View Full Version : I apologize to everyone, especially sifu meng, the VTM, the yip man family, jeremy

12-05-2002, 09:34 PM
"I don't think hung fa yi is all it is cracked up to be. if it is such a superior style of wing chun like it claim to be, then where is the proof. its all talk. and believe me, they blaintently say that their wing chun is better than other styles of wing chun. a article by meng on this site called "is your martial art a system or a style" said that. "

I’m sorry for bad mouthing sifu meng and hung fa yi wck, they did not say that their wing chun was "better", I miss understood what was being said.

"why would meng totally desert his moy yat wing chun? why didn't he have faith in what he was doing? why will he not teach moy yat wing chun if he was such a great disciple of moy yat? Why would he have a museum basically devoted to yip man wing chun and then teach hung fa yi?"

I’m sorry for disrespecting sifu meng like this. It was rude and uncalled for.

"a student from my school went to mengs for about 3 weeks. he came back and said that he had tae kwan do studdents teaching the wing chun classes, and that they didn't even know sil lim tau."

I should not have personally attacked sifu meng’s school, whether what I heard was true or not.

i personally think that meng is hiding his moy yat wing chun and keeping it to himself because he doesn't want people to have the good wing chun.

I am sorry for saying these disrespectful things and I really had no proof. I am sorry for
publicly disrespecting sifu meng.

a student from our school had studdied with meng, he experienced having tae kwan do assistant instructors try and teach the hung fa yi class when they didn't even know sil lim tau. i've seen his advanced students chi sau and its mostly just rolling with a lot of pushing.

Im sorry for personally attacking sifu meng again. And I am also sorry for publically disrespecting his students by association.

". also with everything he (meng) writes one seems to need to have a degree in physics/philosphy to understand it.

I am sorry for my sarcastic remark, it was out of line.

All the theoretical talk about hung fa yi being more complete and purely scientific is only talk.

Again I was being rude.

I have yet to see hung fa yi proven through sparring. Its been talked about theoretically, but no proof of application has been given.

It was disrespectful of me to say that just because I have not seen hung fa yi wck applied in sparring doesn’t mean it hasn’t been at some point.

. I have yet to see hung fa yi people win chi sau competitions also.

I am sorry for another personal attack.

So again I go back to where is hung fa yi's trial by application.

Again a un-needed personal attack.

Your comment about assuming I need stitches from sparring shows how little you (Jerremy) know about sparring.

12-05-2002, 09:35 PM
I’m sorry for the personal attack against Jerremy.

the whole thing of who yip man really taught the knives to was started by yip chun. he said at a conference my sifu attended that yip man only taught some wealthy buisness men the knives, and those are the only people he taught. come one, yip chun is just trying to make it seem like every wing chun person to be valid has to come through his "lineage" to have the "real" wing chun knives. if only a select few know the knives, then why do all the "masters" of wing chun out there know them, and all of them be relitively them same form. come on, get real, its just a ploy to make yip chun the "big shot" of the wing chun world by birth right for crying out loud.

I am sorry for my disrespect toward the yip man family, for the un-needed personal attacks, and my rudeness.

so called gong sau fighters like "the famed and master" william chueng.

I am sorry for disrespecting sifu cheung.

12-05-2002, 09:37 PM
if I have offended anyone else please tell me so i may apologize.

12-05-2002, 09:50 PM
Speaking for myself, that was huge. It takes a big man to do what you have just done. I think it would have been really easy for you to just say nothing even though you had regrets for your comments. I dont know what promted such a public apology but it has served you well, even if nothing else other than a learning experience.

- David

12-05-2002, 10:29 PM
If you like, you can apologize to me for any future barbs you may hurl my way.

12-05-2002, 10:48 PM

The awakened are few and hard to find.

12-06-2002, 05:39 AM
zero zero- sure, i apologize for what I will say in the future (though i sincerely hope i won't not troll anymore). :D

12-06-2002, 05:43 AM
I did this because of the personal attacks I have shown toward people and organizations, and in general I want to refrain from trolling.

12-06-2002, 07:09 AM

Your kung fu grows WingChunAlex! I think that you are beginning to see the moon to which your finger points, rather than only seeing the finger...

Take care :),

12-06-2002, 09:23 AM
So wingchunalex, who do think is the better fighter, Emin, Randy Williams or Benny? They all seem very good.

12-06-2002, 10:32 AM
I think Rogue is- dont you?
I apologize for my premature judgement.

12-06-2002, 12:41 PM
wingchunalex - good on you. Hopefully you'll get some reciprocation.

rogue - UFC, make it happen! or Rickson by armbar!

12-06-2002, 10:19 PM
Why thank you Yuanfen that is a very nice thing to say. :)

Rene, a three way WC UFC match? Now that would be something.

wingchunalex, don't worry I'll troll for you.:D

12-07-2002, 05:28 AM
Rene, a three way WC UFC match? Now that would be something.

Interesting gimmick match indeed! That or Round Robin. Or all three of them vs. Bob Sapp.