View Full Version : Here's an interesting article for you all

12-03-2002, 11:36 PM
I'm not sure if I agree with it all, but it makes some good points.

Article (http://girevikmagazine.com/Girevik/Second/articlepowercurve.htm)


Ford Prefect
12-04-2002, 07:49 AM
I dunno. Think the article makes one or two good points, but it looks like a warped perception of reality on most parts.

12-04-2002, 11:33 AM
I admit, I didn't even read the whole thing. I just thought it was interesting in the first paragraph where he mentioned the thing about animals being primarily laid back, but then when they do something important it's a full out effort.


Ford Prefect
12-04-2002, 11:40 AM
That's part of what I was talking about with the warped sense of reality. That's true for some animals, but not true for others. Trying to draw conclusions about what is best for one species by the behavior by a completely different species is laughable at best.

12-04-2002, 12:28 PM
Yeah, if you're going to draw on animal behavior, at least look at chimps, whom we're actually close enough to in genetics that it might apply to us. Cheetahs subsist entirely on a diet of raw meat and all of their exercise consists of running; I don't think this is a good fitness program for most humans.

12-04-2002, 05:32 PM
Next time I will read an entire article before making recommendations :D


12-04-2002, 05:54 PM
no new information, stupid claims and bad examples.

new information? concentrating on focus lifts? high intensity? that stuff is older than anyone on this forum.

the cheetah references is bum, mainly because of the aforementioned reasons. cheetah's skills have one use -- running. they don't need to build, to carry, to do anything. they run, they kill, they eat and are worthless for about half an hour after they sprinted. their bodies aren't designed for anything but quick sprints. humans, on the other hand, are good at going all day long (just ask sting :cool: ). and we need to, because it helps us with what we do. a homebuilder who can put up ten pieces of drywall in five minutes may be a star, but if he wore himself out doing it and is worthless for the following hour, he'll be looking for a new employer that day. a lawyer who can argue up a storm for two minutes may be grand, but if he can't interview the next witness because he's resting, then he'll be out on his ass, too.

and the stupid claims?

"For example, a tennis player would not benefit from playing with a heavier racket because it would mess up his timing. This type of training should be avoided in most cases."

tennis players DO pick up heaver rackets or other devices to strengthen swinging muscles (not THOSE swinging muscles, fatherdog), just as baseball players often practice with a donut (circular weights on the bat). if you practice all the time with the heavier device, that will affect your timing. but a tennis player hits hundreds or thousands of balls every day. a few dozen swings a couple times a week with a weighted racket or other device won't harm a thing.

ironfist -- you darn well better be careful what crap you link us to. that article was garbage. :D

Qi dup
12-04-2002, 11:02 PM
I'm always hearing about these "Old-time strongmen," Except well, that's the most I ever hear about them. Aparently they were old, they were strong, and they existed. Cool.

12-05-2002, 12:56 AM
big lumbering fellows who could pick up a volkswagen with each arm. they make magnus samuelsson look like jerry lewis in comparison.

can't forget that they could drink a fifth of whiskey and sober up just by burping loud.

they could also grow a beard in fifteen minutes if they wanted to.

stuff of legends, i tells ya.

12-06-2002, 06:52 PM
what are you talking about??? eating a few pounds of raw gazelle meat and sprinting is GREAT for you!!:D

12-07-2002, 03:13 PM
see ... i knew you were worried about dissapearing nep.