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11-26-2002, 10:56 PM
I just went to the gym for the first time in three weeks. I've been such a slacker. Oh, no, wait, I mean I've had a ton of school projects to do. It was squat night. Yeah!

Here's what I'm eating:

Hungry Man XXL: Backyard Barbeque
Two Tyson Chicken Breasts, two boneless rib shaped pork patties, mashed potatoes, barbeque sauce.

Fat:............... 46g (70%)
...Sat. Fat:..... 17g (84%)
Cholesterol:.. 190mg (64%)
Sodium: .........2940mg (123%)
Carbs: ...........127g (42%)
...Fiber: ..........6g (23%)

mmmmm :D

I don't usually eat this one all the time, but I do usually after doing squats.

Actually, I've never been able to finish it all in one sitting before. I usually leave one pork patty for the next day, along with a little bit of mashed potatoes.

I don't mind the 46g of fat. The 17g of sat. fat isn't that great, however, but I haven't eaten that much today so I don't mind.
The sodium is a bit high, but I drink a lot of water.
Carbs, it's fine.
Protein: 55g is good for one meal.

--This next section is for hungry college students without a lot of money--

What's the best part? The WalMart in my college town sells these for $3.78. In grocery stores it's like $5.50. The normal Hungry Man dinners at my WalMart are $2.50, and like $4 or something at grocery stores. The normal Hungry Man dinners are a better value (calories per dollar), but I like this dinner so I buy it. You can get around 800 calories for $2.50 with a normal Hungry Man. And that's not all fat, either. Lots of protein and carbs, too. And the normal ones come with vegetables. I recommend Hungry Man dinners to college students.


11-26-2002, 11:01 PM
Update: I just finished it for the first time in one sitting. it took like 40 minutes, tho! My sixpack is still smiling.

I am proud of myself. And I'm full :D


Qi dup
11-27-2002, 05:02 PM
Holy crap that's a lot of sodium!:)

11-27-2002, 05:37 PM
I second Ironfist.

I have finished them in one sitting before, but I think Im a bigger guy then you are.

They also sell bags of soy beans in albertsons and ralleys and other market stores. Thats like 200g protein for like 1$. Economy!

11-27-2002, 05:40 PM
Want to talk about Protein Economy? 1 sitting at an all you can eat sushi bar will beat out anything.

Qi dup
11-27-2002, 08:47 PM
How about an all you could eat steak dinner? Soy? (http://www.testosterone.net/html/body_143soy.html)

11-28-2002, 12:38 AM
I try not to eat red meat, but, steak does taste good.


11-28-2002, 07:27 AM
moms home made meat lasagna and pasta;)

11-28-2002, 07:43 AM
IronFist, do you avoid lean red meat? If so, why?

11-28-2002, 11:01 AM
I avoid red meat as well. Maybe a little bit each week because of social and family crap.

Whats the benefit of lean red meat, just no fat? Regardless of what the real difference is Im sure the body still processes it just the same. (Slowly and ineffeciently, plus some other stuff that ironfist would probably love to explain.)

Former castleva
11-28-2002, 12:55 PM
Red meat can be contaminated,fat,toxic hormones including in some cases,hard to digest,"confusing" etc.
Not many reasons there to use it when you can as well use something else,thatīs just me-along with vegetarians.

Qi dup
11-28-2002, 01:56 PM
you say hormones like its a bad thing!:)

11-28-2002, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by Former castleva
Red meat can be contaminated,fat,toxic hormones including in some cases,hard to digest,"confusing" etc.
Not many reasons there to use it when you can as well use something else,thatīs just me-along with vegetarians.

Vegetable lover!

11-29-2002, 12:00 AM

11-29-2002, 12:59 AM
i hate dead bodies be it red or black :D :p

11-29-2002, 01:29 AM
Originally posted by OneStrike
IronFist, do you avoid lean red meat? If so, why?

I try to. What's a "lean red meat?" Do you mean just red meat that has the fat cut off?

The mains reasons I try not to eat it are because I've heard that red meat is the hardest thing for your body to digest. They also say that adults have varying amounts of undigested red meat sitting around in their intestines throughout their lives. I've heard up to 10-20lbs in some cases.

Also, ground beef is not the safest thing to eat.

I wish I had some evidence to confirm the thing about the red meat staying in your intestines, though.


11-29-2002, 02:22 AM
I have evidence somewhere Ironfist. Im sure I have even read this on KFO before.

Red meat is digested very slowly (ineffecietly). Most people eat red meat in larger portions then the body can deal with in a reasonable amount of time (determined by.... you!) So the body's solution is to wrap the undigestable (for the time being) red meat (and other stuff of course, like a bunch of potatos, butter, steack sauce, random herbs, bleh...) in some sort of nasty internal wrapping paper, and then get back to the red meat when the body has the time and energy. Depending on thousands of variables, it could take your guts anywhere from a few hours, to days, even weeks - before you actually breakdown all the red meat. Many aspects of this process strike me as unhealthy for one, and great way to lose a whole bunch of priceless energy. IMO, anyways.

11-30-2002, 09:57 PM
Lean red meat:


I think the term "lean" just suggests that the product has less than a certain percentage of fat by weight.

12-01-2002, 12:00 PM
all this crap about not eating red meat is just a bunch of girly talk.

a big uncooked hamburger is my favorate thing to eat after lifting ..... besides beer that is.

12-01-2002, 12:45 PM
Personal health issues notwithstanding, I avoid red meat because I find raising cattle a very inefficient use of land resources.