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View Full Version : secret chinese martial arts trraining secret: rope jumping.

11-22-2002, 09:57 AM
How do you jump rope? Why dont you jump rope? What are the different ways to jump rope and the benefits or side effects?

Slow, moderate, fast rhythm.
On one leg, both legs, switching legs, crossing legs, lifiting knees high, skimming ground with feet....
For how long? 3minute X 3, 5minute X 2, 15 min, 1 hour?


11-22-2002, 10:09 AM
shhhhh… don’t tell anyone but I jump for like 2 minute rounds and in between rounds I do KB and BWE's… but I don’t count the rounds so I really cant say for how many I do them…

Kempo Guy
11-22-2002, 10:51 AM
Here's a reply to a similar question I answered a while back:

"I'd suggest you skip for a miniumum of 20 minutes a day.
When I used to skip a lot, I'd do about 5 minutes of light skipping (2-3 skips per second), then 5 x 3-minute rounds of different skipping exercises, i.e for instance one round of alternating legs, next round skipping on left leg, next round on right, fourth with knees high, fifth with cross-overs every 10 skips etc.
Between each round I'd go back to light skipping for 1-minute or just skipping while whipping the rope on the outside of your body. After the rounds, I'd cool-down with 5 minutes of light skipping.

Be creative. These days I alternate dumbell/Kettlebell swings or snatches with skipping, which had turned out to be a killer workout.

Hope it made sense..."

I also do this type of a workout quite frequently:

10 x 10 - Snatches, Swings or Clean & Jerks
10 x 1 minute of Jump Rope (weighted rope at 2-3 skips/second)
10 x 10-20 - push-ups (I use push-up handles with my feet elevated)
10 x 5-10 pull-ups