View Full Version : Question for hardcore training.

Mr Punch
12-10-2002, 01:31 AM
I sometimes read on this forum and others, 'I trained til I lost my lunch: it was great,' and, 'You've never really trained hard til you've thrown up and gone back out there.'

I was just wondering, when exactly is it best to lose your lunch?

1) Isn't it better to not eat any lunch in the first place? It would be cheaper, it'd save your dentist bills (that bile is really corrosive you know :eek: ) and your breath.

2) Do you beat your opponent into cleaning up the mess, or is this bad wude?

3) Which muscles does it exercise best: I find the abs get a pretty good work-out but some of the chest muscles come into play, right? and

4) How often do you do it? Should it be regular? Are there any iron stomach routines to improve your trajectory?

5) What proportion of your lunch should be carbs, proteins etc?

6) Does anyone actually believe this macho BS?!

12-10-2002, 01:46 AM
, 'I trained til I lost my lunch: it was great,
to my knowledge this is just exaggerated fact :D ...
normally practice time is around morning or evening no one practice with full stomach(mostly after 2 hr of eating, till that time it's impossible to throw out)...only once i had a cup of tea n couple of biscuits...and seriously while training i felt like i gonna throw out so i never did that again..
to the max one train till he hav drag himself to his home...
i used to train...legs were shaking all the time etc etc...then later this becomes habbit..
but if u r not on good diet n sleep things then u might probably loose it :D who know's ;)
but there's a way/excercise in Yoga's where u intentionally throw out things from stomach n it's done by drinking water up to ur eyes :D n then tryin puking... this basically helps indigestion, food poisioning(if u hav), constipation basically those things which involves ur intestines...

4) How often do you do it? Should it be regular? Are there any iron stomach routines to improve your trajectory?
i meant by this yoga excercise only, it's done basically when u hav real probs with ur digestion, constipation, it will clear ur cough too but normal person can do 2-3 times a week...and it's healthy... no need for trajectorys(until u r ****ed off on ur neighbour or his stupid animal :D)

6) Does anyone actually believe this macho BS?!
as u notice i don't...

12-10-2002, 02:46 AM
Ive seen threads on here concerning the first day of BJJ or the first day of Shaio Chaio (sp?) training.

Its not something that should happen often but is very common among newbies to real hardcore conditioning.

12-10-2002, 03:15 AM
Its not something that should happen often but is very common among newbies to real hardcore conditioning.

and among people who insist on training with a hangover.
seen it happen. lol

12-10-2002, 03:28 AM
Agreed. It happens, but shouldn't happen often.

FWIW, I think people who lose their lunch either ate right before a hard workout (dumb) or are unused to such a heavy activity level (also dumb). Nausea is also linked to dehydration (really dumb).

Have I thrown up during training. Yes. Has it happenned more than twice in my lifetime? No. I've been light headed and burping (pre-nausea) several times, but that's the point, isn't it? To push the threshold.

12-10-2002, 06:45 AM
...oh...heh heh..."TRAINING". My mistake :D


12-10-2002, 06:52 AM
Does anyone else here have a hard time training on an empty stomach, or am I just wierd? :D

12-10-2002, 07:08 AM
for testing, we eat a few oranges and a bannana for breakfast and an orange durring our hour lunch break. Otherwise, you WILL throw up. Its not good to throw up, its better to know your body and relax the reflex.

Its not for building you up physically, its mental. In the seals they lose 15 lbs of muscle. Its not good for them physically, but at that point its not physical anyways.

12-10-2002, 07:29 AM
Brad, I do, I usually have an apple or something. I find I get sick if I dont eat before a workout. for example this morning I was weight lifting and it was a heavy day and I forgot to eat before I did. About halfway through my workout I got a nauseous feeling but it eventually went away.

I find that on somedayswhen I feel I really want to push myself on cardio I might get that feeling too but usually a longer break will get rid of it.

12-10-2002, 09:39 AM
When I was doing longfist, It was not uncommon for a test to be 2 - 3 hours long. he did it purposefully to make the students push their limits; he was testing more than just physical ability - he wanted to make sure students had the mettle to keep going, even when their bodies said "stop!" for one of my tests, I had to spar everyone in the class twice with no rest in between, then got a short rest and had to grapple them all. the tests varied everytime - for one I had to hold horse with a broomstick across my legs for 5 mins (not that difficult, but I was a newbie to longfist at that time) there was more to the test, but that was the first part. I also had my arms extended with wrist weights on them. If the broomstick hit the ground, my 5 mins had to start over.

I've seen several people throw up during these tests, but not during training. I'm usually pretty active anyway, so I've been able to endure. Two weeks ago, however, I did almost lost it during bjj as I was ravenous, so I ate a meal before I got there. Whenever someone got me in knee on belly positon or had a really good side mount, I got the pre nausea feeling that MP described.

12-10-2002, 10:52 AM
I've always understood it to be losing your breakfast. Ie. in the Rangers they got us up at 04:00 to chow at 04:30 and PT at 05:00. Sometimes if the CO was feeling frisky the usual 8-10 mile run became a 12 mile run with the last mile as a sprint. Somebody was going to lose their breakfast during the sprint. Usually 2-5 guys out of 187 would be talking to Ralph.:p

12-10-2002, 11:09 AM
hehe, guohuen, ah you bring back memories. Our unit had a pretty strict PT policy because we were often assigned to some of the big boats. Its pretty easy to get lazy on those so we used to do about 6-10 miles when we could. Usually we had several guys "barking at the deck", some claimed it was because we were running 6-10 on a rolling ship but hey!
I lost my lunch in boot hiking up the Grim Reaper but it was June in San Diego and I was wearing everything my DI could fit on me, and I am pretty sure I was pulling some o fthe other guys behind me!!!

12-10-2002, 12:51 PM
My junior classmate used to throw up from time to time between sparring rounds. He would then get back in there. The problem stopped when he lost about 70 pounds.

12-10-2002, 01:03 PM
I always thought, and experienced, that expression had
something to do with having to worship at the porcelein

It's good to get almost there but not all the way there.

and the next person you have to spar is not going
to be happy with the breath :D


12-10-2002, 08:28 PM
I've never thrown up but I have been on the brink a few times. Due to eating before class (stupidity) or pushing myself to the limit. I've been lightheaded a few times too.

As a rule, before class I'll just have something light to eat. Something to keep my sugar levels up.

Mr Punch
12-13-2002, 01:18 AM
As a serious note... now I'm really busy, so I only get the chance to train in the morning before work.

I'm training for tone, but mainly strength and speed, so I'm concerned with eating the right stuff (a light carb-based meal before, and protein and fructose product after).

1) How do you morning guys arrange your pre-training eating time without getting up at really stupid times?

2) And what do you eat?

3) Is there anything (complex carb-wise?) that you could eat the night before that'd still give you fuel for the morning, so you don't have to eat before the workout?

4) What do recommend for just before?

BTW I try to keep processed foods to a minimum and take only evening primrose as a supplement.

Also posted on the health forum.

Thanks in advance.

12-13-2002, 03:43 AM
is a bad idea.

All joking aside, I have decided for myself it's masochistic and in the long term detrimental. It could be just because of my internal slant on things but I believe you should always train with absolute intensity but should stop maybe when your 95% exhausted. You should still have a little bit left. Like not eating till your stuffed. You should stop just slightly before then.

The training till you puke is no more manly than dinking 'till you puke.

Folks brag about that too.

Mr Punch
12-14-2002, 03:05 AM
Originally posted by omarthefish
is a bad idea.

No ****.

The training till you puke is no more manly than dinking 'till you puke.

Maaan, I can dink all night long without viagra and I've never puked!

Folks brag about that too.

You would if you could!! :p :D

I don't believe I posted that under my own name.




12-14-2002, 12:45 PM
Training or bulemia? You decide.

12-14-2002, 12:58 PM
Maybe you guys are right, but when asked how long one should do zhanzhuang (standing) for, my teacher's Chinese female senior student, who's incredibly nice (unless she's sparring or is insulted, when she's crazy) and can't be more than 5 ft. tall or something like that replied "until you fall down".
Probably not good in the long run if you do it everyday, but I've almost collapsed in zhanzhuang because my legs couldn't support me anymore, and it was overall a good experience (after zhanzhuang I collapsed on the floor).

I'm not sure what kind of benefit you get from standing (or doing any training) until your body completely shuts down--i.e., you really can't walk at all, or you're on the ground and can't move. Probably no benefit at all.