View Full Version : Southern Praying Mantis Forums

12-03-2002, 09:52 AM
Southern Praying Mantis Forums

Heavily monitored daily for trolls, flames and other BS ..

debate on lineage etc is ok .. but not mindless moronic BS

Please support and make it THE RESOURCE

All yoru online southern mantis needs in the one spot!



Water Dragon
12-04-2002, 08:10 PM
Hey! I'm a Shaui Chiao guy, but I like SPM alot. Good solid fighting system. I went to register, but they wanted to verify personal info I wasn't comfortable giving out. Especially after the identity theft ring that got busted recently. Is there a way to bypass the personal info part? Thanks

12-04-2002, 10:53 PM
Hi WD.

What information did it want?
an email address? thats pretty standard. dont want ur isp email .. make up a hotmail, or yahoo account..

name , address phone number?
what every one does .. john smith, this town, nowhere, 88888888 .. hehe

Anyways ... Lemme know, i'll try to see what i can do in the "settings"

I just set it to don't need to register to post ... so should be fine ... to post..

All Styles and Systems of Martial Arts welcome..

Just added a Shaui Chiao Forum :P if u got time go there and tell me alittle about the Shaui Chiao u study ?

Thanks for ur efforts


12-04-2002, 11:00 PM

if u want to post without registering

put your username and where it says password put ANYTHING .. then click post.. it will work i just tested it...

i just checked the registration page (choose global user - then u can use ANY ezboard forums)the onli "Real" thing u need is email becasue a verification password will be sent.. like i said set up a hotmail account - takes 3 or 4 minuites - always handy if u wanna sign up for other stuff and not use ur real email so no spam etc...

Take care


12-05-2002, 01:01 PM

I had no problem posting without registering, so you might want to give it a go. Looks like the board has a lot of promise to be interesting venue for discussion.

12-05-2002, 11:02 PM
Thanks avneger.

i hope so.


12-08-2002, 04:58 AM
coming along slowly with a few topics...

anyone do iron ox? please tell us about it on the mantis (and all arts) forums



12-09-2002, 06:12 PM
BB - it's all coming along nicely.

Is everyone posting under the same alias as here?
Who is TongLongKuen?

12-09-2002, 09:06 PM
Hey TaoBoy

TLK is ma evil twin! keke

my tonglongkune account here is diable for some reason (thinks i am 13yo O_o).. so thats why BearBear ... and tonglongkune was taken on ezboards by somone else so kuEn ...

bearbear = tlk

some people post under the same name on both here and the mantis forums - convenient! some i think dont porlly due to their nick being taken already

i hope the mantis forums and this kfm forum are like used together,,, some threads in kfm starts good... end up with so many BS posts that hard to sort through to the good stuff... in such a case "take it over to the mantis forums to continue sensible discussions" etc etc

thanks for checking it out...

slow and steady.. building a strong foundation\.. then later hopefully it will be a great Resource for the tonglong community and other arts as well... at the very list a super links resource of different arts. so if u see an interestig martial art site.. copy the url to a notepad... then next time you on TLForums put in there

Thanks everyone....



12-09-2002, 10:26 PM
I registered taoboy on Wushi Chik's EZ forum as a local user and now I can't log into the SPM forum with it (although I can post). I've also created another global username (Adam Stanecki) which I will start to use if it willlet me log in without IE crapping itself.

Aaah the joys! :)

12-09-2002, 11:17 PM
Lo taoboy...

Can I change my Local account into a Global account? It is not possible to change a Local account into a Global account


thanks look forward to learning heaps


May Da Force BE Wif You~

12-11-2002, 01:12 AM
hey all...

currently a discussion started on "108" or a "1 long form" as related to nan tong long, pak mei, hakka arts etc.. i think this has been mentioned before on this forums also.. interested? check it out and share

Tong Long Forums is for all arts not just tong long..


http://tonglongforums.cjb.net http://pub75.ezboard.com/bsouthernprayingmantiskungfu

Diamond Talons
12-11-2002, 08:27 AM
BB Hakka Tong Long mostly has one long set that some have busted into smaller parts & this wasn't done in the past & not the way I was taught & learned. One set left whole & student learns as he shows skill in what he taught & set parts not so much different techniques as different gings making the move. Everything about the hand is in it so no need for different sets for yin yang qigong & it's there in one set. Foundation in first parts taught & then higher skill stuff as it goes on & goes from yang to yin & some never go beyond yang parts & can fight really good. More like life time study in whole set than stuff needed to fight good & to fight great other parts needed & takes no more than 2 years to be able to use to fight good if teaching is right & student works hard. Mastery is life time thing & it ends with the last breath for this life & picked back up in the next I am told & I'm still alive so can't say for fact.

12-11-2002, 08:53 AM
DT ..

Thanks very informative



Diamond Talons
12-11-2002, 12:13 PM
BB looked at your forum & looks like politics by couple of people & there is nothing held by one hand on 108 not known to others. No 108 from hand to hand will look the same & it is a poem that comes from Hakka Tong Long before time it became called many different things by man's name or place. All 108 is right & no one can say honestly otherwise since it is the hand's way of knowing & doing this thing & so it has to be right for that hand. I think this is fact from what I've seen over years & not opinion. The talk about what hand is where on your forum is wrong & it is politics & people posting such stuff don't know & just saying stuff for position. Politics & art are oil & water & this is just opinion & not fact.

12-11-2002, 12:56 PM
BearBear Blinks ...

looks like politics by couple

where where? .. i go look ....

The talk about what hand is where on your forum is wrong & it is politics & people posting such stuff don't know & just saying stuff for position.

i thought u were talking about the discussion on a long form / 108 form ... but your quote above makes me unsure..

what do u mean by "what hand is where" sorry i dun understand ...

as for the 108 / 1 hakka form thread i cannot see poitical thing? ... lau168's post? maybe i am dead tired.. not much sleep last few days .. but i just see him comparing and discussing the possibility of 1 long form from which many systems developed off.. i don't see them say one form / hand is better that the other... i dunno .. i reread it later...

if u can pinpoint where and what you feel is political, which thread, which postamd lemme know here or on tong long forums .. i'll check ..

Thanks for you help


Diamond Talons
12-11-2002, 04:51 PM
I don't cause problems for your forum BB & avoid all politics as it always turns out bad. There is no the 108 unless you talk about the 108 for certain Pai & then it is theirs alone. The 108 number is created from a poem & maybe more than a poem at that. I'm saying there is no the most original 108 or head of fountain that all other Hakka Tong Longs came from & never was. Even the very first & it is not known when & where & who would change the very first time it was taught unless the first person taught was copy of teacher & that is not possible yet. Many things come into being at the same time & in different places & by different people. Hakka were & are wandering people a lot of times so many differences with some stuff the same is expected. That is all I'm saying & no argument from me if someone wants to say different. I say be happy there are differences & don't point to differences as bad or good just accept, okay?

12-11-2002, 08:46 PM
Thanks diamond talons great post :)

i have pu it on the tl forums. just lemme know if u want it removed.

your posts always informative




Diamond Talons
12-12-2002, 06:58 AM
BB you put my posts anywhere you think it helps.

12-17-2002, 07:01 AM

does anyone have ANY information or even pics of the other 4 disciples besides ip sui?

even formation on them, there schools, etc ...

i think theya re all dead now? but they must of taught ..

thanks either here or the tong long forums please post



12-23-2002, 10:01 AM

have a safe and happy christmas and new years.

good luck in training and life next year

take care
