View Full Version : UK open MA tournaments.....

11-20-2002, 11:37 AM
Anyone know when theyre on and where?

I just want to go and watch to start with and perhaps compete when I'm ready.....

any help?

Internal Boxer
11-20-2002, 01:03 PM



Also The Euro Wirral has a tournie every September with full contact sparring but it is quite limited in that it only allows, kicks, punches and throws.

Ben Gash
11-20-2002, 04:40 PM
Get a copy of Martial Arts Illustrated, most of the semi and light circuits advertise in there.

11-21-2002, 12:58 AM
thanks for the info

11-21-2002, 03:34 PM
Hey why not try San Shou?


Its run by a great lady who gets very good venues, very good refereas, and very good fighters.

She will match you up with some one who has a similar level of experiance to your self and treat you very well.

The best thing about the san shou events that Barbera runs is that they dont feel like most martial arts tornys but feel more like a great evening out.

She gets a good cross section of martial artists fighting with lots of thai boxers and kick boxers as well as kung fu guys.

Like I said great events......I think the next one is some time after Xmas, and as they are all in london they are good for you.

I didnt fight in (I think) the last 2 but will be at the next one.....If youir interested send me a PM.