View Full Version : guangzhou wing chun

12-11-2002, 07:08 PM
could anyone tell me of any specific styles of wing chun that come from guangzhou and not neccesarity foshan? or any know differences between the two? thanks for any info.

12-11-2002, 08:00 PM
There's no WCK native to Guangzhou. Sum Nung first brought WCK there in the 1940s (YKS/SN WCK is also called Guangzhou WCK) when he moved there from Foshan to begin his medical practice, and to supplement his income taught members of the restaurant, five metals, iron workers, etc. unions. Later the Fung's of Gulao, Lun Gai (student of Yip Man) and others came to the city, though most later moved back to their home towns.


12-13-2002, 12:31 PM
It seems similar to Yuan Kai San and Pan Nam and their forms seem more "flowing" than those displayed by Yip Man's line.. whatever that means

12-13-2002, 01:10 PM
Wong Wu Fong, aka Mai Gei (Rice Machine) Wong learned WCK first from Wong Jing of Foshan (who learned from the Leung Jan lineage and then from Yuen Kay-San). When Wong Jing died, his students continued with Sum Nung (who was in Guangzhou by then), and some also with Sum's early students like Pang Chao (who were also in Guangzhou).

Wong Wu Fong seems to have been something of a natural in MA, and was also reportedly accomplished in Neijia, and in Western boxing and wrestling. He established his own group and spread WCK into Huayuan county and eventually around the Pearl River Delta.

12-13-2002, 02:16 PM
Hello 8StalksOfRice,

I am a little confused by the "similar to Yuan Kai San and Pan Nam" comment. Did you mean that is was similar to these two style meaning that Yuan Kai San and Pan Nam systems were similar to each other? Or did you mean that the other system has similarities found in both systems. kind of bridging them?

I have not seen a lot of Yuen Kay San wing chun, but from my limited expereince in person and book format suggests it is quite different from the Pan Nam I have studied. Of course this is relative since they both are wing chun, but there is significant differences and I would say the two systems are really compatible.

Pan Nam's system is interesting in that it is very different from most lineages of wing chun. There are two possible reasons for this as well. One is the system came from a lineage attributed to a person refered to as "Lok", if I remember correctly. Not much is known about this linege, publicly anyways. It is possible it was made up, altered, mixed, or is pure. We just don't have any other real info on it to compare it too. Also, Pan Nam studied with several people who influenced his wing chun. Also, he had a significant background in Hung Gar which may have also influenced his art to some degree. For example he added a hei gong excercize. I don't think this is any earth shattering info. I don't think Pan Nam ever claimed his system was anything other than his experession.

So, basicly I would be confused as to why another system would be similar to Pan Nam's. I have found it pretty unique to every other branch I have seen. Did "Wong Wu Fong, aka Mai Gei (Rice Machine) Wong" have any contact with Pan Nam? What are you suggesting is similar to Pan Nam's system?

Just naturally currious since I had some small back ground in Pan Nam system.
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