View Full Version : anotha 911 thread....what you guy's know about Kisssinger

12-05-2002, 02:23 AM
A Dude's post from another forum, what yall think...looking for both sides of the fence here...for and anti-bush campaign, etc...Don't know much about this guy kiss, but respect the variations of yall martial artist's opinion's!.

Henry Kissinger: Sept 11th Sherlock Holmes
Im sure by now alot of people have heard that "President" Bush has appointed Henry Kissinger as a one man independent council to fully and thouroughly investigate what happened pre Sept 11th that lead to, well you know.

I got to tell you, this should be a slap in the face of not only everybody who was killed on that day, but to each and everyone of these peoples families. Hell, I consider it an insult to my intellegence as a free-thinking human being and citizen of this planet that Dubya can do this with a straight face. Putting Henry Kissinger in charge is the equivalent of Hitler preceed over the Nurenberg trials, or giving Jeffrey Dahmer the graveyard shift at the Hospital Morgue.

Heres a little background on Kiss:

Secretary of State under Nixon, Personally responsible for the Bombings in Cambodia that killed a quarter million people than subsequently instituted Pol pot and his Khmier regime (all with Kiss's support) that led to the death of another 1.5 million cambodians. H ehelped plan the overthrow of democratic Chilean president in 73 (I think) that lead to a dictator( read, US puppet) in power for next two decade. Sent weapons to Bangladesh to help overthrow democratic leader, which led to slaughter of half million people.

Heres some fun quotes from Henry:

Covert action should not be confused with missionary work."
comments on US sellout of Kurds in 75 and again in 91.

"The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer."

The US must carry out some act somewhere in the world which shows its determination to continue to be a world power."

This guy should be in line somewhere behind Milosevic, being tried for war crimes. He's probably got the blood of a few million people on his hands. which Im sure he wash with a guilt free concience. Another interisting fact is that you will never catch him in vacationing in France, because the country has threatened to arrest him for exactly these crimes if he steps foot on their soil.

You can pretty much bet this Sept 11 fiasco is going to be solved quite nicely under the watchful of of Kiss.

Anyways, im just writing a paper and had som ethoughts run through my head. Needed to vent.

12-05-2002, 05:30 AM
How is the former Secretary of State "responsible" for the bombings in Cambodia?

I didn't realize the SoS had become Commander-in-Chief. :rolleyes:

12-05-2002, 06:42 AM
Kissmyassinger is afraid to even leave the US because he could be arrested and tried for crimes against humanity. Dubya putting him in charge of this investigation shows the President Select's contempt for the citizenry of this country.

12-05-2002, 06:46 AM
He is responsible, just as all voting Americans are responsible for being uninformed patriotic zealots.

If he is not responsible and America isn't either, then neither was Nazi Germany responsible for its crimes.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Kissinger is not to blame. If we want to be a beast, someone needs to be our claws and fangs. Everything we have comes at a price. Even if that mean canibalizing other countries.

12-05-2002, 06:56 AM
Everybody is guilty; get over it.

12-05-2002, 07:07 AM
i'm not.


actually, this guy said the same thing.

12-05-2002, 07:46 AM
You just said that all American voters are responsible, and yet you then claim you are not. I can only assume you are in one of the following categories: not of voting age (in which case I'm not wasting my time debating with you online) , you don't vote as a political choice (abstention from the voting process doesn't excuse you from the results), or your right to vote has been revoked. Either way, the conversation is tired, the people that died in East Timor are casualties of the Cold War. You can just as easily rest the responsibility for those deaths at the feet of a few other groups.

The "political threads" in general are getting tired.

12-05-2002, 08:00 AM
I am responsible. The "Im not" was a joke.

but your right, it probably is someone elses problem. Auchwitz was a European problem as well. Nothing to bother thinking about. Just some conflict in Europe. Its over there, Who cares. It can't affect us.

Whom was it that said, "Indifference to me is the epitome of evil"?

12-05-2002, 08:30 AM
4/5 of the permanent seats on the UNSC, three members of NATO, three members of SEATO, and every Warsaw Pact nation (not to mention the indigenous players) served to manipulate the political environment of Indonesia during the Cold War at great cost to human life.

If we go back to WW II, even more international players appear in the equation.

How can one Secretary of State or even the US govt. receive all the blame for the violence and turmoil in that region?

12-05-2002, 08:36 AM
they don't own it all, only the amount that comes back to bite us in the ass.

12-05-2002, 08:39 AM
Fair enough.

12-05-2002, 08:47 AM

consipiracy nuts on the loose again, give them a minute and they'll tell you also how no Jews were in the WTC the day of the attacks

Ray Pina
12-05-2002, 08:54 AM
No, but the Jews knew it was coming and didn't tell us. AND, there were no Arab cab drivers to be seen around the WTC that day.;) :rolleyes:

Le nOObi
12-06-2002, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by Stranger
Everybody is guilty; get over it.

Kissinger happens to be a hell of alot more guilty then most people. Kissinger is very probably the person who caused the death of Salvador Allende a democratically elected chilean president. i for one am not that guilty.
Maybe im nuts but it is my opinion that people who are responsible for other people's murders shouldnt be forgiven.

If we are going to forgive kissinger we should forgive bin laden too he is responsible for many fewer deaths.

12-06-2002, 03:11 PM
For those who like the Kissinger thing, there is a lot of stories on him at www.rense.com . Not to mention more than enough conspiracy stories ranging from chemtrails, 911, ghost and UFOs. Not to mention daily news reports.;)

12-06-2002, 07:11 PM
im going to check your guys links in a min, but yall are basically agreeing with the post i linked then that kiss is shady and bush is a wierdo for hiring him?. Is this correct in yalls pov's?.

12-06-2002, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by lkfmdc

consipiracy nuts on the loose again, give them a minute and they'll tell you also how no Jews were in the WTC the day of the attacks

How does this post make you yawn, then make you excited enough to click reply?

Always wondered that about forum members who do not seem interested...its like trolls, you dont like/Ignore!.

12-06-2002, 07:57 PM
Kissinger is an evil man. It's not like it's some sort of secret either. Pretty much every weekend a documentary is run on PBS, History Channel, TLC, etc. about Kissinger, Chilie and Pinnochet, the CIA and drugs in Laos.

I'm sure all the Chilean's whose relatives were "disappeared" during Pinnochet's bloody coup which was engineered by Kissinger would strongly disagree with the assertion that it is mere "conspiracy theory".

12-06-2002, 08:19 PM
What gets me is, if france is waiting to tri his ass, how the freag is bush hiring him?.
Thats why i posted this thinking maybe the writer has his notes mixed or something!?.