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12-10-2002, 12:30 PM
My mother just called me. She has an ex boyfreind who has a fiance right? This fiance of his is infukkingsane. They are engaged to be married and this chick has broken in to his house twice and damaged furniture (by carving her initials in it.), crapping all over this guys motorcycle, and some other stuff along similar lines. Anyway, He called my mom after this happened and she called my Aunt, who has a Doctorate in Psychology and works in the criminal system in Florida, and my aunt basically said this chick was a psychotic sociopath and he should get the hell out of the relationship.
So my mom relays all this information and has him call my aunt just to talk to her, he is obviously upset but thinks he can fix this fiance of his.
Anyway, my mom calls me and says someone broke into her house and did some damage, very similar to what happened at my moms exs' house.
The cops have been called of course but I am not sure I can stand by and let this fukking psycho walk the streets doing this sort of thing. To top it all off this nutcase is a 2nd grade teacher!

12-10-2002, 12:36 PM
Get back up

Seek and confront.

If lippy, destroy.

12-10-2002, 12:37 PM
Let the police do their jobs first. If that fails, there's always duct tape.

Kind of weird, I knew a girl who was also a grade school teacher who was really freaky in a stalker sort of way. Not to the extent of the lady your talking about though.

Water Dragon
12-10-2002, 12:40 PM
This sounds like a job for Royal Dragon.

12-10-2002, 12:42 PM
I was thinking the same thing. I had a feeling that's what you were posting on this thread too! :)

12-10-2002, 12:47 PM
I am seriously tempted to just throw on a black mask and show up at her house, scare the living $hit out of her, or just beat the fukk out of her and get it over with.
I dont like messing around with this crap guys. What do you do to a freakin psycho to get the message across you'll fukking kill her a$$ if she doesnt cease and desist?

12-10-2002, 12:49 PM
sorry. thought we were talking about a bloke here.

ok, let the police deal with it. she's obviously a psycho. could beat herself up and say you did it etc. that kind of thing will drag you down.

12-10-2002, 12:53 PM
You fool! Stay away from **** like this.

12-10-2002, 01:02 PM
not that I dont have faith in our police force, I know they are usually doing their best but what the hell can they really do in this situation?

What if my aunt is right, what if this chick is grade A psycho, cereal killer material or something and she catches my mother at home alone a few weeks from now? Does the way I react then change from how I react now?

12-10-2002, 01:38 PM
i think you're over reacting a bit dude. not that you shouldn't be upset that someone broke into your moms house .... i understand that. but how do you even know for sure it was the same person? i mean how would psycho b!tch even know where your mom lives or even that she exists? obviously i dont know the entire story, but im just sayin ....

if you feel you have all the evidence you need then give her a call. i would start with that . ... if you go beat her up you are just going to spur more vengence and wind up in jail. call her and be extremely ****ed but not threatening. if you dont think calling her would do any good then just kill her. but dont post about it on here.

Water Dragon
12-10-2002, 01:49 PM

12-10-2002, 01:50 PM
Maybe you should tell your mom's ex to STFU about talking to her about his GF. The psycho had to know he talked to your mom some how.

Then wait and see what the law does and of course if you say anything to her make sure she is the one that did it.

I know how you feel when I was much younger, too young to kick someones butt some psycho beotch stalked my mom for some reason. It allways made me mad and I wanted to beat the person bad too. Just make sure you don't go to jail or something, even if the person deserves to be threatened or beat our wonderful justice system won't allow it...... if they know about it at least.

12-10-2002, 02:02 PM
Well, the cops said there is nothing they can do but ask her if she did it or not. There isnt enough evidence to do anything else. However, if it happens again, that is proof enough to me she is doing it and I am going to make hey hurt for it, psycho or not, I dont put up with terrorist type activity and this is exactly that in my book.

Cipher, yep, first person I am going to call this evening when I get home is my moms ex and explain to him why he is causing alot of problems for alot of peopel by dragging this ***** around. then I may call this chick and give her my address in case she wants to terrorize someone because she can show up at my house at 3 am and I can show her what it's all about to be afraid for a change.

12-10-2002, 02:26 PM
"Si tu tienes miedo, comprate un perro."

If your scared, buy yourself a dog. Sounds like your mother could use one.

12-10-2002, 02:28 PM
I'm not scared, just for my mothers life. She has two yorkies so atleast they can warn her.

Water Dragon
12-10-2002, 02:29 PM
If you're scared, buy your mom a real dog. Sounds like she could use one. :D

12-10-2002, 03:21 PM
That's what I keep tellig her!!!

Water Dragon
12-10-2002, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by red5angel
That's what I keep tellig her!!!

'Nuff said. I got one of those moms too ;)

12-10-2002, 03:44 PM
You fool! If your that protective the move in with your mom and PROTECT. Your not allowed to go running off hunting people just cause you think they are psycho.

12-10-2002, 03:56 PM
A guy has got to protect his Mom.
Have your Mom move out for a few days while you secretly live there and have the house look unoccupied. No noise, no lights at night.
Wait for the b1tch to show up , beat the cr@p out of her and then call the police and say you've caught a trespasser who fought you and had to be subdued.

12-10-2002, 03:58 PM
I dont think Yenhoi, I know she is psycho, there is no doubt in my mind. You don't do things like that without having a screw loose.
The difference may be that I am sane enough to accept resonsibility for my actions but hurting people, scaring or terrorizing people, and having the potential for killing people is not acceptable in my view. If someone who can do something legaly isnt interested in doing somehting, I don't mind taking it into my own hands if it comes to it.

Ask yourself this Yenhoi, Take any random loved one and put them in the same situation, a stranger who you are convinced is more then capable of going too far, is threatening them, and the cops wont do anything, what would you do? Wait until something serious happens? I'm not for waiting, I don't wait for things to happen.

She is staying at my house for a few days, I may just stay at her house sleep in the early evening and spend the nights waiting to see if she comes back.

12-10-2002, 05:08 PM
You fool! I would kill the *****. Im just saying the sane things so when you get yourself killed I can say I told you so!

12-10-2002, 05:21 PM
Legal way: Set up a cam corder to record any movements around your mom's place. VID CAMs are excellent and the police will act if seen.

Illegal way: Get a couple of friends...wear mask and baseball and beat her and scare her. Saying u're with a particular organize crime group.

Illegal way: She sleeps with the fishes!

African Tiger
12-10-2002, 05:41 PM
Dude, from one crazy jarhead to another, if the police aren't willing to help you (how many crazy ex-boyfriends have evaded "restraining orders" and gone on to murder their girlfriends, etc?) do whatever you feel is necessary.

Believe me, my sister stopped telling me about the stuff her baby's daddy was pulling - I was seconds away from getting on a greyhound for the express purpose of beating him within an inch of his life AT HIS PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT. Mainly because the court system dragged its ass for so long, my niece was 3 before my sister started getting child support...

Uh, what was I...oh, dude. Masks, dark clothing, nighttime, 3-4 guys, hospital job. Use something that doesn't leave marks, like a rubber hose. This way, if johnny law gets involved, "What bruises, officer?"

I know, its horrible advice from a Christian, but sometimes people need to understand the futility of their actions. I'd even put her on one of those aforementioned greyhounds, and tell her that in no uncertain circumstances that returning to town will result in more beatings.

African Tiger
12-10-2002, 05:44 PM
Now that I look at it, I think I like Mojo's advice better.

This way it's not as if you went looking for the bi tch....

12-10-2002, 06:32 PM
this must be serious - your mother and dogs were mensioned in the same sentence and not one joke was made.

Water Dragon
12-10-2002, 06:35 PM

12-10-2002, 06:43 PM
How do you get her to stop? A high caliber bullet between the eyes, probably. Tell your mom to move somewhere else and not leave a forwarding address. People like that aren't rational, if they were they wouldn't pull the stuff they do to begin with.

12-10-2002, 06:47 PM

Ya blew it. If you plan to take any 'questionable' action, posting the problem on the net and asking a bunch of crazed martial artists what to do will not help your case in court.

Moving in to your mom's apparently vacant house and waiting for her could be seen as entrapment. I know, it sounds crazy, but we're talking about the legal system here. That can be more insane than this psycho babe. Moving in with your mom to protect her would be a different thing.

Video survalence was a good suggestion. But it would be expensive and would have to be done right. That would probably include getting legal advice on the do's and don'ts in your state.

Taking care of this legally would be the best, of course. She needs to be removed from her position of authority and responsibility with children as well as stopping her harrasing or hurting your mom. But the legal system is about the slowest and least sure way to do anything.

Best bet, in my never humble opinion, would be a vigilante type action- if you have that kind of friends that you can trust. Make sure you have an aliby while they pay her a visit and tell her what the consequences will be if anything else happens. But watch her, since if she is mentally unstable you could push her to escalate to violence.

She could allways 'dissapear'. But think of the harm that would do to both you and your mom, psycologically as well as possibly legally. Tough call, but that is one I'd tend to make only if the threat was imminent (she actually was attacking your mom).

Hope this works out for you.

Water Dragon
12-10-2002, 06:51 PM
People on KFO are funny.

Seriously? Tell her to leave the guy,or buy a gun and learn to shoot, or get a big dog, or a home security system, or move. People like that can be crazy and your mom's just "in the way."

Don't plot $hit, or take advice on how to terrorize someone on KFO like this is the Sopranos. If your going to do $hit, Hey! It's your family and I wont try to tell you what is correct. But don't talk about it on an internet forum. <-- think about it.

12-10-2002, 10:31 PM
''I dont think Yenhoi, I know she is psycho, there is no doubt in my mind.''
hey red
is this like when there was no doubt in your mind that you had found the be all and end all of god wing chun and that you were going to inform the whole wing chun world why we were all wrong and you were so right?

''You don't do things like that without having a screw loose.''
i'm sorry but you just don't post on a public forum asking for solutions to a problem like this unless you have a screw loose.


tsunami surfer
12-10-2002, 11:23 PM
Use your head red. Take a video camera(borrow one or 2 if nessasary) Set one where you have a veiw of the front yard and front door from a window in your house. Have one viewing backdoor and yard and set third up on vehicles in driveway. Make sure date and time stamp are current. HIDE them well. If something happens take copies to cops (dont scream they wont do anything because that is crap) and present another to the school board(You did say she was a teacher)

DO NOT threaten her
DO NOT call her
DO NOT confront her

DO document everytime she calls(if she does)
DO document everytime you see her on your street
DO call the cops and document everytime you do call them.

A paper trail and video evidence and constant calling of cops works!

12-11-2002, 07:40 AM
for the video cams, maybe nanny cams are the way to go- they're pretty cheap, usually.

More to the the point- this woman is probly not a serial killer type of psycho, more the explosive type. From "16 faces of a psychopath":


The explosive psychopath is differentiated from other psychopathic variants by the unpredictable and sudden emergence of hostility. These "adult tantrums," characterized by uncontrollable rage and fearsome attacks upon others, occur frequently against members of the psychopath's own family.

Such explosive behavior erupts precipitously, before its intensive nature can be identified and constrained. Feeling thwarted and threatened, these psychopaths respond in a volatile and hurtful way, bewildering others by the abrupt change that has overtaken them, saying unforgivable things, striking unforgettable blows. As with children, tantrums are instantaneous reactions to cope with frustration or fear. Although the explosive behavior is often effective in intimidating others into silence or passivity, it is not primarily an instrumental act, but rather an outburst that serves to discharge pent-up feelings of humiliation and degredation.

BUT: I can't be sure from the posts. You may want to check or post here (http://www.psychopath-research.com/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php) for more or better advice.

One important thing is to remind the idiot ex-BF that if a woman is capable of doing this cr@p when they aren't even married, then he's putting himself in line for a world of pain. And your family should abandon him to his fate if he intends to go thru with it. He'll be divorced soon enough, and broke, and broken throroughly....Just my opinion ;)

12-11-2002, 08:05 AM
Well, here is the deal, I am staying at my moms house for two weeks, over night, sleeping in the living room. Her dogs arent big but they have good ears and the front door is unlocked so if they start to bark I am out the door like a shot and on who ever is out there like a rat on a cheetoh. No if ands or butts, your on my moms property in the middle of the night and I dont recognize you your getting your ass beat to within an inch of your life and then I will drive your unconcious ass out to the nearest wooded lot and leave you there.

What some of you are missing here is that I am not concenred about the law or what may happen to me. See, the cops looked at the damage, showed my mom how to bar her doors with chairs :rolleyes: and left with sorry but we can't do anythinghere.
Hey, that's fine, you can't do anything, myself and my families, as citizens of the United States of America still have the right to protect ourselves and you can bet your sweet a$$ that is exactly what I am going to do. I am not going to bother calling her, emailing her, or making contact with her period because in my view someone likes this might need to get beat very seriously before they realize the self detructive path they are on is exactly and in reality that very thing, self destructive and if you want to go out in a blaze of glory, I will give you the free kick in the a$$ to get you there.

I am seriously tired of this kind of ****. How many people do you know get beat, killed or are put in some other form of pain or torment because sometimes the law fails? I don't need her to pull the trigger on a gun, or stick a knife in my mother a few times before I act, fukk no. She wants to go psycho and pull some sort of crap like that she is going to pay if I can do anything about it. Sometimes the law doesnt always work, so what do you do, wait until someone gets killed before the law comes in and then she goes to some psycho ward for a while and then is let out? That crap don't fly with me.

12-12-2002, 05:35 AM
No problem with protecting your family. The cops respond ususally when a crime has been committed- they can't usually stop one from from happening, esp. one of this kind [thought out etc.] & they know it. So they just work on hardening the target and getting more of a case together.

I don't think anything much will happen while you're there to protect yr mom BTW cuz these types are cowards, male or female. And thats to your advantage. Good luck.