View Full Version : New school

12-06-2002, 09:08 AM

I found a new school in my city and was wondering if anybody has heard of the below teachers? The actual si-mo of the school's name is Han Xiu Chun. She offers contemporary wushu and the below systems.

She studied:

Lohan from Su Chien Miao

Pai Mei from Xiao Ting Fun

Chen tai chi from Wei Jia Chun

I was wondering if anybody has any info on these teachers or has heard of them.

I'm quite interested in learning Chen style tai chi. The little i know of the system just from literature and movies means that i won't be able to judge the quality of teacher. So checking the crediablity of her teachers was the next best thing.

She is the only teacher that offers Chen in my area that i know about so i really hope their knowledge checks out!

Also if anybody has any info on Pai mei, it would be much appreciated as i'm pretty clueless about that style :o

Looking forward to your replies


12-06-2002, 05:13 PM
You should also try asking here: http://www.beijingwushuteam.com Lots of contemporary wushu people over there.