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11-24-2002, 02:17 PM
I am not experienced in fights at all!! But during these few situations when it nearly came to a fight, I always felt very excited and tense. I really felt the adrenalin rushing through my veins.

When I thought about it afterwards, I came to the question if I could use ANY of the things I learned at my MA school. Especially in my style (Tai Chi Praying Mantis) it is very important to be absolutely relaxed and concentrated. How can you be that, when you are in a fight? I am not this sort of guy who has fights every week so I can't really "get used to it".

How do you guys react in these situations? Any tipps how to be a

Greets TCS

11-24-2002, 02:48 PM

I think its somthing thats hard to learn its just the way you are.

May be doing lots of high pressure training will prepare you but the only way to really learn to use your MA on the street is to get into lots of street fights.....and I would not advise that to anyone.

11-24-2002, 03:47 PM
spar full contact - Also, train with people you aren't familiar with. Don't go into a school challenging people, but be polite and ask to train and spar. We had a wrestler come to bjj today just because he wanted experience bjj. he was walking by and saw us, and he stopped and politely asked if he could roll with us. There's no harm in it. The adrenaline factor is there though, because you don't know who the guy is, how he fights, if he's better, if he will actually try to hurt you, etc.

Try doing alot of reality scenario drills. Ryuhad a post a few months back that outlined several. Of course none of these things I've metioned are the equivalent of actual fighting, but it will teach you to deal with things like adrenaline rush and staying relaxed and focused while under attack and/or after you've been hit.

11-24-2002, 05:19 PM
Adrenalin is a positive thang. It makes u stronger and more aware of danger. HOWEVER...I advise u in a VERBAL ALTERCATION if it gets too overbearing to say this one sentence to the guy...


Now the ball is in his court to either make a move or shut up and back down. Either way u won't get caught up in a verbal altercation and surprise sucker punch. I remember saying this to one guy who was talking trash to me...and I just decided...****...I'm scared...I'm pumped...guess I'm going to have to fight...so I said MAKE A MOVE THEN...well I manage to get into a sidestance and waited and waited...at which point I noticed his body language and fear. At which point I knew I had him...he wasn't looking for a fight...just looking to punk me out in front of his friends. LOL.

11-24-2002, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by TaiChiStorm
[BAny tipps how to be a
STEVEN SEAGAL :cool: ?? [/B]

Well, first you'll need to grow your hair out and increase your daily intake of donuts...

11-24-2002, 07:19 PM
I hear you, TaiChiStorm.

The thing is that you fight as you train.

If you train to be "absolutely relaxed and concentrated", then that's what you'll try to do when confronted.

Not all styles train this way, of course.

Many other styles (e.g. Hung Ga with its Iron Wire Set) train to MAXIMIZE and FOCUS that adrenaline rush.

Ging Mo Fighter
11-24-2002, 10:57 PM
when you feel the adrenaline you need to decide at that moment

whether to fight, or run.

if you run, its going to help, ALOT.

if you fight, then try and control the fight as much as you can, and try and be relaxed (which can be extremely hard)

at this point, enter the power of "internal arts" :)

11-25-2002, 02:51 AM
Thanks to all of you!!
I am looking forward to the next situation when I say "Make a move then!!
You see.....I am not very experienced in sparring and even in MA generally ,I would say. I had a thread at the very beginning of my membership, which was about my problem with my MA school.
We don't do so much sparring, or even partner excercises. I always try to ask the guys to do it with me...but however, it is not very much.
These days, I realise an improvement of myself: I start having a feel for partner training. I don't know why, but it's getting better.
I agree that adrenalin can be positive as well if you are able to concentrate and focus.
Seven Star ,I will take your advice and go to another MA school next time. Perhaps some modern TKD.
Thanx again...

Repulsive Monkey
11-25-2002, 05:37 AM
Why on earth would you want to be anything like him????

It takes training but when you have cultivated Sung then you will find that your Qi does not easily ascend upwards and your adrenal glands will be less wreckless in their issuing of Adrenaline in fight like situations.

But please do not use Segal as a role model. This is totally low level.

Former castleva
11-25-2002, 06:34 AM
Well I know many ppl who love him.
Just go to www.stevenseagal.com if it´s working already.
He is nice and annoying,all at the same time.

When I try to analyze your question,it seems that everything coming to my mind is mostly medical facts which I do not know if you really care about...
But I think learning to relax well is certainly valuable.
Biggest problems you might encounter during a threat might just be your very own emotions and schock.
Fear and confusion may cause your technique,strength and focus all fade away...as it seems that you are practicing an art which deals with this,even heavily,I think you might develop a good take on it.
It is all natural to become "pumped up" during any stressful situation,in a physical conflict part of those physical effects are desirable while part of them,undesirable.
You´ll develop more strength,speed,tolerance but also reduce your motor skills,tremble and exaggerate the situation to point some things out.
I suggest you could benefit from reading some of the medical statistics and information from web,recommended.
Besides this,to turn it into a few words...
Eventually in a situation you described,it may be very different from kwoon setting.Your reptilian brain (which is an age old brain from animals) will rule the situation and develop the "killer instinct" necessary to focus on the situation.
While a situation like that may make on freeze,your training may pay off and you will feel grounded and able to turn the tables,so to speak.Proper breathing exercises&patterns will also be of help,in an art like yours,I´d believe you would learn to calm down naturally and use this to your advantage.
You may also try mental visualization exercises.

I do not know if this might be what you are after,hopefully to a point.

11-25-2002, 08:11 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by TaiChiStorm
[B]Thanks to all of you!!
I am looking forward to the next situation when I say "Make a move then!!
You see.....I am not very experienced in sparring and even in MA

While I don't doubt that this phrase has worked for LEGEND, you have to be extremely careful of upping a potential fight that you're not ready for. A lot of times people don't necessarily want to fight and only want to make their ego feel better in a given situation. Having confident yet diplomatic de-escalation skills is important here, not "challenging" tones or words.

You see, IF someone doesn't necessarily want to fight but feels that his ego is on the line, and you DON'T give him a possible way for him to recover it, then more times then not you'll bring him into the fight even though he may not have wanted to.

If you are going to say "make a move then!" you'd better be damm sure you are experienced enough in fighting to take on the possible consequences. If you have no fight experience, people who DO fight can usually tell.
Now some people may just be trying to look tough, and if you say "make a move!" they will possibly back down when given the challenge............ but some individuals will slam you in the face before you can finish that sentence. Be careful. Fighting ego with ego brings in a lot of unstrategic elements. This may be hard for some to accept, but you're going to have to in order to be realistic in your training and your altercations.

This is not to say cower, and act submissive in the face of a threat, because this too can trigger an assault. What you need is cool and diplomatic skills in the situation. You should look like you don't want to go through the hassle of a physical fight, but are still confident about yourself in the situation. Don't get angry, don't insult, don't challenge.

Try to take the anger levels down, and if that simply can't work, then you may decide whether to throw the first blow of the fight, and take it from there.

Here is an example of how fights start.
I'll use a real example of something that happened to me recently.

I'll include the real version and an "ego" version.......

First the "ego" version.
some men are bowling in a local bowling alley. One man is bowling in a lane next to the other two. He's been driking a bit too much, and one of the men next to him is ignorant about "bowling etiquette." and constantly bowls without giving the man next to him the right of way.
Finally the drinking man comes up to the other man.
"Hey you can't be just going everytime like that!" he says.
The third man (seeing the trouble happening) comes right up into the drinking man's face.
"You got a damm problem? Man?" he says.
The drinking man, now being challenged, is forced to stand his ground.
"Your friend keeps cutting me off when I'm about to bowl!"
"You ask nicely then, don't come around yelling at us, you understand??" the third man orders.
Now things have turned ugly. The drinking man has no way of avoiding the fight because he MUST (in his mind) defend his ego.
"You got a F*%# problem with me? I'll yell at you if I F*&%$ feel like it, bi1ch!"
"Make a move then!!" the third man exclaims.
Just then the drinking man launches a sucker punch that glances off the third mans' jaw. They clinch, throwing haymakers at each other, and end up falling over the ball return device....

Now.... here's the same situation again. This one happened to me personally. My friend was Japanese, didn't speak English all that well, and didn't know the rules of letting other bowlers go first.

The drinking man came up to my friend.
"Hey you're not supposed to be going evertime like that, man!"

Seeing the potential trouble, I put myself in between my friend and the drinking man. I kept my hands in front of my chest, and began calmly scratching my elbow, rubbing my hands together, etc. (this is a passive encroachment stance, where your hands are now up to protect against sucker blows, etc. but are not threatening in any way.)
The drinking man looked at me.
"He keeps going before I can go!."

I nod my head, and keep a confident presence about myself.
"Oh, my bad." I nodded. "I'll let him know. I don't think he knows."

The drinking man looked at me, then him, then me again.
"Okay... well thanks." the drinking man nodded. He then even smiled.

"No problem." I nodded back with a confident smile, and we returned to bowling.

No problems throughout the night.

MOST fights happen because people are simply "afraid" in the encroachment and think that "showing their bravery" means they have to challenge and act 'tough'.

There's no easier way to get into a fight .........


11-25-2002, 09:58 AM
good post.

11-25-2002, 10:23 AM

I like that but I think it would work better if you hit the guy on the just as you are saying the 'V' in move:D

11-25-2002, 03:35 PM
Actually I forgot to mention to take a STEP BACK before u say that...if u stand toe to toe...face to face than as RYU predicted can occur.

A lot of fights happen due to the sucker punch! The show Maximum Exposure had FIGHT CLUB episode...real video footage of fights that showed guys during verbal altercation then POW. Try to get some distance far enuf to make it work for you. Unlike traditional sparring when u bow or they say kumite etc...u expect to spar or fight. In Western society...street fighting is based on the verbal altercation which can be a distraction...which can cause u to lose focus..."make a move" statement actually was taught to me 5 years ago by a JKD instructor...it's design to give u oppt. to set up for a fight in your stance and put the ball in the OTHER court. It helps to have NOs too! :)

11-25-2002, 03:45 PM
RYU in incorrect!

This statement...MAKE A MOVE is a high percentage statement...do not be blinded by RYU's way. He is a peaceful man...notice what he did for his friend. He descalated the situation. By taking advice from me...u will learn how to truly fight...remember..."Tai u're a WARRRRRRIORRRRRRRRRR!"..."You will break hearts...break bones...and break spirits!"..."no mercy ****it!"..."I love the smell of blood in the morning!"
Within 6 months of my birth...I fought in the jungles on NAM...I enjoyed killing...sometime I will pop up against american gis and say..."Moke a MAVE"...back then my english was not good! Of course I retreated when they called in air strikes...but hell. Learn from me...and me alone...VIETNAMESE JUJITSU.

11-25-2002, 03:54 PM
Uhhh LEGEND, your VietCong Man persona is trying to get out again...... it reminds me of the Green Goblin in Spiderman :D

The whole "make a move" statement even when stepping back STILL gives the opponent ample time to decide whether he wants to fight you or not. If it's someone huge and I'm not sure if I can defeat, I'd rather not have him decide to "square" off with me. :)

I'd much rather smash him when he's not expecting it, straightblast him, or nail him with hooks, headbutts, knees, a bodyslam, whatever.
I don't want him deciding to fight me. If I'm going to be forced into a fight I'd rather it be a total surprise for him.

"The firstest with the mostest is the bestest." :D


11-25-2002, 04:06 PM
Ryu...I have numerous statements...BEHOLD...

against an average size opponent...
"make a move!"
against an smaller size opponent...
against an bigger size opponent...
against an woman...

As you can see...all my statements are like the COMMANDMENTs! It should be made LAW!!! **** u and your RAPID ASSAULT TACTICAL. I have to say...us viets...we have created something similar...we call it...RRP!!! RAPID RETREAT PLAN!!!

11-25-2002, 04:16 PM
against an bigger size opponent...
against an woman...


I can't really argue with that logic now can I? ;)
I bend to the will of the Mysterious Vietnamese Superhero. Do me a favor and beat the hell out of Sean Penn, will you?? :D
Just for sake of principle.

Speaking of what to say against a woman, I'm off to my girlfriend's apartment! She's writing a manual for Chinese students by Chinese students.


11-25-2002, 04:23 PM
:D Legend almost sounds like Volcano

11-25-2002, 04:34 PM
against an smaller size opponent...
against an woman...

Please ignore the smaller size opponent quote...I feel that it presents me as ROMO viet!!! so sorry...I'm not ROMO...dammnit I'm not!!!

11-25-2002, 04:46 PM
VC man is a poofter!!!! Hahaha!!!!