View Full Version : Bruce Lee's Ab Routine

11-19-2002, 06:41 PM
I read this in The Art of Expressing the Human Body a book about Bruce Lee's training methods. Just thought I'd see what you guys think.

1. 20 full situps
Need I explain more?

2. leg raises
On back lift legs 18 in past parallel.

3. 50 standing twist
With light bar across back of shoulders, bend down and touch left with right foot, then stand, bend down touch right with left foot.

4. frog kicks
Hang from chinup bar and raise knees to touch chest.

5. 20 side bends
Standing with weight.

Lee would usually repeat sets but usually would pick three of these a day.

11-19-2002, 09:48 PM
I think, oops, I mean know, that Bruce's ripped abs were more the result of his low bodyfat than of any particular exercises he did.

Most people's ab routines are more than adaquate, they just don't concentrate enough on reducing bodyfat.


Ford Prefect
11-20-2002, 05:37 AM
He also did different exercises and is pretty famous for his version of the flag. That book is just a compilation of different notes. If it says John Little, just put it down. ;)

11-20-2002, 05:58 AM
i also heard he used to just sit in a kinda v-up position while he was watchin tv ans stuff. i cant remember where i heard it or if its even true.

11-20-2002, 12:24 PM
and ryu's not handy to give bruce a call and ask him. darn leave of absence.

11-22-2002, 01:10 PM
that was his routine:

"According to some of Lee's early training notes, his daily abdominal workout included:

Waist twists - four sets of 90 repetitions.
Sit-up twists - four sets of 20 repetitions.
Leg raises - four sets of 20 repetitions.
Leaning twists - four sets of 50 repetitions.
Frog kicks - four sets of 50 repetitions."


11-22-2002, 09:35 PM
wat i know bruce never stick to one routine... i dunno i think i hav seen different version of his abs woorkout...

11-23-2002, 06:27 AM
some people do more than this today and still arent as sculpted as bruce was, Like Ironfist said, its more a result of the low body fat.....
Some people just do ab workouts similar if not harder than this and then go and pig out on a couple of 1/4 pounders and the like at McDs.....They will still have shape but usually it will be a bulkier shape.

The low body fat is not neccessarily a good thing though, it may look good but having that little bit of fat could save your life when your crossing the sahara and run out of food with just water to keep going.....lol :p

chen zhen
11-23-2002, 10:38 AM
Yeah, I'm in the sahara quite often, so I know what you're talking about...:rolleyes:

11-23-2002, 03:06 PM
It's true, if all the food were to run out, fat people would live longer than skinny people.


11-24-2002, 07:18 AM
nah, i reckon all the skinny people would feed off the fat people.

PREGNANT VIDEO (http://www.****tube.com/categories/34/pregnant/videos/1)

chen zhen
11-24-2002, 11:41 AM
But usually it's the opposite way around.


11-25-2002, 04:21 AM
Whoa this topic has gone out the window, back to bruce.....:p

Did anyone see that 2 part program called "Bruce Lee-journey of a warrior!" ? (the title may be wrong, but it its similar to this)
It was on UK discovery travel and adventure last night and was a very good show in that it had alot of lost footage....including about half an hour missing from the game of death...apparently.


11-25-2002, 08:48 AM
Survival of the fattest? :D