View Full Version : Slow-motion fighting dreams

12-02-2002, 12:10 PM
I had another one last night. For some reason I was fighting this guy at work (I think). Nothing I did worked. I remember he punched me and I tried to pak da it, but when my fist hit his face it was so slow and harmless like I just gently touched his face. This happened over and over. Every time I tried to hit him with a punch or palm strike, it was so gentle it didn't do a freaking thing. I remember thinking "come on, I know I don't hit this weakly."

On the plus side I don't remember taking any shots in the dream, either. Maybe we were both adversely affected by the messed up physics.

What's up with these dreams. All the martial artists I've asked have them too. I've never asked a non MA before. I think I will today if I remember.


12-02-2002, 12:17 PM
I have had them all my life. Sometimes I have woken up form them striking and have actually hurt my wall before. The dreams don't happen nearly as much. And that 'slowed' feeling also is in other dreams, not always ones with fighting.

12-02-2002, 12:26 PM
lol I had one of those last night but dont' rember what it was about. Uhh I aslo dreamnt that I had Mariah Carey on my lap? What the heck was that all about? I don't even find her attractive.

12-02-2002, 12:30 PM
train harder. I posted something about this a while back, so you can search for it if ya want. In a nutshell, what had happened was there was a time period where I slacked off my training. I think subconsciously, I knew that and also knew that I wasn't as effective as I once was. So I started back to training intensely. Evry time I had the dream, I'd speed up a little. Eventually, I was to the point where I was moving normally and doing damage. Now, whenever I have a fight dream, i can move normally.

12-02-2002, 12:53 PM
I dimly recall a dream I had in high school, where I had done something both extraordinarily mean-spirited and uproariously funny to my sister (a fairly common occurence). I was trying to run while laughing hysterically, but it felt like my legs were moving in slow motion.

Fortunately, the baseball bat she was hitting me with didn't seem to hurt, just leave big numb areas. :D

Of course, when I was in high school I ran cross-country, and didn't do martial arts. So maybe this is analogous.

This is why I tell people I was much better prepared to face multiple opponents when I was in high school. :D

Former castleva
12-02-2002, 02:27 PM
You might want to talk about it with someone familiar with dream forecast/telling etc. or if you wish,you might post it here http://www.cgjungpage.org/ forums.

Besides,dreams tend to be very strange so do not take it too seriously,even though they might tell you something.

I remember having this one strange dream where I was confronted by some pretty angry,fat&big mean,middle-aged guy who tossed me around with poor technique and superior strength with little effort.
I was quite helples trying to defend myself against him.

But I do not take them too seriously...


12-02-2002, 03:46 PM
Ive never had a dream where I fought anyone.

12-02-2002, 04:31 PM
i always have dreams where i am trying to puch someone but its really slow and i just push at their face. then they try to hit me and ican block but kinda let their blows glance off of me. weird

12-02-2002, 05:59 PM
I had those for a little while when i was a kid, wasnt doing any MA at the time of fighting anyone... so i think its a mental thingy... that people that know psychology could explain to you, i personally cant :D

Anyways, while still being a kid and not into MA, those dreams ended the night one time i had a nightmare where i was attacked by a vampire, i ripped his heart out of his chest with my hands and never had a slow motion fight dream ever again.

12-02-2002, 06:15 PM
tell me about your mother

12-02-2002, 06:40 PM
what :confused:

Sharky check out this site:

12-02-2002, 06:42 PM
I had a dream last night about a little buff dude wearing a yellow bandana, my kung fu sucked in the dream (it always does when I am overly tired) but whenever the lil dude hit me it didnt hurt. I dont think I was hurting him either.


I find eating chinese food before bed will improve your dream kung-fu. Also what sevenstar said seems to have some truth with me as well.

12-02-2002, 06:44 PM
xebsball: is that one of those evil kitty eater as your avatar?

12-02-2002, 06:49 PM
http://www.goldenshower.gs <-- this is what happens when 'designers' try to make websites.

12-02-2002, 06:57 PM
yenhoi, definately :D that is the infamous Domo-kun, the one that kills a kitty everytime one spanks a monkey.

Sharky, true, i put it up to remind you that i will acuse you of golden showering if you diss my mom :D anyways, look at the video they have on the site, its cool atari video games style music video.


12-02-2002, 07:17 PM
Ironfist: the skinhead on ryu's skinhead post says your dream has to do with lacking the inner animal spirit.

Probably right :D

12-02-2002, 07:50 PM
I usually get those "no pants" dreams. Boy, do I have an inner animal for YOU...:D :D

[maybe i should just start wearing pants...]:rolleyes:

12-03-2002, 10:16 AM
freaks :D

Ford Prefect
12-03-2002, 10:41 AM
I smothered a bomb with my body to save my friends in a dream last night. Blowing up was a weird feeling in the dream.

12-03-2002, 11:06 AM
It was a while ago I had one o mine 'fighting dreams'. I think it is coz I am more comfident with my skills now.. or something. I've never lost a fight in my dreams. Got beat up, but always win in the end wich is nice.

I had this psycko dream where some maniac were in my school and busting students skulls with a golfclub. I got excited and beat him up. Then police and swat teams stormed the place but they were after me for some reason. It ended with me stabbing a female swat team member in the throat.

I have a TON of freaky dreams but I think I'll spare ya the nightmares. Those are ill.. :D

12-03-2002, 11:38 AM
It's because lifting weights makes you slow dude. You of all people should know that by now.

And I hate it when designers make sites. I'd rather have the boring interface I generally associate with perl programmers. :)

12-04-2002, 03:30 AM
dreams of this nature usually have to do with anxiety and self confidence issues.
other dreams that have to do with anxiety and self confidence:
losing/breaking teeth
and any dream where your actions are rendered ineffective.