View Full Version : Testify

Ng Mui
12-15-2002, 06:24 AM
I recently had the opportunity to spar a Black Belt of Okinawain Karate# going for his 2nd degree. He had spent the last 4 months working out extensively with weights, running and practicing techniques in preparation for this match.
My opponent was 5 years younger than me. I have spent the last 19 years in the same Okinawian system as he. The match was full contact, no kicks to joints was the only rule.
Grappling was allowed.

Only in the last 1 1/2 years have I been taking Wing Chun. So I decided to give it another test run this night. The Wing Chun Techniques were the only ones that landed. I was able to deflect and kick under his kicks with ease. If not for a groin cup that would have surely give him more pause. I used footwork to minimize his attacks and to position myself on his dead side. Punching and trapping so quickly that all he could do was back peddle. I believe that would have been even more effective if I wasn't wearing 16 0z gloves.

Anyway , long story short Wing Chun won.
Please Share with us brothers and sisters your experiences, tournament or real life.

12-15-2002, 08:03 AM
Originally posted by Ng Mui
I have spent the last 19 years in the same Okinawian system as he.

Glad you did well! I have had similar experiences although not wearing big gloves like that. Didn't you find the gloves tough to trap with and feel with?

I have always found that on the inside nothing could stop the WC. I had also done some Okinawian Karate before. If I might ask what style karate did you study and what kinds of hand techniques did your karate offer in comparison to the WC? Did your old style do any sensitivity or energy drills? Any comparison between the two systems as you've used them in sparring would be interesting.



Ng Mui
12-15-2002, 08:21 AM
Didn't you find the gloves tough to trap with and feel with?
Yes, they add to much mass to the hand and make gripping next to impossible.
If I might ask what style karate did you study
Tomari-Te Karate from Okinawa.
what kinds of hand techniques did your karate offer in comparison to the WC?
Karate has many more hand tech. than Wing Chun. What I have found is its not how much you know, but how well you use what you know. Ther is no need for 40 differant hand tech., if I can't defeat you with a few, I can't defeat you.
Did your old style do any sensitivity or energy drills?
Any comparison between the two systems as you've used them in sparring would be interesting. Karate is great for young men who like to meet force with force, but as the body ages it becomes more and more difficult to do this. Wing Chun isn't about Strength, its about Skill.

12-15-2002, 09:27 AM
You beat your opponent, not wing chun, not karate, not wing chun techniques, not karate techniques, not kicking under hist kicks, or punching inside his punches, you were the victor, not some abstract label for a training system.

'grats. :eek:

12-15-2002, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by yenhoi
You beat your opponent, not wing chun, not karate, not wing chun techniques, not karate techniques, not kicking under hist kicks, or punching inside his punches, you were the victor, not some abstract label for a training system.

'grats. :eek:

Well in my experience I found that after only a very short time in training WCK that I was able to trounce my old karate sparring partners who previously kicked my butt. So you can understand how I might find it hard to completely discount the value of training WCK vs. Brand X. IMO the methods one trains has a whole lot to do with how one performs. Personally I feel that I owe the skill that I acquired to the founders of the system and my teachers. To do otherwise ignores the tremendous contribution made by the above.

12-15-2002, 02:11 PM
it nice to hear of people sparring with wing chun, i don't hear of it a lot, at least against other styles. congratulations. especially with only a year and a half of wing chun, i guess those 19 years in karate helped a lot with reflexes and general combat awarness.

on the issue of beating "karate" vs "beating a person who does karate". I think the fact that you had 19 years of martial arts experience comes into play. also, the fact that it wasn't a novice to karate that was beaten, and the fact that you were a novice to wing chun, but not to fighting. I think that It is a testament to wing chun techniques and strategy none the less considering that your opponent was training for a second degree black belt.

12-18-2002, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by yenhoi
You beat your opponent, not wing chun, not karate, not wing chun techniques, not karate techniques, not kicking under hist kicks, or punching inside his punches, you were the victor, not some abstract label for a training system.
I agree. The idea of switching from one style to another does injustice to both systems. Both are misunderstood.

12-18-2002, 11:46 PM
Okinawa in the house!

I did 4 years in DKI, and had some exposure to Oyata. My conversion to WT came after a year of searching for the next thing, and getting totally shut down by a WT with similar time in to me, 50lbs lighter, and far less mean. Welcome back to the south and off the islands.

The south shall rise again. . . South China.

