View Full Version : Twenty rep squats

11-18-2002, 07:51 PM
I just added a twenty rep squat to the program. Today I churned out a set and followed with some pullovers. It left a nice bar shaped mark across my upper back.

It's been a while since I tried this. A while back I stopped squatting in favor of the trap bar deadlift. Also, I'm not of the habit of taking sets to failure so this was a change of pace.

So I assume the goal of a 20 rep squat program is to trash the lower body as thoroughly as possible. Would I need to scale back on the deadlifts at all? And is there anything I need to know about twenty rep squats to increase the effectiveness?

Keep in mind that the context here is a bulking phase.

11-19-2002, 01:24 AM
20 rep squats. Dude, you're hardcore.

If you want my advice, don't deadlift until you're done with this program. Just so you know, it's probably not a good idea to deadlift to failure, either. That's the advice of Pavel's board, and I agree with it. They are generally against high rep sets of deadlifts.

I believe the original "20 rep squat program" calls for a gallon of milk per day. Is that the one you're doing?

It's just one set of 20, right? I forgot how the program goes.

Be sure to post your results, though.

Good luck.


Ford Prefect
11-19-2002, 07:31 AM
I agree with Iron. 20-rep squats are hardcore. The only thing you may want to do after is a few sets of light Romanian DL's to trash your hammies. Make sure the backstrain isn't to much for you though. A great periodization plan I've picked up for 20-rep squats is to:

Use a 2 month cycle
Start with your 5RM - 75 lbs
Perform them twice per week adding 5 lbs per workout
By the end of the 8 weeks, you will be doing 20 reps of your old 5RM!!

Give it a whirl. ;)

11-20-2002, 02:23 PM
Is this just 20 rep squats, or the more commonly known 20 rep "breathing" squats.

Breathing sets basically mean you take the weight you normally use for 10 reps on squats and you do 20 reps. Basically you just keep going, and as you tire, you just stand there and rest for a few seconds until you can do another rep, you continue in this manner until you get to 20 and then you are done.

11-22-2002, 10:11 PM
Thanks fellas, I'll tell you how it goes if you'd like.

For now I'm taking a sabbatical. I'm having way to much fun with reduced computer usage to keep up with places like this.

Happy holidays in advance.