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View Full Version : Inversion Therapy / Gravity Boots?

11-19-2002, 08:05 AM
Just got myself a cheap pair of gravity boots. :D

What do all of you think about these things, and hanging upside down in general? What are the benefits? Are there any dangers?

Also, does anybody have any cool exercises to do while inverted? I've tried a few hanging situps, but aside from that I've just been enjoying the strangeness of dangling completely upside down. What else can I do with these things? :confused:

11-19-2002, 01:08 PM
the reverse of the deltoid exercise where you straightarm lift dumbbells straight out and up to shoulder level, making a "T" with your body.

doing them upside down should get your lats and such.

depending on how much ankle and knee mobility the boots give you, try to bend your knees and bring your butt up to your heels.

11-20-2002, 07:20 AM
I tried the butt-to-knees exercise yesterday - it's pretty difficult.

The one with the dumbells I can't really do at the moment because my bar is mounted in a doorway.

Thanks for the suggestions, I'm having loads of fun with these things. I think I'm getting addicted to hanging upside down. It feels good on my spine, like it's being stretched out. It's a bit like Pavel's hanging spine decompression, except the other way up.

I've read some warnings against gravity boots though, mentioning things like bleeding retinas.. that kind of thing. :eek:

11-20-2002, 07:48 AM
Originally posted by wooha
I tried the butt-to-knees exercise yesterday - it's pretty difficult.

Christ Tom, if you can get your backside to touch your knees, then you're flexibility routine has definately paid off. :D

Seriously though, hanging situps is a cracking core stability excercise. You'll have pavel-style abs of steel in no time.

11-20-2002, 08:51 AM
Oh yeah.. didn't spot that one. Heels I mean. :o

I'm getting pretty good at the hanging situps. Mind you I've been attempting Pavel's standing ab wheels and dragon flags for a while, so I'm getting there with the abs of steel. I haven't checked to see if they're bullet proof yet though. :D

11-21-2002, 07:14 PM
I also own an inversion device. I was told its not good/healthy to be inverted for more than 3 or four minutes, at most twice a day.

11-22-2002, 07:02 AM
Well that's ok, I can't take much more than three minutes of hanging upside down before my head starts to feel weird.