View Full Version : Happy holidays!

Chang Style Novice
12-16-2002, 05:06 PM
Tell Santa what you want for christmas!

12-16-2002, 05:13 PM
jolly ol' saint chang style,

- i want my credit cards paid off
- a trip to austin to see my girlfriend (and a trip back to washington, so i don't get fired)
- better footwork

and, if you're feeling extra generous, a chance to retire at 25 so i can train all the time but still be able to afford the 847 kids my girlfriend wants (she's catholic ;) )

12-16-2002, 05:21 PM
Aaah, c'mon it kinda fits. And I got it yesterday so I'm pretty stoked.

Anyway, if the jolly fat b@stard is kind enough he could throw in some BJJ books and some private lessons from my CMA and BJJ instructors and...