View Full Version : CMA a Swot analysis

12-17-2002, 07:44 PM
let do an analysis of CHinese Martial Arts to find how we can make it better. Please write your thought on the following

1. Strengths

2. Weaknesses

3. Opportunites

4. Threats

1. Its superior, more advanced, more mystique, chi kung, complete, jet li, looks cool. Lots of weapons, better than most have us have seen after too many years in tkd,karate, kempo and all that other crap that looks the same.

2. Sashes look kind of effete. Karate guys has two phaluses between their legs. Ours is on the side. Weaker, floppier stigma. People think its for show, about archaic weapons or nasty eye gouges.

3. Olympic San Shou. A better educated populace. More quality kung fu schools, buying kung fu magazines, wearing our school shirts in public, not staring down people of other schools, unity, a sporting interest in san shou. More competitions, a fitness focus so that kung fu can take over Pilates and Yoga.

4. Threats- No one knowing or caring. No differentiation from karate. Too many names ie. Hung Style choy li fut kung fu martial arts. as opposed to "Karate" or "Sambo" BJJ is NOT a threat. Its a good system. We should support it as such. Go to your local martial arts section of books. All the kung fu/karate guys are glaring and looking tough. The BJJ guys are smiling. We should be having fun. Forget being tough. Thats for weaklings.

whats your take on this? Please rip it apart, what do you think?

12-17-2002, 09:31 PM

Fighting: Excellent
Agility: Remarkable
Strength: Excellent
Endurance: Incredible
Reason: Incredible
Intuition: Remarkable
Psyche: Incredible

Karma: Remarkable
Health: Remarkable
Resources: Good
Prestige: Typical


Micro-environment: Remarkable ability
Focus: Incredible ability
Kung-fu: Amazing ability

Martial Arts A,B,C,D,E,F, Survivial Skills, ass-kicking skills

Smokes cigars while training.
Eats cookies in bed.
Freedom fighter.


12-17-2002, 09:43 PM

12-17-2002, 09:54 PM
I'll take a stab, but I'll be brief. This is pretty much my perspective as a new martial artist.

1. Strengths: Good publicity from the mass media. Anyone who's seen a Jet Li, Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee movie think that Kung Fu is pretty kickass. Excellent techniques to be employed on the street

2. Weaknesses: Lack of tournaments, relatively high population of practitioners looking for something "spiritual". Many techniques can't ever ba practiced full on.

3. Opportunites:?

4. Threats: Being overrun by hippies.

12-17-2002, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by Antares33
4. Threats: Being overrun by hippies.

Yeah. You wanna keep a particularly close eye on Gene Ching with regards to that point.

Former castleva
12-18-2002, 01:32 AM
Hippies? :)
Sticking to certain stereotypes around here,possibly.
Or maybe sticking needles into non-stereotypes,we“ll see.

"All the kung fu/karate guys are glaring and looking tough. The BJJ guys are smiling. We should be having fun. Forget being tough. Thats for weaklings."

That“s nice of you Stacey.
A good point,nothing like seeing a martial artist“s face on the cover of a mag with a grin on his face which would better apply to a cover of a certain metal album.

12-18-2002, 08:05 AM
yenhoi leads early with an obscure reference to marvel gaming. excellent.


12-18-2002, 08:45 AM
I was embarrassed when I immediately recognized the attributes as coming from the marvel rpg specifically.

Leave it to KFO to constantly remind me of my essential d-o-r-kiness.

12-18-2002, 09:32 AM
what do you think?

12-18-2002, 09:32 AM
well, i probably should be embarrassed. but i was a little busy laughing. so...


12-18-2002, 09:44 AM
So- is d-o-r-k-iness a weakness or a threat? I hafta know, 'cuz I'm a part-time wargamin' geek!

Oh- to make CMAs better: smack everyone with a stick (a la Zen) to make them stay on topic! :)

12-18-2002, 10:16 AM
--A court has rejected a 60-year-old man's attempt to invoke the
ancient right to trial by combat, rather than pay a £25 fine for a
minor motoring offence.
Leon Humphreys remained adamant yesterday that his right to fight a
champion nominated by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA)
was still valid under European human rights legislation. He said it
would have been a "reasonable" way to settle the matter.
Magistrates sitting at Bury St Edmunds on Friday had disagreed and
instead of accepting his offer to take on a clerk from Swansea
with "samurai swords, Ghurka knives or heavy hammers", fined him
£200 with £100 costs.
Humphreys, an unemployed mechanic, was taken to court after refusing
to pay the original £25 fixed penalty for failing to notify the
DVLA that his Suzuki motorcycle was off the road.
After entering a not guilty plea, he threw down his unconventional
challenge. Humphreys, from Bury St Edmunds, said: "I was willing to
fight a champion put up by the DVLA, but it would have been a fight
to the death."

Ok I'm going to go smack myself with a stick now....


12-18-2002, 10:42 AM
Notice I threw in GURPs "quirks."


12-18-2002, 10:53 AM
I don't know GURPs. I hadn't played Marvel since the late 80's/early 90's, so I assumed "quirks" were just a part of a newer edition.

First and Second edition Shadowrun was always my game of choice.

12-18-2002, 11:01 AM
i don't know GURPS either, i'm afraid. too many rules for my tiny brain.

12-18-2002, 11:30 AM
Strengths: All of the moves are there. Once you really learn a style of kung fu, you can pretty much do any martial art by just isolating a few moves and strategies.

Weaknesses: Doesn't have the proper mindset anymore. Too much looking for something and not enough doing. In some respects, it lost effectiveness for actually fighting.

Opportunities: Huge potential for modernization, and not in a Wushu, Religious, or Health club way, but for actual self defense in todays world. Needs to focus more on actual weapons of opportunity and could use firearms training. Disarming and Chin Na for controlling, restraining, and breaking should be focused on more. More root and infighting development. The mind should be focused on disrupting and destroying the opponents ability to fight and not on trading punches and kicks.

Threats: Chi Hippies, Posers, and invincible pajama wearing slap taggers.

12-18-2002, 11:34 AM
A new hero!!!!!! Free Leon Humphreys!!!!!!!

12-18-2002, 12:54 PM
I gave some more thot to the analysis idea..."does this come from marketing?" was the first thought. But next:

There are some very different aims for different folks. frinstance, you got traditionalists. They aren't going to go near your suggestions, for the most part. And they will accuse those who revamp of abandoning principles, remaking wheels, dissing sifus, etc. etc.

So the SWOT analysis framework might not work for all types...hippies tend to go for the "neo-traditional internal" [tho they are shunted out of the real traditional schools], poseurs tend to congregate in the 'flashy' arts, like [maybe] wushu, or those with good reps to trade on.

Where threat is written, I'm thinking "challenge" is a better way to think. For my rather more traditionalist lineage, that challenge is: "to find and foster those who will carry on the traditions of the lineage faithfully and honorably".

We don't necessarily practice to become successful- we practice to become excellent! To us, thats kung fu. :) Thats a very hard thing to 'sell'.

an aside to guohen-
I say we as CMAs all start volunteering to become judicial champions for our local district! We'll get there b4 all those JMA and KMA losers...:D

12-18-2002, 06:34 PM
Strengths: Lots of good martial arts from China. Good variety.
Weaknesses: Lots of bad martial arts from China.
Opportunities: More venues to show what they have against other styles than ever.
Threats: Lumping all CMAs together as one group. Modern Wushu != San shou.

12-18-2002, 06:47 PM

only played marvel once but identified the stats immediately

should we start a diff thread and have everybody post themselves as a character from their rpg of choice?

silly question I know.....

who is it that has the sig referring to martial artists as ****s
in good shape or something like that ???:)

I still play D&D at 35.

Long live 1st edition !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Hi, my name is Matt...and I'm a ****"

12-18-2002, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by Stacey
All the kung fu/karate guys are glaring and looking tough. The BJJ guys are smiling. We should be having fun. Forget being tough. Thats for weaklings.

So true.

I'm sick of the 'traditional' Chinese photot where you can't smile. Egad, I'm actually in a few. I wanna smile more damm.t.

12-18-2002, 07:56 PM
hmmm, are the censor's extra tense tonight???



12-18-2002, 09:43 PM
You should play AD&D.


'round holidays I sometimes get together with some old friends for some ass-kicking warhammer or related games.

12-18-2002, 09:44 PM
I have a antique copy of 1st edition. My dad played it in high school. :eek:

12-19-2002, 08:11 AM
D&D is so absolutely boring. I had some good times with it when younger, but now it just bores me. FWIW, tho, my fave characters were always dwarfs.

Another thing to typecast yourself with here (http://quiz.ravenblack.net/videogame.pl)

Yenhoi: what armies do you play? In WHFB, i'm chaos [slaanesh] and in WH40K, the Lamenters SMs.

12-19-2002, 10:29 AM
Quirks are not only fun, they're also a way to score 5 quick character points. Between that and the obligitory "Pirate's Code of Honor", you just became ambidexterious.

12-19-2002, 11:04 AM
I've played the original Marvel Superheros, D&D, AD&D1, AD&D2, D3, GURPS, In Nomine, 7 out of 8 White Wolf systems, Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green, CyberGen, All Flesh Must Be Eaten (The roleplaying game of Survival Horror), and a variety of homebrew systems.

It's something to do when I'm not at the gym :D

12-19-2002, 11:37 AM
"Uh. hi everyone...my name is Tom..."

"Hi Tom!!!"

"Uh...I'm a..."

"We're with you, Tom!!!"

"I'm a...collectible card game geek...uh...I'm here because my wife said she'd leave me if I didn't come..."

"It's OK Tom! Let it out!!"

"I lost my job, sold the car...that wasn't so bad, but then I mortaged the house to get the new packs..."

"I'm into leather..."

"SHHH, jodie...this is Tom's turn...":D