View Full Version : Multiple threads...!

Mr Punch
11-20-2002, 07:14 AM
Just wondered if anyone knew of a wing chun forum in these ere parts, or if there are just bunches of old women arguing multiple balls of twine (and multiple metaphors!) around their needles...!?

BTW this is a gag, and in no way do I expect any threats from any real old women on the board...

I've never met Sifus Randy Williams or Augustine Fong, and wouldn't mind practising with both of them.

Anyway, enough of this pish. Here's my SERIOUS WING CHUN KUNG-FU RELATED QUESTION:

Most forms of shaolin and its derivatives seem to have a version of the Eight Silk Brocade (AKA Eight Threads of Silk etc). Does anyone here practise a form of this in their wing chun?

A simple yes, no, or relevant information would be nice :rolleyes:

11-20-2002, 08:13 AM
No. Yit Gan Ging (Yi Jin Jing, the Tendon Change Classic) could arguably be even more "Shaolin-y" and I believe some have incorporated variations of that into their WCK.

(And FWIW, my sigung believed WCK was Yit Gan, but not Yit Gan Ging).


11-20-2002, 09:03 AM
I practiced a 'shaolin tendon change' form when i first started studying with my current teacher. I think it was kinda just to test the waters... Just makes you stronger. :)