View Full Version : Hindu Squats

11-25-2002, 03:50 PM
What are your experiences with hindu squats?.
I had a knee MCL injury more than a year ago, and now I'm adding hindu squats to my exercises to strenght quads with 90 degrees squats.
Any advice
Any help
Thanks in advance, sorry for my english

Arhat of Fury
11-25-2002, 04:03 PM
from my understanding, hindu squats would be better to do when coming off of a injury as opposed to weighted squats. i use them to warm up before weighted squats. If your going for functional strength IMHO hindu squats are a great way to maintain strength.


11-25-2002, 04:45 PM
Stance training, various exercises your physical therapist gave you and importantly, your knee never goes over your foot in any exercise. :)

11-25-2002, 09:53 PM
do 500 of them, then do some of these: one legged squats! (http://www.mattfurey.com/exercises.html)

Ford Prefect
11-26-2002, 08:45 AM
Hey Jaza,

I had a knee injury as well. It was actually from losing form while doing hindu squats. I tried to go back to them but they would absolutely wreck my knee for weeks or, in one case, months after I tried reincorporating them. On the contrary, barbell squats built my knee up to where it feels excellent again. Each injury is different though. I'd recommend whatever you decide, to very slowly ease into it. If you do the hindu's, don't go butt-to-heel right away. Slowly build up to it. Hope all goes well with the injury. A knee brace will help too.

11-26-2002, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by Aramus
Stance training, various exercises your physical therapist gave you and importantly, your knee never goes over your foot in any exercise. :)

Except for Hindu squats.

11-26-2002, 02:58 PM
Thanks to all for your answers.
Actually I'm not going to low and I'm too weak still to go ne legged squats.
I'm using a brace to velocity exercises, but I haven't still return to kicking.
Anyone have used a hinged brace, with extensive kicking, problems with the sweat in the brace a turn of it?( that's happen to me in sunny days while running).
I think it could be dangerous in a training situation, that's why I havent tried before,

11-26-2002, 03:31 PM
Fa_jing point taken. I don't do the hindu squats yet (not recommeded after surgery- ACL reconstructive and MCL scope).

One more exercise is to stand on a stepping board. Using one leg, take a step down (side-ways is easier than as if going down steps) slowly lowering yourself to the floor and back up again. Your knee on your balancing leg should not go over your foot. Add more on the steps to add to difficutly. One legged squats are good as well.