View Full Version : A "view" of streetfighting from a "skinhead"... WARNING... EXTREMELY offensive..

12-02-2002, 08:06 AM
I came across this at Rich's site. It's a post taken from a "skinhead" site. It is very offensive, and I only post this to show the severity of some "streetfighters" in the real world. Remember that not everyone you may have to defend yourself from will be the "annoying drunk at the bar."

There are dangerous people out there... make sure you know that before getting into fights..... (preaching to the choir, I know)

************************************************** ****

(originally taken from

Have we, as a subculture, forgotten what it means to be a skinhead? Sure, it's about good music, loyal friends, and good times, however, more importantly, its about racial preservation and ****geny. I have been a skinhead for a LONG time, and have seen a lot of bull**** come and go, trying to pass itself off as skinhead values and traditions. Why do we shave our heads, and dress like murderers? It's simple. Being a skinhead is a final lifestyle change that essentially claims "I am white, I am sick of this Jewish and Mud bull**** around me, I am not going to take any ****, I will beat your ass, I will die for my race." That is what being a skinhead is about.

**** this spirit of '69 bull****. In my opinion, you can only be a "traditional" skin, or a "racist" skin. This S.H.A.R.P. and A.R.A. bull**** which is manifesting itself on today's streets is completely Jewish bull****. I have never met a "traditional" skin, which would not drink, or hang out with my friends and myself. 'Traditional" skinheads are trapped in the closet. I have met over a hundred, and everyone said something to the effect "Yeah I am racist..but..." Fine, its ok in my book to remain non-political, however should one of these so called "traditional" skins be anti-racist, they are full of ****, and must be beat to the ground. Never have one of these sharp of ara pieces of **** taken a stand for their beliefs. Every one of these drug addict pieces of **** I have encountered have easily been beaten to the ground. **** them. They are a joke, and should never upset a real skinhead, as they will easily fall before you.

Lets now talk about the essence of a skinhead; tenacity and violence. How many of you reading this have been in a fight in the last five years? How many have ever been in a fight outside of high school. You need to ask yourself these questions, and ask yourself if you really have what it takes to call yourself a skinhead. As a skinhead, you should not take **** from anyone. I do not care if there are multiple people, you simply do not take **** from them. So what if you get your ass kicked? So what if you get killed? If you have the aggressive spirit I, and numerous others have, neither of the above will happen to you. How violent are you? How much do you believe in our cause? If some ******* at the grocery store makes a comment such as "Seek Help", do you immediately beat him to the ground? Do you have the animal inside you? Can you do anything it takes?

Remember, the reason ******s are so violent is that they still have the ability to tap into animal instinct, and somewhat lack the ability to turn it off. This is a product of natural selection, and results because ******s are so far behind whites, and every other race for that matter, in an evolutionary sense. Whites can turn on the inner animal, although it takes a bit of practice. It's essentially what the military does to all of its infantry and spec ops. They simply train the soldier until the beast can be turned on. This is the same reason that many of you have never met a "normal" marine, and why most of them act like murderers. You, as a skinhead, must turn on the inner animal in order to do what other may deem as impossible, sickening, depraved, and insane.

It takes only minimal training to turn on the inner animal, it is only a matter of breaking the psychological barrier. Have you ever had dreams where you were punching in slow motion, regardless of what your dream opponent could do? This is a psychological manifestation of the constraints of the inner animal. We are generally unable to access the inner animal because of environmental conditioning, and natural selection, in that we have not needed our inner animal for thousands of years. Only a minimum of training is necessary before it can be accessed.

What the hell is the inner animal? I have invented this silly name for it because it does not have a name. Some call it instinct, others call it animal instinct. This allows you to do what is unspeakable in today's culture. What can the it do for you? Accessing the inner animal results in the following:

Lack of fear
Ability to inflict depraved actions onto another
Ability to kill without reflection or remorse.
If you can turn on the inner animal, you will be able to, unarmed, beat much stronger, more aggressive opponents. If you are willing to do what it takes to win a fight, you will not lose, although you have to break through the psychological barrier to achieve these goals. The ability to tap into the inner animal will keep you alive in the streets, in prison, and in revolutionary times.

What do I mean by "the ability to inflict depraved actions onto another?" I'll tell you by asking you the following questions.

Could you claw out an opponents eyes and scrape the pink muscle of the eye socket while optical fluid pours over your hands. Could you stand the "underwater popping sound" as the eye is torn from the optic cord?
Could you bash, stab, kick an opponent until their head caves in, their brains varnishing the floor, as their eyes are displaced from their sockets?
Could you kill thousands of people with an explosive device?
Essentially, I am asking, have you ever seen a body? Can you stand to see the mutilation of the human body without going into shock? Can you inflict the above damage on another's body without going into shock, freezing, or being hindered because of psychological preconditioning? If the answer is no, you can not yet tap into the inner animal, nor will you survive long in what the future will surely bring. If the answer is yes, you will most likely never loose another fight, and you will indeed be an asset to our cause.

Unarmed Combat
This is happy fun. This is what most people ask me about. If you have the "inner animal" you can be a great fighter. I will go into several places to attack and how to go about it.

Attack first! Do not defend yourself, if you are attacking at full force, you will not need to, your opponent will be defending himself.
Use the highest amount of force in the weakest point of your opponent.
Keep attacking until your opponent is out cold or dead.
You have to ask yourself one question before a fight takes place: Can I take this *******?

If the answer is yes, then fight as you always have, if the answer is no, or you are really ****ed, then unleash the inner animal!


My favorite targets are the knee, throat, and eyes.

Kick the knee and shins, when you are wearing steel toes as you should (Hey we wear them for a reason dip****), then you will break bone. If you can do a side kick or a sharp front kick to the knee, the fight is over, REGARDLESS of how fat or big your opponent is. There is not much of a fight after you rip the ligaments and tendons from his knee. You will at the most be fighting a hopping mark!

Chop at the throat, or squeeze if wrestling. A hard chop will kill. You can also hit the back of the neck, but unless you are really strong you will not kill.

The eyes. It takes the inner animal to tear out eyes. I do not care if you are fighting Thor, tear out an eye and its over. Use your thumbs or index and middle finger. Press until you feel bone, then "scoop" the eye out. The thumb is not as effective as the index and middle finger however, but you can still roll a ****** by using it. The eye will probably leak, and slightly bulge. This is usually enough to stop the fight and put your opponent into shock. Using the fingers you can actually tear an eye completely out of the socket. Any eye attack is hard to do because of psychological barriers. Try finding a dead cat, bird, etc, and tearing its eyes out. Its ****ing hard! If you can tap the inner animal it becomes a breeze.

If someone is grabbing you, break their finger, and rip it off. Once a finger breaks you need only fight the tendon/ligaments, and the skin.

Bite. Bite anything vital you can, usually fingers, nose, and throat. A GOOD bite will kill on the wrist or side of the neck. A nose bitten off will result in shock if the opponent is not drunk.
As I said, the eyes are the best place to go, but you have to be mentally prepared to do it. When striking, avoid a closed fist, instead use your palm on the nose.

12-02-2002, 08:08 AM

Post fight:

There are several fun things to do when you beat someone to the ground.

**** on their face
**** on their face (Not recommended if you have to walk home!)
Curby or Curbie depending on where you are from. I am AMAZED that Norton did one to the ****** in American History X! It is odd that the movie was so cool and accurate, yet at the same time sucked and was inaccurate. A Curby is simply placing an opponent's open mouth on a curb, then kicking his head in a downward kick to knock out all of his teeth. Kicking can break the neck though, especially in the heat of the moment. Instead, I prefer to jump up and use both hands to press the head down, right where a jew wears his yahmaka. This will do the job without landing you in jail for murder should you get caught.
I have covered the major items I, and most other people use. Everything listed works, and you will never lose a fight using the above methods unless you are a complete cripple. Remember, go for the eyes, and wear steel caps. If you end up in a county jail you still have weapons on your feet, as they take away everything else. Boots are essential. Depending on where you are, there will be a lot of mud in the county jail. Rip their asses apart and kick until they are out. Any questions or suggestions are welcome. The above is based on military and personal research, and actually works. Nothing else does, and although I have taken years of martial arts, I now consider it bull**** and ineffective. Stick to the above and you will never loose.

Additional Rules:

Always ****ing run after a beat down, regardless if anyone is around or not.
Never call or talk to the police for ANY reason. Simply be silent, or say "I have nothing to say to you" over and over.
Don't kill unless your life was threatened first, or you can get away with it.
Never let a cop in your home without a warrant. They are like vampires, and can't come in unless you invite them.
If you are going to go out and roll some muds, do it alone, people talk.


First of all, get yourself a good knife: Benchmade, Ka-Bar (Marine Issue), Spyder Co (Police or Military model - What I carry). Benchmade makes some great automatics, however if you live in a gay state, stick to Spyder co, the police model is great. Go for the serrated edge, as it will almost cut an arm off. I cut a 22" shark in half with one swing of a Spyder co police model! They are not to be ****ed with. The police model also comes with a synthetic handle, which is easier to hold then the steel one I have.

When fighting, slash at the insides of the arms, as all the veins and arteries are there. For the lower body, slash at the insides of the crotch, or the back of the knee. You can also stab the groin for added measure. For the upper body slash at the sides of the neck, or drive the knife into the base of the neck, under the adam's apple. Stab or slash at the eyes if you can. If behind the opponent, cut his throat, or stab him in the kidneys. Every other spot is a waste of time.

However DO stab at these "wastes" if that is all you can get, remember, the purpose of a knife is to bleed your opponent to death, so open a vein and save some time. Expect to get cut during a knife fight. If you are wearing a jacket, take it off and wrap it around your off arm, and use it as a shield. Constantly kick at your opponent's knees to get him off balance, then move in for the kill.

If using a knife against a person wielding a club, bat, etc, take off your flight, and whip your jacket at his weapon, especially when he/she swings it at you. This will slow it down a lot. Take a slowed hit if you must, sure, it will hurt, but you have a knife, so open a vein! It will all be over soon.

Very few people can take a major cut without freaking out or going into shock. It will take a few seconds though. Remember, even if you destroy a victim's heart with a shotgun, they can still move for 10-15 seconds and kill you!

If you are injured, remember. The ****** must die, you are doing good for your city and your future children. This is usually enough to give you a "second wind". Or yell "WHITE POWER", "DIE ******!!", anything to get your adrenaline flowing.

This post is utterly sick. But it is a good example of how violent and criminal people think and how far they are willing to go.....


norther practitioner
12-02-2002, 08:14 AM
I think I speak for many.... thats freaking sick.

12-02-2002, 08:42 AM
This idiot doesn't even know the history of his own movement.

They shave their heads and wear work boots because that's what their progenitors did. They did it, not because they were racists but because they were factory workers. The movement was about having pride in being working class. You had to shave your head when you worked in the factories for safety reasons. It had nothing to do with being white.

Other than that, EEEEWWWWWWW!!!!

12-02-2002, 08:42 AM
The question I put to all of you is....

Could you kill the man who wrote that to save an innocent person?

Whomever wrote this is nothing and has nothing to lose. Actually what he has said is very Musashi. He doesn't care about death and so he wins these fights.

are you willing to put down your life to serve others? There is one positive way to know....Are you living your life to serve others? According to some old samurai texts that is the surest way to find a brave warrior in peacetime. Its the girl who volunteers at the hospital or the guy who coaches little league. People who routinely make sacrifices for their commuity.

The power of this skin head lies in his selflessness for his illusion. We too can practice this selflessness to give ourselves courage by seeing past ourselves and making daily commitments to serve our neighbors out of love and respect. That is the only way we can be a match for him.

12-02-2002, 09:20 AM
A bouncer friend of mine told me that the most hellacious fight he ever had was a run-in with two skin heads on the street. He won, but that was largely do to the brick he was able to use to knock one of them unconscious.

12-02-2002, 10:04 AM
Skinheads are living proof that humans fornicate with animals.

Ray Pina
12-02-2002, 10:17 AM
In one sense his visciousness is comendable -- he has removed all "morality" and has gone to the core: do what it takes to survive a violent encounter.

Yet on the other hand this is a sick person, because this violence seems to be something he wills or creates himself.

As a martial artist I am proud to say that I could inflict that type of damage if I had too, but I doubt I will ever find myself in a position where I will need to. A clear calm mind and a desire for peace leaves only that rare occasion where I could be jumped on the Westside coming out of an afterhours party or some other unsought occurance. That post is good enough reason to carry a knife though; I too go with Spyderco.

Train hard, be kind. Hopefully this young man will grow.


quiet man
12-02-2002, 10:26 AM
Royce would choke all the skinheads! :D

... And perhaps he should, because anyone who hates people on account of their religious beliefs, skin colour, sex, age, team they support, or any other superficial thing, is plain and simple scum of the Earth.
Come to think of it, I can't find a good reason for hate, period.

12-02-2002, 10:40 AM
Advice vs. Skinheads According to Waidan

I live a stone's throw from Huntington Beach, and I used to live in a rather nasty part of Anaheim. Skins abound. They make up a good chunk of the audience at most shows around here, and I've been witness to A LOT of fights with skins.

Most of the 'heads in my area are weaksauce. I'm sure they're big trouble in some areas, but around here they only become dangerous if they have a 5:1 advantage. Otherwise they're quite well behaved. That being said, here's a few things to consider if you are confronted by enraged bulletheads:

All the skinheads I knew growing up wore steel toes, and the shin kick and headbutt were the crux of their fighting method. Seriously, they're going to open with one or the other.

If they start sh1t with you, it's because you look weak or scared, and they think they can win. Don't bother trying to reason with them, because if they're circling up on you they're not interested in what you have to say. Pleading with them just makes things worse, it's like blood in the water to these guys. Either RUN (steel toes have many benifits, but speed isn't one of them) or if that's not an option beat the everloving crap out of the biggest guy they've got. And I mean beat him bad. Skins only respect strength, and if you beat down on the alpha male, they may rethink their choice of targets. (or they'll jump all over you and beat you senseless, but then they were going to do that anyway).

The Willow Sword
12-02-2002, 10:56 AM
the Racist C0cksucker has some valid points about survival fighting on the street. the cumw@d goes to the extreme though.
of course this IDIOT doesnt mention what to do if a gun is pulled on you. i guess the proper way for "Them" to deal with it is to take the medicine given to them.
But yes you should watch out if you are going to tangle with a skin head. 9 times out of 10 they are on drugs and thier pain receptors are dulled to the point of not feeling a d@mn thing when struck bludgeoned or shot. PCP is the drug of choice if i remember correctly.

what gets me is this shaven head thing seems to be crossing over into the other races. i have seen hispanic white black etc all shave thier heads to look like some low life piece of Sh!t gangster.
What is it with the styles of today? i mean i though wearing courdoroy and butterfly collars in the 70's was bad. now we got this "letting your pants hang off your a$$ like a dumb Sh!t" and taking a perfectly good head of hair and shaving it off looking like a complete Moron. (note: i do not extend this opinion to the males out there with pattern baldness) some guys look cool with a shiny dome. :D

12-02-2002, 11:02 AM
Thank you, Ryu. This post reminds me of why I got into the martial arts.

12-02-2002, 11:22 AM
TWS, you crack me up.

12-02-2002, 11:42 AM
Funny thing. I had a friend that looked like a skin head but wasn't,at least I don't think he was because the person was so nice to me. Bald head,steel toed boots, listened to some really crazy rock music. None the less he hung out with lot's of minorities and was called a "skinhead" once in a while by ignorant people who didn't know him, which was something he didn't really like. I kind of got the feeling that he sometimes would almost want to be a real skinhead to **** all those people off however people like me kept him sane since we didn't look at his outward appearance. I can see why some people would call him that as I live in a large Jewish community.

This reminds me of a little story when I came to the states from Colombia at age 7. I was so ignorant due to the to the lack of education I had that I didn't know what my nationality was and even thought that America was just a city that was far away. Well since I was much lighter back then I made friends with a ku klux klan member who for some reason treated me good even though I was hispanic.In this period of mines,9 or 10 years old, I didn't even know what racism was mind you. The funny part was that his buddies didn't accept me as "white" but he kept me in the group. It's amazing how hatred starts when your little,taught by parents no doubt. They taught me some stuff about how non white people are bad and have germs and diseases. Being the hungry kid I have always been I finished my meat patty and mashed potatoes in the lunchroom one day and was sitll hungry. This African-American girl didn't want hers and told me I could have hers(I think she had a crush on me :D ). Immediately my so called friend told me that black people have germs,or cooties,or something to that extent and that if I ate it I would turn into a balck person and he would never be my friend again. I just looked at him..looked at the patty...looked at the girl... looked at the patty once more and said to myself in my mind---screw this mess I'm hungry!! I gobbled up the patty and sure enough my so called friend started calling me names and inferior and all sorts of bad names. I could tell it had hurt him but I realised that the kids I was hanging out with weren't good kids. After that day foward I just hung out with other kids who explained to me who they were and why they acted that way. No one ever said anything to me about becuase they were afraid. Then soon after ward I started to hate my ex friend and his racist ways.

To tell the truth I noticed it as a cycle. Some racist offends someone. That somone in turn goes and takes his anger out on someone who he thinks is a racist but usually is not. Then that person turns racist and oppresses someone else.

Heh I was mixed up kid back in the day but I know better now. :)

Ray Pina
12-02-2002, 12:02 PM
Just realise this post is bigger then skinhead issues. This post is about random people having it in their heart to cause sever bodily harm to someone.

All shapes and sizes.

I hope that I will attain a level where I can deal with something like that without having to really hurt the person. To date I've been lucky where the street fights I've been in have been onesided, stopping when I stopped, and never continuing to the ground and kicking a down person and all that.

I love martial arts, and I enjoy hand-to-hand combat, but at the same time I never want to seriously hurt someone. Bruises and bloody noses heal in time -- even a broken bone. But someone's eyes, and life, they can't be replaced.

Guide interactions in a positive direction; even if it means taking a verbal shot.


12-02-2002, 12:05 PM
Have you ever had dreams where you were punching in slow motion, regardless of what your dream opponent could do? This is a psychological manifestation of the constraints of the inner animal.

****, I had a dream like that last night!

Those suck!!!

Not that I agree with anything this guy said, I just know about those dreams. I think I'll start a new topic about it.


KC Elbows
12-02-2002, 12:26 PM
His assessment of the dream can be correct without deferring to the insane part of his ideals. Frankly, there's a few things he said that I took note of and could find no fault with. It's his feelings that he must propagate violence and hate others that's insane, not that one must be willing to do what it takes in a violent situation. Which is why I hope to never be in such a situation. I like being civilized.

Former castleva
12-02-2002, 02:18 PM
Any disturbed one can go out and smash someone´s face in.
I think that was lacking the least amount of moral character or even good foundation on why to act in such a way.
But hopefully nobody was treating this as more than notable violent crime...

Yung Apprentice
12-02-2002, 02:22 PM
I've beat down some skinheads in my life. I've been in two different rumbles with them. Since I'm hispanic(mexican-american to be exact) and the majority of my friends are too, or black, we've had a couple encounters with them.

I remember my friend was on his bike cutting thru a park near my house. This was in the 9th grade. And some skinheads threw a bottle at his head and knocked him off his bike. They called him a spic and started to jump him. He got away (because he is small, and the fastest person I know) and came to my cousin's house thats right down the street from me. I was there too, and he told us what happened. We called up my friend who was the first one to have a car and the only one to have a liscence at that time. He's also a baseball player, so he brought a bat for everyone. We also picked up another friend who is a big S.O.B

We got down to the park, they were still there. it was 6 on 5 but we had bats, and one of them was a chick. I'll spare some details but we kicked the crap out of them. Except the chick. We let her run off.

I know this probably has nothing to do with the posts, I'm just sharing a true life story to yall!;)

Yung Apprentice
12-02-2002, 02:38 PM
The other time I rumbled with them, was at my cousin's house. We had some friends over to play some basketball.(my cousin has a portable hoop thats in his spacious driveway) This was in the 10th grade. So there is about fifteen of us.(two asians, three black folx, three white folx,and the rest were hispanic) About nine are in the house, and six including me are playing ball outside. About eight skinheads walk by, and are looking at my friend Freddie, who is black. They start saying things as they walk by. Freddie is kinda a clown, so he looks at the skinheads, does their salute, and says," Sig Heil, my white brothers!"

Boy that ****ed them off!!:D So we sart to fight them, we're holding are own, and then the cavalry came out from the inside of the house. All fifteen of us were jumping these guys. And we beat them down bad.

12-02-2002, 02:52 PM
johnny Rotten from the Sex pistols is, beleive it or not, incredibly intelligent. In his book "No Dogs, something, or irish" he makes the point that there wil ALWAYS be people like this: as long as there are 15 of them and one of you. This skinhead survival guy should just come out of the closet and get it over with:p

Ray Pina
12-02-2002, 03:01 PM
The good ol days of youth, huh. ;)

David Jamieson
12-02-2002, 05:35 PM
where's that from" confessions of a cowardly dog"?

please. primal nothing. the person is a sociopath...maybe.

prolly just some loud fingered kid spewing trash.

anyway, nothing useful there. Truth is, you either have heart, or you don't. It's the one thing you "can't" train but can only gain through experience and hard knocks.


12-02-2002, 05:53 PM
Lots of that stuff of how to fight and destroy the oponent are things i had already thought of myself (specially the pis.s on his face part, in fact im known for that one by my online friends :D ) Seductive the dark side is ;) but its very unprobable that i would get to that level of agression due to my mostly calm and diplomatic anti-warfare personality that was shaped on me during the early years of my life.
Though, i believe that in a real situatoin one of the things that can really make me flip out is racists ****s like the skinhead that wrote all that stuff. Racists are the people that pis.s me off the most out of whatever evil soma*****es category, probably due to my multiracial background.

Also on the dream thing... i used to have those when i was young, like maybe 10 years old.
But then one time i had this dream where i ripped off the heart of a vampire with my bare hands from his chest therefore killing him. Never had the slow motion fighting dream again.

12-02-2002, 05:55 PM
TWS wrote:

What is it with the styles of today? i mean i though wearing courdoroy and butterfly collars in the 70's was bad. now we got this "letting your pants hang off your a$$ like a dumb Sh!t"

Well, actually this comes from prison gangs. The idea is that the cops take all your stuff [laces, belts, etc.] so you go around looking like that all day in lock up. ppl who wear this fashion are in effect saying: "ready to go, yo! Down wit dat!" Its a challenge to authority- thus fully in keeping with all other styles of the young and troubled...

Like Skinhead fashions!

NM wrote:

Funny thing. I had a friend that looked like a skin head but wasn't,at least I don't think he was because the person was so nice to me. Bald head,steel toed boots, listened to some really crazy rock music. None the less he hung out with lot's of minorities and was called a "skinhead" once in a while by ignorant people who didn't know him

Well, there are different kinds of skins. You can usually tell them by dress codes. Racial skins tend to wear red braces over black or white tees, black boots w/red laces, or red boots with black soles. All patches and symbols repeat the red on black thing, meaning: white power [red] sujects black....

Anti-gay skins sometimes have yellow laces. Don't know much else on them. Oh, should add that a union jack in the back pocket can mean they ARE gay. Still dangerous tho.

Two-tone skins are anti-racist. They like to beat on racist skins- sometimes they wear one white, one black lace, gray shirts, braces, etc. When he's ranting about ARA and SHARP, he means [i think] Anti Racist Action * (http://www.designbytes.com/a_moscow.html) and Skin Heads Against Racial Predjudice* (http://www.skinheadrock.com/index.php?newlang=english) . These are those, as it were.

Ahg, I forgot Straight edgers- sometimes they fit close to this category....gotta keep up!

Last, you got OI! or Anarky skins. They're typically anarchists or non-political, hearkening back to working-class Ska origins. White tees, red or black braces, black boots and laces....

All this changes alot, but thats last I knew

12-02-2002, 07:26 PM
What do you mean by "braces?" Like the things you wear on your teeth?


Chang Style Novice
12-02-2002, 07:45 PM
in brit braces = suspenders in 'merican.

In brit, suspenders hold your socks up.

Brits are weird.

12-02-2002, 09:19 PM
So what if you get your ass kicked? So what if you get killed? If you have the aggressive spirit I, and numerous others have, neither of the above will happen to you. Tell that to the guys in the Boxer Rebellion that bought into the iron shirt BS. SSDD.

This is the same reason that many of you have never met a "normal" marine, and why most of them act like murderers. They do?:eek: I better start keeping my kids away from them.

Ability to inflict depraved actions onto another
Ability to kill without reflection or remorse.
If you can turn on the inner animal, you will be able to, unarmed, beat much stronger, more aggressive opponents. If you are willing to do what it takes to win a fight, you will not lose, although you have to break through the psychological barrier to achieve these goals. The ability to tap into the inner animal will keep you alive in the streets, in prison, and in revolutionary times. :rolleyes:

Attack first! Do not defend yourself, if you are attacking at full force, you will not need to, your opponent will be defending himself.
Use the highest amount of force in the weakest point of your opponent.
Keep attacking until your opponent is out cold or dead.
You have to ask yourself one question before a fight takes place: Can I take this *******?

If the answer is yes, then fight as you always have, if the answer is no, or you are really ****ed, then unleash the inner animal! Look! I've unleashed my inner animal! Grrrrrrrr! (http://www.everwonder.com/david/tacobell/yoyo.gif)

I'm not impressed by this guy and his rip off of things I've read on the Internal and WC forums.

Water Dragon
12-02-2002, 09:25 PM
Well, at least we now know that skinheads read Erle Montaigue.

12-02-2002, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by rogue
I'm not impressed by this guy and his rip off of things I've read on the Internal and WC forums.

Well thats true

12-02-2002, 10:19 PM
the book by johnny rotten(john lydon) mentioned earlier was
"no blacks, no irish, no dogs"

quiet man
12-03-2002, 04:20 AM
I was just wondering... what if your inner animal happens to be, say, a gopher? Or a butterfly? Or a dachshund? Man, that would be embarrassing...


Frank Exchange
12-03-2002, 08:03 AM
Man, am I scr3wed. Mine's a Sea Cucumber.

12-03-2002, 08:25 AM
Well perhaps my inner animal is a rabbit or such, because I don't think I would ever be mentally able to inflict some of that damage to a human, and I would probably go into total shock if I was at the receiving end of it.
Society has blunted our animal instinct, undoubtedly, especially in "first world" countries. But is that a bad thing? It means that society has improved to a point where this kind of "animal" violence touches our lives so rarely that we don't need preparation for it. Except maybe in the unlucky chance of encountering a sick individual like the authour of the article.
Fortunately for most of us the only confrontations will be with the obnoxious drunk annoying our girlfriend, or with a victim of road-rage, or with some try-hard bullies. Martial arts and a bit of muscle are all that's needed to deal with them, and the worst consequences are usually bruises and bruised prides.
The truly scary ones, like the author? Well I rather keep right away from where they might be, and that's what my taxes pay the police for.

Scary stuff.


12-03-2002, 08:33 AM
wall is correct.

It's a lot better for the soul being a Hector than an Achilles, in my opinion.

Chang Style Novice
12-03-2002, 08:40 AM
"I was just wondering... what if your inner animal happens to be, say, a gopher? Or a butterfly?"

What I wanna know is, is my inner animal a man dreaming he is a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming he is a man? Or a brine shrimp dreaming he is a sea cucumber, maybe?

12-03-2002, 10:01 AM

This thread is no longer about skinheads, spyderco knives, or poking people's eyes out. It is now about your fuzzy inner animal.

I'm a bear. rawr.

Ray Pina
12-03-2002, 10:06 AM
"a man dreaming he is a butterfly"

Nice way to get that in there Chang Style Novice.

African Tiger
12-03-2002, 10:11 AM
have taken years of martial arts, I now consider it bull**** and ineffective.

Their bull**** in a nutshell. I'm not a fight starter, but I would love it if 3 or 4 of these maniacs would come at me in a bar, where I'm just minding my own business or with a white girl. I would take extreme pleasure in unleashing the MARINE that is OUTSIDE of me - f.u.c.k. the inner animal. Like any gang member, these asscracks have low self-esteem, and won't start anything unless there are 7 of them.

Seriously, it's time for the normal law abiding of us to take back America from cowards like these: Crips and Bloods, 18th Streets and la Emme (Mexican Maffia), Skin-flute players (or whatever the **** they call themselves), and everyone else who thinks they hold enough stake in this country to take it away from someone else.

Why the **** law enforcement officials spend so much time on black and Mexican gangs and not deal with these wastes of sperm is beyond me. What infuriates me even more is those liberal apologists who think gang members are misunderstood children who need hugs and better schooling, and not several swift kicks in the ass.

Not to mention the parents who sit back and allow little johnny a.s.s.h.o.l.e. to become one of these air-stealing vermin and do nothing to stop them. Let me tell you, my mother slapped the **** out of me the one time I started "hanging with the hommies" in Newark.

12-03-2002, 01:57 PM
C'mon, man, say it like you mean it! AT is correct. Only two args: 1] some parents were also into this, so it's cool to them. and 2] some parents are afraid of their own kids, or the kids have run away, so they can't say much. I get your anger on this, and agree with much of it, tho.

ppl tend to see skins and gangs as just messed-up kids...but the fact is they're socio/psycho paths. There's a world of difference between someone who's into a [sub]culture and someone using it for an outlet for crime.

IME, there's no difference between a racist skin and a psychopath- both are inadequate, social retards, bioth kidnap, abuse, torture, maim and kill specific targets. Violent teens just have found others who share their sicko masturbatory fantasies. As they age, I've no doubt the same names will appear on arson/rape/pedo/murder charges...and in that order, too.

OTOH, there are some who dress like this and honestly are not racists or violent- just they aren't the common ones. Can't go by appearances- there's always someone behind the front being displayed.

The Willow Sword
12-03-2002, 01:59 PM
unfortunately the republican christian religious rite now runs everything and far be it from those guys to censor or police the "decent":rolleyes: white citizens of this grand country we live in.
Hey man if there is anyone that will go to gun for the cause of ridding the racist problem in this country i would be the first to join up.
i guess i am just a jew and Nigga lovin pansy-ass hippy boy;)

"fight the power" TWS

"elvis was a hero to most but he never meant sh!t to me ,,see straight up racist the sucker was simple and plain,,mutha fuk him and john Wayne" public enemy

12-03-2002, 02:11 PM
One thing about this inner animal stuff-

Nothing about it is new, but the use it's being put to is stupid. Jung, naturally, spoke of it before as "the shadow self" and basically cautioned that if youre not in touch with it [knowledgable about it] then it'll surface itself without your concious bidding, wreaking all kinds of havoc.

I can agree with this. Most ppl have shadow selves, some quite unbearably ugly ones, but in all cases knowing it's existence, aknowledging it, is the first step from release from it. Most zen and buddhist types do this with meditation.

So, say, you hate X kinds of ppl. If you repress that [to yourself] then yes, you'll do all kinds of reprehensible things to those X ppl and +never take responsibility for it+

So you ack that you hate X ppl. Then you have a choice: do I want that? Hopefully not. Hopefully the parent[s] have instill some ethics to help you think your way thru it all. kind of 'taming the inner animal'.

All that this guy is doing is purposely feeding his shadow, letting it take him over- same thing can be done by meditating on killing, associating pleasure with death.

Psychos do that by masturbating while thinking of killing. This guy is doing that with music and comeraderie, acceptance for his hate. no difference.

That is why, i think, one recoils so when reading this cr@p.

African Tiger
12-03-2002, 02:19 PM
TWS we can go on a s.h.i.thead hunt together anytime. You bring the 30.06's and scopes, I'll bring the ammo. 10,000 rounds should do the trick, eh?

But I gotta disagree with you on one thing: REAL Christians don't and wouldn't allow this crap to continue, nor do they identify with this kind of filth. Shamefully these World Church of the Creator (look it up kiddies) and Christian Identity Movement *******s give real Christianity a bad name.

Funny, I never saw the part of the New Testament where Jesus advocated the destruction of the "mud people." Do I have the wrong version of the KJV at home? Sort of like the misinterpretation of the Holy Koran, that fuels this terrorism ****, eh?

ZIM, I agree with you on #2 to a certain extent. But parents need to get control of their kids from the minute they exit the womb. Thanks to the Rosie O'Donnell's of the world, who advocate raising kids with a ten-foot feather and emailing them a list of chores, we are stuck policing the failures of bad parenting.

Again, living in a single parent home with a mom who played both parents, I didn't have the luxury of this bull that these kids are getting away with. Most of my peers from Newark, NJ are in jail or dead, because their parents were too permissive.

I guess I agree with you on #1 as well, especially if that kind of socially unacceptable behavior is fostered in the home. On a talk show (probably Jerry Springer) I actually saw a mother singing, "KKK" to her 4 month old infant - talk about gaining control early! That was a much better example of child abuse, than my mother popping the crap out of me for coming home late!

Shamefully these and other miscreants are protected by the Constitution. Sometimes I wish we had martial law, so we could "thin the herd" every now and then...

The Willow Sword
12-03-2002, 02:28 PM
"But I gotta disagree with you on one thing: REAL Christians don't and wouldn't allow this crap to continue, nor do they identify with this kind of filth. Shamefully these World Church of the Creator (look it up kiddies) and Christian Identity Movement *******s give real Christianity a bad name."

Agreed. TWS

12-03-2002, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
What I wanna know is, is my inner animal a man dreaming he is a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming he is a man? Or a brine shrimp dreaming he is a sea cucumber, maybe?

"Last night I dreamt I was a shredded wheat. This morning when I woke I could no longer remember whether I was a man who'd dreamt he was a shredded wheat, or a shredded wheat dreaming it was a continental breakfast. I ended up having toast and marmalade. You get what I'm saying?"
-Hewligan's Haircut

12-03-2002, 02:42 PM
Anti-gay skins sometimes have yellow laces. Don't know much else on them. Oh, should add that a union jack in the back pocket can mean they ARE gay. Still dangerous tho.

I thought yellow laces meant "cop killer".

I've had tons of fights with the Boot Boys, etc. back in the day and the thing is they NEVER act alone. Just like any other weak hearted thug they only test themselves against those they know they can beat.

Water Dragon
12-03-2002, 02:59 PM
Speaking of Streetfighting, here are some of the headlines from today's local paper. Tuesday, Dec 3:

Merrillville Woman Charged with Murder
State Police Finish Shooting Probe
Pair Nabbed in Shooting of Brothers
Suspect Accused of Firing a Gun
Suspect Named in March 3 Murder

Which is why I'm not too worried about some insecure Nerd with a bad haircut and silly looking boots.

12-03-2002, 02:59 PM
That was a much better example of child abuse, than my mother popping the crap out of me for coming home late! that made TOO much sense right there...

12-03-2002, 03:33 PM
This was one of those "makes me feel sick in the stomach" threads (The skin head crud). Not because of the violence that this genius thinks he has coined but that this POS of **** is influencing people and is not locked away in a cubby some were.

I can agree with the fighting aspect of what he said. If I am fighting for my life or health or more importantly my families, then I don't care what I do to them as long as I win. They way he portrays it in the sense of doing it simply to be mean to someone is just plain sick. It makes you wonder if he is just some self-conscious little p.issant spouting steam.

DO these skin heads typically feel the same way about other races like, Asian, Middle eastern, Indian etc. etc.?

12-03-2002, 03:38 PM

i was disgusted to read that original post, truly a VERY scary thing. especially now im a white Muslim so now can expect to get abuse from ppl like these AND Muslims who have prejudice :MAD:

makes me sick...


African Tiger
12-03-2002, 04:58 PM
Don't get it twisted, Cipher. If you are not pure aryan blood, you may as well be a ******.

That goes for Italians - particularly Southern Italy and Sicilians (of which I am part), Latin Americans, French, Spanish and Portugese (dark hair), Israelis, CATHOLICS, etc.

They would especially have it in for me, since I date white girls. But then again, I live rather dangerously. ;) I'd go NHB with Suge Knight if the money was good!

MonkeySlap Too
12-03-2002, 05:06 PM
I think my inner animal is a giraffe.

I had an interesting experience living in a Southern Il. city. This town had a (I kid you not) 'white' side of town and a 'black' side of town. There was some seepage based on income, but the f@cking tracks actually seperated the neighborhoods. When I lived there, I lived on the 'black' side. People over there were shocked to see a lily white dude going for runs at 2AM, waving hi to everyone and punching trees. People on the 'white' side locked thier car doors from three blocks away when my friends were with me. Which ****ed me off. I ended up making friends with a boxing club in a project (the only guys who would go like I like to go) and things were okay - until I managed to **** off (no, not me) both the local 'white' punks AND the wannabe 'black panthers'. Let's just say it's good to have a whole boxing team as your buds.

My conclusion - sick mofo's like this skinhead trash and anybody like them no matter thier size, shape, color or sexual preference, all should be returned for spare parts. I got no tolerance for hate, but man, I see it all around me, even from people that profess peace and love.

Lemme see, the major religions seem to each have a theme: Love or Compassion, or killing non-beleivers. We need a new religion - leave me (all of us) the f@ck alone.

12-03-2002, 05:45 PM


Could you claw out an opponents eyes and scrape the pink muscle of the eye socket while optical fluid pours over your hands. Could you stand the "underwater popping sound" as the eye is torn from the optic cord?
Could you bash, stab, kick an opponent until their head caves in, their brains varnishing the floor, as their eyes are displaced from their sockets?
Could you kill thousands of people with an explosive device?
Essentially, I am asking, have you ever seen a body? Can you stand to see the mutilation of the human body without going into shock? Can you inflict the above damage on another's body without going into shock, freezing, or being hindered because of psychological preconditioning? If the answer is no, you can not yet tap into the inner animal, nor will you survive long in what the future will surely bring. If the answer is yes, you will most likely never loose another fight, and you will indeed be an asset to our cause. This is really the same BS that many in the martial arts community buy into. Look at any martial arts magazine and you'll see the same thing being sold, so really he may be closer to us than we care to admit. Sans the racism of course. I really doubt this guy has mopped a floor with a Swifter let alone varnished a floor with anyones brains, but we're willing to believe him in much the same way we believe the claims of 10th dan sensei, closed door sifu, street fighter and the spec ops commando de jur. Sounds like his fantasy world is right next door to ours.;)

12-03-2002, 08:10 PM
"Go from wimp to he-man in 10 easy lessons!"

The links you included- I was laughing when reading that the Texas guy with the vigilante squad was named Frank Black....:p

Don't exactly know why.....:D

On a more serious note, I think what he's saying isn't so different from the mags and emin and buggerall, but its the path hes taking to getting there thats hoorible. Not much different from ninjas and erle montague...nope.

So: what about: "Are CMAs/philosophies harmful to your mental health?" :D Might be a funny thread! :) ;)

12-03-2002, 08:21 PM
That ***** doesnt have the balls to do what he said.

I have never EVER seen a tough skinhead, theyre just skinny, white punks that think theyre somthing bad.

If these punks lived in the inner city or such, theyd learn the hard way that people are people , not animals and theyd get the **** beat out of theyre Mein Kampf brainwashed suburban ass.

This post makes me want to go out and just have one of these ****ers calle me a dego so i can show them what ****ing animal i have inside me and teach them the meaning of pain.............**** these ****ers **** me off...........arg.........

flame over :)

12-03-2002, 08:26 PM
However sadly, some of the points he made were valid. You must have no fear and be as agressive as the tiger.

If i was to fight someone i wouldnt claw their eyes out, but i might be afraid that i wouldnt stop kicking them or eating their brains that sorta thing :)

I just get afraid that when i get a temper i wouldnt be able to stop and i would take a life unjustly :/.

However , if life or death you must be prepared to go all out mike tyson style.

12-03-2002, 09:15 PM
Real, tough, mean fighting skins do exist. I used to have the occasional run-in with them back in the day when I lived in England. A lot of them are d!ckheads that only have strength in numbers. Most of them can't or won't fight without enormous numbers advantage. This guy on this thread is an idiot, he's regurgitating stuff he's heard.

However, the hardasses do exist and they're not so far removed from what this guy talks about. Except they'd never talk about it. London (and other UK cities) still have the occasional "real" skin and those guys should be avoided.

Some of the meanest, nastiest b@stards I ever met were "skinny, white punks" that would cut you for looking at them. Be wary.

Chang Style Novice
12-03-2002, 10:11 PM
I just got back from the doctor. Turns out my inner animal is a tapeworm.:(


Yung Apprentice
12-03-2002, 10:43 PM
What up man? Long time no talk to! Still got plenty of youth left though, to still get into trouble!:D

Royal Dragon
12-04-2002, 06:14 AM
"However , if life or death you must be prepared to go all out mike tyson style."

Nope, sorry.......not me..... I Ain't bit'n nobody's ears!!!!

LOL @ Monkey Slapp's inner Giraff!!!

We don't seem to have "Skins" here in Chicago. I think the Brothers on the South side would kill them right off, Or possibly already have hence no "Skin" sightings. Bless their little hearts

12-04-2002, 06:30 AM
The really worrying thing for me is that in the UK (and I think in europe as a whole) skin heads are making a huge come back.

Such a strong come back that they have even managed to aquire a certain amont of legitimate political power in certain areas and if anything the backing they are getting is growing within the general public!!!

12-04-2002, 06:31 AM
maybe someda you can have the honor of helping rid the world of human waste.

12-04-2002, 01:59 PM
This is my first post here, so "Hello".

A person like this is a coward. I wouldn't take much into what he says, because he's all about the hype. I wouldn't compare him to a samurai in terms of fearlesness, because I always associate samurai with having courage and honor, two things this person does not. Lots of fighters like to talk about having this animal killer instinct and not caring what happens to them. I honestly that they don't have a conception of courage and are speaking from their experience with false courage. That type of false courage, I don't care what happens to me because I am so mad reminds me of something that a small child would have in a tantrum. Personally, I think this person and people like him don't even have the animal mindset they speak of. Maybe they do, and I am just biased against them. But, something tells me they do not. More then that, there is no spirit there. There's no way he can ever rise above and blend with his opposition, that's one of my goals in training.

As for the "brutal tactics" he has, I'd say forget them. They are only words. Words can't hurt you.

12-05-2002, 08:50 AM
Originally posted by African Tiger
Don't get it twisted, Cipher. If you are not pure aryan blood, you may as well be a ******.

That goes for Italians - particularly Southern Italy and Sicilians (of which I am part), Latin Americans, French, Spanish and Portugese (dark hair), Israelis, CATHOLICS, etc.

They would especially have it in for me, since I date white girls. But then again, I live rather dangerously. ;) I'd go NHB with Suge Knight if the money was good!

I'm not so worried about myself but I have family and close friends that are not part of the aryan *****hood.

What exactly is aryan? Simply white or a specific, like white german blood with blond hair and blue eyes.

12-05-2002, 09:00 AM
Aryan are people from India and Northern Europe.

Hitler didn't know what it meant. He loved Northern Europeans, but no Russians who came from Norway. Go figure. Its illogical. Racial categories are genetic, but ethnicity is cultural and goes much deeper.

So the Aryan brotherhood by defenition, must include Kerpal and Vani karamudadrumalikapnastalikrishna.

Race is a joke anyways, we all came from that beach combing tribe in Africa. Power to the people(Raising fist with stern face)

This means I can say nigga too. N-I-G-G-E-R See I just said it and I'm white, I broke one of the last American taboos.

12-05-2002, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by Dedication
.................If i was to fight someone i wouldnt claw their eyes out, but i might be afraid that i wouldnt stop kicking them or eating their brains that sorta thing :)..........................

Dude.... that's really gross. Would you like salt with that brain?:D

12-05-2002, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by Stacey
Race is a joke anyways, we all came from that beach combing tribe in Africa.

Actually, most research puts the cradle of human development in the 'fertile crescent' region that became Mesopotamia.

12-05-2002, 10:37 AM
****, isn't Mesopotamia now Iraq? I guess that makes Sadam our king too.

12-05-2002, 10:56 AM
Hence the Bad Religion line...

And the fertile crescent is burning today, and I think that my emotions are too...

What the hell, here's the wholl song:

Fertile Crescent

Come and see the brilliant light
don't let your emotions mask your sight
it's the manifestation of a deeper fight
that affects me and you
my optimism was running high
a new world order was on my mind
but I couldn't belive it when I heard them say
they're blowing it away
and the fertile crescent is burning today
and baby my emotions are too
the cradle of humanity has led us all astray
and we're all in this together don't you know
'cause our species has nowhere else to go
aggression rears its ugly head
retaliation brings further dread
the two are linked by unseen threads
that wind back through time
I don't agree with the outdated trend
nationalism is an evil friend
but hatred is instilled by invisible lines
drawn in our minds
and the fertile crescent is haunting us today
and baby our instincts are too
the ghost of humanity is warning us this way
and I think we all should heed it don't you know
'cause we've got nowhere else to go

12-05-2002, 11:00 AM
a group of skinny white guys on speed carrying Stanley knives are not to be dismissed as a bunch of pussies - you run as fast as you can... and then some. A group of cowards who have the upper hand will get drunk on the power and that's when all the curbing and **** comes into it.

The part of London (South East)I'm from is home to the British National Party HQ - racism is rife, I've been spat at by pensioners as I was walking down the high street with asian friends (talking 10 years back now as well, so not even misplaced 9/11 hatred). "Paki lover" etc Ignorant *******s

I think what he writes is worth thinking about though - if you're prepared to do all of that from the outset, then you'll never lose a fight. I don't know about other people here, but I for one would not be destroying someone's knee as a first attack (in a one on one anyway). Maybe it will cost me dearly one day, but that's a choice I make so I can look in the mirror.

Feel like watching Romper Stomper now... good film about skinheads in Australia