View Full Version : Good News!

11-21-2002, 06:37 AM
Woman Kung Fu being all powerful...

My wife actually wants to see Shamrock-vs-Ortiz. We watched the pre-fight interviews and she's all geeked up to hopefully see Shamrock give Ortiz a good wuppin'. Her only fear is that we'll pay the $30 and it will only last a minute or Ortiz will win. Imagine how ****y he'll be if he does. Actually, he didn't come off as really that arrogant in the pre-fight interview... he's just giving the fans what they want.

Anyway, I'm pretty excited about it, anybody else going to watch?

11-21-2002, 07:24 AM
i didn't even know about it until 20 minutes ago. they interviewed rico rodriguez on the radio a minute ago. hadn't heard of him either. (i must be a little out of the loop.) but he said he'd be working ortiz' corner on saturday.

anyway, i'd love to see it. but i don't think that's going to happen.


stuart b.

11-21-2002, 08:20 AM
Seriously i think they both suck, especially Tito.

11-21-2002, 08:31 AM
you think?

i'm actually pretty impressed with tito, aside from the bad blood with the lion's den. i think that's kind of ridiculous. but i don't know enough about it to really know who's being ridiculous and why. i just know what i saw in that match with guy mezger a while back.

tito is very well spoken, from what i've seen. and his technique has got to be pretty good. mezger's no pushover, surely.

stuart b.

11-21-2002, 08:37 AM
Its exactly his technique i dislike, i mean compare his ground to Nogueira's. Compare his stand up to Vanderlei's.
Tito has good physical condition and a good base (that true), but thats it.

11-21-2002, 08:50 AM
oh, you're much better informed than i am then, xebsball. i haven't seen nogueira or silva fight yet. i haven't kept very current with the UFC, clearly. i'll defer to you on that one.


11-21-2002, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by apoweyn
you think?

i'm actually pretty impressed with tito, aside from the bad blood with the lion's den. i think that's kind of ridiculous. but i don't know enough about it to really know who's being ridiculous and why. i just know what i saw in that match with guy mezger a while back.

tito is very well spoken, from what i've seen. and his technique has got to be pretty good. mezger's no pushover, surely.

stuart b.

What happened in the fight with these two?

11-21-2002, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by Cipher

What happened in the fight with these two?

mezger and ortiz? well, i saw it a while back. and my memory sucks. but the long and short of it was that ortiz won. by submission, i think. mezger didn't do badly. but i think ortiz dominated the entire time. and mezger looked to be pretty well exhausted by the time the match was over.

after the match, however, ortiz paraded around the octagon flipping the lion's den corner the middle finger. two of them actually. i was suprised and disappointed by that. but apparently, mezger had been talking a lot of rubbish about ortiz before the match. i don't know, really. so i don't want to speculate too much.

after that, they interviewed ortiz. and i was surprised to hear that he's one of the most humble, well spoken, and down-to-earth fighters i've heard. i couldn't decide whether that somewhat negated his earlier behavior or made it that much more disappointing.

stuart b.