View Full Version : Prices

11-18-2002, 10:57 PM
How much should I expect for fairly good Kung-Fu lessons? Is something like $25/hour a ridiculous price? What do you guys have to pay for tuition and how much do you get out of it?

11-18-2002, 11:34 PM
When I took Wing Chun, it was around $75 dollars for 2 1.5 hour lessons per week, per month.

I currently take Catch Wrestling, at $50/month for 1 2 hour lesson per week, because that's all I can fit into my schedule right now. The way the gym's set up, it's around $75 for 2 per week per month.

Judo is cheap as hell, if you can find it at a YMCA or something. So's boxing. Other arts vary wildly.

Shadow Dragon
11-18-2002, 11:45 PM

I don't think it is that easy to nail down.

Prices often depend on location and size of a kwoon/dojo/dojang and if they belong to an association.

Said that if you shop around in your area you can usually get a good idea of what the average price kinda is like.
Some styles ask more than others.

Price is also not neccesarily an indicator of a McDojo or good instruction either.

Some top-Instructors teach at a school gym-hall and charge little or next to nothing, or they might have their own place with secretary, Drink bar, etc.

In short you will need to find a place that charges and teaches you what YOU think is a worthwhile price.

Hope this helps.

11-19-2002, 12:25 AM
Yeah, like SD said, they will vary. Fatherdog pays 50 a month for 1 class a week in catch. I pay 75 a month for unlimited bjj. classes are 4 days a week for 2.5 - 3.5 hours and the guys will usually meet at the gym on wed and sun also, making 6 days per week. According to gracie jiu jutsu rules, you have to charge at least 60 per month.

When I was doing longfist, I paid 80 a month for three 3 hr classes per week.

In judo, I pay 8 per month. you can usually get good judo instruction for a fairly cheap price.

Shadow Dragon
11-19-2002, 12:51 AM

Here is an example of what I am talking about.

Over here in Japan MA seems to be rather cheap.
On average the charge seems to be along 2.000 ~ 6.000 Yen a month for 4~8 1.5~2hrs lessons.

Many Instructors over here don't have their own places but rather teach at different locations at fixed times of the week, most of those locations tend to be in rented school gym halls or similar.
If they teach at a sports gym fee ususally works out as: MA Fee + Gym Fee = expensive.

Most of those Guys hold a day-time job and teach MA as part-time.

My current Sifu/Style currently charges between 500 Yen (McDee Happy Meal) to 5.500 Yen a month depending on location.

Than we the have other places that charge up to 6.000Yen per lesson at a fixed location (permanent Dojo/kwoon)
or some JMA Koryu that been charging 3.000yen a month now for the last 30+ yrs, those often own their location.

Most of those are paid on a monthly cash basis with 1 month joining fee and NO contracts or other obligations.


11-19-2002, 01:12 AM
I pay £30 per month and that includes 3, 2 hour lessons a week, which works out at £2.50 a lesson, my instructor also has drop in sessions at his home for £ 5 an hour and also private lesson lessons at around £15 an hour ( the tip is to go to the morning drop in then book a private 2, hours for £20)
We also have a monthly fight club that is £10 per session, mainly due to cost of hiring the sports centre.

Stone Monkey
11-19-2002, 01:34 AM
I paid $523 Canadian for my yearly membership (~$44 per month) at my current school - That's classes 3 times a week for 1 - 2 hours.

quiet man
11-19-2002, 05:58 AM
I pay 50$ a month (3*2 hours per week).
BTW, average salary here in Croatia is around 500$.

11-19-2002, 12:29 PM
Geez, quiet man, that's 10% of your salary! :(

I think the average in the U.S. should be about $5/ group lesson. If you take 3 lessons a week, that's $60/month. That monthly rate is higher or lower depending on the cost of living for your area and the number of classes available per week.

Moving from Orlando to Boston, (I'm in the same system, though), my tuition has gone up because the rents are astronomically higher here. However it's nowhere near $25 a lesson.

Unless you're talking about private lessons. Then that's a pretty good rate.

11-19-2002, 01:27 PM
Our school is $200 a year. Classes are held three times a week and I reckon it's a good price.

11-19-2002, 04:12 PM
Approximately AU$700/year unlimited training (up to 5 classes per week). AU$12 per class on a casual basis.

11-19-2002, 04:31 PM
mine's a bit 'spensive, but since i teach, i don't pay nuttin. :)

11-19-2002, 04:59 PM
I will prob. start a program in the next 2 years in Northern VA area...prob. $50 a month for 2 classes a week. I will teach striking 1 class and grappling the other class. HOWEVER...I will teach privates for $50 a session. It's about the BLING. Hell u have peeps paying a $100 private lesson for golf!

Shadow Dragon
11-19-2002, 06:24 PM
quiet man.

10% of your income that is steep. :eek:

My lessons per month come less than 0.6% of my income.


Water Dragon
11-19-2002, 06:30 PM
I don't have to pay!!!!

Well, I don't have to pay money anyway. That reminds me...

MonkeySlap, I got the e-mail and yes, I am bringing the first born son. Yes, I know we have a deal and no, I'm not trying to back out.

I do get one more guess though...


11-19-2002, 10:08 PM
Originally posted by Shadow Dragon
My lessons per month come less than 0.6% of my income. '

Well, $50/month is less than 2% of my income.

That's what happens when you major in computer science, though. :D

Unlimited classes at my gym is about $100/month, if I recall. However, since I can only fit in 1 class a week at the moment, that's not much use to me. At some point in the near future, I hope to start training more frequently.

Shadow Dragon
11-19-2002, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by FatherDog
That's what happens when you major in computer science, though. :D

Glad I never did that, my salary would be lower than what I am getting as a SE/Consultant.
:D :p :D

BTW, I feel your pain of only 1 lesson per week.
But still manage to get in 1 ~1.5 hrs training before heading to the ol Desk.


11-20-2002, 01:53 AM
americans seem to pay on average the same amount in $u.s. that canadians pay in $can. i think you americans are getting ripped off.

cha kuen
11-20-2002, 03:09 AM
Americans pay about 80$ a month for 2-3 times a week/ Of course there are exceptions!

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quiet man
11-20-2002, 05:57 AM
Geez, quiet man, that's 10% of your salary!

10% of your income that is steep.

Wait a minute, I said AVERAGE salary, not MY salary! FYI, I happen to be filthy rich! :D ;) .
No, just kidding...; however, my household's income is somewhat larger (about 1800$, give or take a hundred), but 50$ IS considered to be rather expensive here. I don't care though; I'd pay even more for WC, if necessary.

11-20-2002, 10:34 AM
$80CAN a month for me and my son.


11-20-2002, 12:11 PM
Mine's about $70/month for 3 wait no 4 classes a week now for P/T Kali. Each class is 1.5 hours. Of course it's cheaper if you pay for 6-12 months at a time.