessarily grapplers. Some "huggers" would probably be on the list, but the majority of the cats would be weapons specialists, or well rounded strikers.

As for Koga Clan Ninjas, this ain't "Ninja Scroll". With the exception of one or two schools, Ninpo is very rare. I would say that many of the Chinese arts and Okinawan karate are modernized to the point of losing their original essence.

Forget about Japanese Karate and Judo. Most dojos just teach sporty crap, PERIOD. K1 is a 200+# joke. Practically everyone 200 lbs. or > can handle themselves fairly well. That hodge-podge kickboxing showed its ring efficacy recently against 2 MMAs guys, and the K1 "chumps" got w-izzzz-axed! With the exception of Mike McDonald, they are all steroid super-athletes, stuck with skills that are neither here nor there. I thought PKA was dead? That junk ain't real fighting karate! BB level journeyman? Oxymorons.

The funny thing is that "Master Ishii" (I think that's his name) who formalized K1 to prove the superiority of Kyokushinkai Karate, never had a clue as to what real karate was/is. He wants to insist that the Japanese "schoolboy" stuff taught there is the "REAL" karate. How the hell can it be? Oyama was a legend in his own mind, a very accomplished "dreamer" to put it mildly. He was a showman and businessman, who didn't even really know how to train smartly. Why didn't he go to Okinawa back in the day to see and learn the real? Why Chinese "kempo" and Shotokan and even TKD? That way (maybe) every MA known to mankind wouldn't be waxing his "karate champs". I understand why the weight class is 200#s and up. If not the skinny-arsed Thai boxers would be coming back every year to wax that a s s!!! What those cats in K1 do is heavyweight kumite (sparring). Sparring is play fighting, schoolboy isht! It's as real a fighting method as Olympic TKD.

With the exception of sport stuff like Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Wrasslin', Sambo, Boxing, BJJ, etc. the terms "original intent" are fading. We have technology (i.e.:guns) and laws, so many of us will never know if our Shifu/Sifu/Senseis/Instructors are teaching us what they say they are teaching us. I have a feeling a lot of us are being duped.

ALL that smackola being said, you can see why the MMAs/NHB stylists could laugh at most of us. Man likes proof. Faith is something else entirely. It's hard for a creature that dwells in the material to take unproven claims to heart. Doesn't mean the meatheads are right, but that they have more physical proof that they are right. Possibly the reason for the extinction of traditional systems is the lack of real traditional instructors out there who can articulate AND demonstrate their knowledge.

Hardcore, indepth (family) systems that take years to master just aren't conducive to making $$$$. Just like K1, most Kung Fu and Karate means isht if the school can't make $$$. It reminds me of a rap song from the 80s: "What People Do for Money"-- Divine Sounds, 1984.... Peace.

11-19-2002, 10:13 PM
Thread rating: P13.

(it took 13 posts for it to devolve into a BJJ bashing thread.)


11-19-2002, 10:46 PM
TTT for weapons specialists

11-19-2002, 11:08 PM
Capoeira carioca is dead - the last teacher taught students but didn't give any of them the lineage to teach. That being an art out of Rio that had an unusually combative aspect to it and used a lot of hand strikes.