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View Full Version : Lord Huaguang's Three-Point Spear

Buddha's Hand
12-05-2002, 05:42 PM
I just found a preview picture of The Matrix Reloaded that shows part of Lord Huaguang's Three Point Spear.


(For those who don't know, he is also called Erh-Lang in the Journey to the West novel -- he is the first one to be able to subdue the Monkey King)

I've been looking for a good combat steel Three Point Spear for a long time... can anyone help?

If only Martialartsmart sold one made by the same manufacturer that makes the combat steel Pudao and the combat steel Kwan dao, I'd order one right away! (hint hint Gene)


12-05-2002, 06:10 PM
I don't think Huaguang is same as Er-Lang Shen whose name is Yang Jian (?). Although both of them has 3 eyes, I don't thing they are the same. Er-Lang Shen (he has a dog and 3 pointed spear/knife) appeared in Feng Shen Bong novel and also in the journey to the west novel. Huaguang is a folklore mythical person who is also the patron saint of Canton opera troupes and artisans.


Buddha's Hand
12-05-2002, 06:38 PM
Well I've been told that those two are one and the same, and that one name is pre-enlightenment, and the other name is post-enlightenment.

I don't have any other source but word of mouth, and the only other info I was able to find about Huaguang is that he has a shrine on/near Macau called "Lotus Stream Temple" if my memory is correct.

I welcome any additional info on Huaguang and/or Erh-Lang Shen.

12-05-2002, 08:34 PM
I have a form called Erlang Shen Quan, so I too am intrigued and curious about this diety. I have been told that Er Lang Shen Quan was a sect of Northern Shaolin. I would love to learn more about this.

I would like to share a great picture of Erlang Shen with you:




Buddha's Hand
12-21-2002, 07:05 PM
I just found a nice Three Point Two edge design, but I don't think it's made out of combat steel...

The pic is low-rez, so if anyone sees a better pic elsewhere online, please share the link!
