View Full Version : Nunchaku forms?

12-13-2002, 07:52 PM
Are there any Southern kung fu nunchaku forms?

Not three sectional staff....the other one

12-13-2002, 08:39 PM
This is not a chinese weapon. Kung fu has the siu so gee, which is similar to nunchucks, however one piece is slightly larger than the other and it is used often with a broadsword in the other hand. In any event it is not a weapon often seen in many styles.

But definitely no Bruce Lee nunchucks in any real kung fu style.


12-14-2002, 05:55 AM
I thought they were traditionally chinese rice flails which were reinterpreted into weapons when
>insert mythological story here<

Tell me if im wrong

David Jamieson
12-14-2002, 10:25 AM
The Nunchaku are a japanese farm implement come weapon.

Made popular to chinese martial artists by Bruce Lee's use of them in movies.

To the best of my knowledge, there are no traditional kungfu styles that contain forms for the weapon.

I don't recall them being in any of the kata i learned while studying Karate either. But, times change and there may very well be integration of the weapon into chinese styles somewhere.


12-14-2002, 11:05 AM
There is a form in Taiji Praying Mantis - Chiu Chuk Kai lineage (Northern PM style) that has a Nunchaku form. The weapon is know as "Waai Cheung". Waai means the approximate area around the abdominals and Cheung is staff. It is consider somewhat of a concealed weapon rather than a side arms. The form is the entry form for more advanced flexible weapons such as the rope dart. It contain some of the basic moves (with footwork) of flexible weapons. It is way more than just stand there and wave the thing as found in some sport karate make up katas.


12-16-2002, 01:06 AM
Some claim nunchaku were actually horse bridals. Useless piece of maybe untrue info. :eek:

12-21-2002, 02:33 AM
Originally posted by Kung Lek
The Nunchaku are a japanese farm implement come weapon.

Made popular to chinese martial artists by Bruce Lee's use of them in movies.

To the best of my knowledge, there are no traditional kungfu styles that contain forms for the weapon.

I don't recall them being in any of the kata i learned while studying Karate either. But, times change and there may very well be integration of the weapon into chinese styles somewhere.


Not Japanese, Ryukyuan (Okinawan), BIGGG difference! Many of the principles of the 3-sectional staff are seen in Nunchaku gata. There are lots of differences, too.

There are hundredes of styles of so-called karate. There are only 3 traditional karate schools. If what you did wasn't Okinawan, then you didn't study real karatejutsu or to-de.

Hope this hizelps!

12-23-2002, 04:00 PM
Actually there are Chinese nunchuku in traditional Kungfu. WE had it as our featured weapon back in Jan/Feb 2001. (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=132) In mandarin, it's called erjiegun and usually the Chinese version has slightly longer shafts and longer chains.

If you think about it, it's a pretty basic weapon. You even see versions in european armouries, albeit as longer flails. Nobody whips 'em around like old Bruce, but the basic weapon structure is pretty common.

Some resources:
nunchuku (http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/nunchaku.html)
Videos (http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/tc-by010.html)
poster (http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/85-06.html)

David Jamieson
12-27-2002, 09:25 PM

Actually I did study Okinawan Karate. Isshinryu, a hybrid of Shorin and Goju, also both Okinawan based in Chinese Martial arts, primarily 5 animals Kung Fu.

We didn't have nunchaku as a weapon, but then, the only weapon we did have was short staff. Mind you, I only spent 4 years learning, but quite a few years after my teacher left still practicing.

Gene- I've seen the sweeper staff in Chinese weapons. This is also originally a rice flail isn't it? I wasn't aware of the type of weapon you're talking about, but then, what I don't know could fill a warehouse :D

Anyway, I have played with the chucks, but I'll take a cane or a staff anyday over any short weapon , heh heh. Personal preference and the whole "distance" thing.


12-28-2002, 06:35 PM
I've also heard that the nunchaku is actually an old style HORSE RIDING bit.

That seems more plausible to me than the rice flailing thing.

Try actually flailing something with a nunchaku to see how difficult it can be.