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View Full Version : kung fu forum is just an amusment park for kids

10-09-2001, 06:39 PM
When a freind of mine talked about creating this forum I thought it would be a great idea. It could be a place where genuine martial artists could chat and talk about the thing that they love best "martial arts", however since its birth I have seen a slow decline in serious topics and have seen an increase in children doing nothing more than playing games at other peoples expence.

Some topics start out as good threads but wind up being ruined by immature kids with little respect for other people! Im sure like this thread will be ruined! just as anything that involves children it will be taked away due to stupidity and ignorance.
So please lets leave this forum to adults with real issue's and questions and we will leave the amusment parks for you kids!
PS why waste your time on this forum? shouldnt you be out there skateboarding or downloading video games or something!!!!!!!!!!!


10-09-2001, 06:52 PM
Serious people post elsewhere. I hang out here to kill time at work. When I want a real answer, I post to several other boards.

old jong
10-09-2001, 06:56 PM
When I want a real answer,I ask my sifu or sigung!...Beside,I'm an old kid and I like this amusement park! ;)

Les paroles s'envolent.
Les écrits restent!...

10-09-2001, 07:03 PM
what are some other good serious boards?

10-09-2001, 07:05 PM
good point old Jong. Perhaps it would have been better to say, real conversation.

As for what are better sites, well... If I told everyone, they'd probably not be so great anymore, now would they?

10-09-2001, 07:29 PM
*sigh* more wasted bandwidth.

do you feel better, now that you've gotten that off of you chest?

- I bet a funny thing about driving a car off a cliff is, while you're in midair, you still hit those brakes! Hey, better try the emergency brake!

10-09-2001, 07:40 PM
...if you don't like the content, why not contribute something?

I often notice that the people who complain the most about "the declining quality of the board" do not, themselves, contribute "quality" topics, or contribute much at all.

Also, trolls can only "ruin" topics if you don't have the emotional self-control to ignore their bait.

10-09-2001, 07:44 PM
Every other martial arts forum I have ever visted is generally boring.

They talk about "serious topics" which genrally degrade into semantic arguments.

As soon as someone reveals any of their personality, immediately they are attacked for being off topic, or people demand better "behavior", or they demand you use your full name to be "held accountable".

I think this is all stuck up academic bull. This is the web, not the kwoon.

The reason I hang on this site is because of all of the crap. It's relaxing, engaging, entertaining, and unintrusive.

"She ain't got no muscles in her teeth."
- Cat

10-09-2001, 07:45 PM

10-09-2001, 08:12 PM
for how people Feel. While martial arts training does have its ethereal side, and discipline and respect, the ones training are people. Some of them are in a different place than you are, than I am.
Sure, I'm not too keen on some of the banter, so I keep out of it. To tell you the truth, I don't mind that it's there. Because it is as real as the serious stuff. Because it comes out in the way people talk to each other and in the way they fight, in the ways they are brave, and afraid. I'm a serious person, but I wouldn't want to listen to myself all the time.
While I agree that some posts have gone over the top, to see the board as a total failure is unfortunate. I had a serious thread on it that worked. There is room for improvement; it can evolve.
Basic rules of decency should be kept, and sometimes they aren't. That allows for a degree of censorship by those who oversee the board, either to pull the post entirely, or to blank out areas of it. This refers to sexually explicit material, name calling. Stuff like that, not a difference of opinion or holding and expressing what might be an unpopular opinion. Sometimes there needs to be a challenge to things as they have been, and this is a good place to talk.

I'm not totally disagreeing with you, but I am taking a different view, and one which is based on now cause I wasn't around for the beginning.


Mr. Nemo
10-09-2001, 08:18 PM
Waidan's post kicks a$$.

Martial Joe
10-09-2001, 09:09 PM
I am a kid...
Do I do this?

http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/lolup.gif IXIJoe KaveyIXIhttp://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/lolup.gif
I am Sharky's main man...

10-09-2001, 10:03 PM
shin - fine - then email them to me please

10-10-2001, 06:08 AM
I have been pleasntly surprised by the reponses I got. I guess in a way you all are right thats what makes the world go around, but sometimes it bothers me that some of the serious threads that get ridiculous reponses I dont know why I guess I am just expecting to much. I am from the old school and repect to others and the golden rule prevail over incompetence but this is the age of the internet so anything goes and anyone with a keyboard can shout from their homes without fear of self humilitation. thanks for all your reponses and advice.


Martial Joe
10-10-2001, 06:53 AM
Earth Dragon...make the serious topics serious by using your own words...

http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/lolup.gif IXIJoe KaveyIXIhttp://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/lolup.gif
I am Sharky's main man...

10-10-2001, 08:07 AM
Waiden I'm taking that pic and using it in my own jokes in the future.
It's just too good to pass up. :)



"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

10-10-2001, 04:31 PM
This is just an observation:

There are thirteen other boards here at KFOnline, where serious discussion is probably the norm. But, I don't spend much time other than here so I don't really know. My guess is that this is the only one that has general content and frequently strays to the silly side. Funny thing is that is why this is the only one I look at much.

I wish I could improve on Old Jong's comments, but mine are the same. I go to my dojo to learn martial arts. I come here to have fun.

In many ways, this board is a good reflection of real life. There are both good people and jerks, but there are many, many more good people than jerks. Sometimes it is serious. Sometimes it is hilarious.

Lots of us are sensitive to criticism (real or imagined).

Some are very well informed while others... uh, are not.

There are also plenty that are slightly willing to share (sarcasm ;)) their thoughts on how to think, talk, eat, vote, walk, dress, act, etc, etc. (Wow, just like real life.)

While visiting here, there have been times that I literally laughed till I wept.

There have been a few times that I just wept.

This is my "other" family. :D

10-10-2001, 05:27 PM
hehe. I'm here to help.

Universal Stance
10-10-2001, 05:40 PM
This is the "least" serious of the boards at this forum. But that's what makes it the best for unwinding a bit. I spend more time here than the others by far.

Some of you guys are very funny. Video game threads and uglypeople.com posts are hilarious.

"**** it's cold out here to be practicing."

10-10-2001, 07:17 PM
the only reason i joke around is because everybody semms to just be having fun.But in reality martial arts is my life. I constantly am praticing and training everywhere i go there is some way to better myself martial arts wise. Just because I joke around sometimes doesn't mean I'm serious about kung-fu.


10-10-2001, 07:30 PM
This is a great message forum all around! I think that you get out of it what you put into it, and that will be the same everywhere in life. You might go into your office at work, and have a few people you like, a few that you really enjoy speaking with, some that are very insightful but that you don't associate with often, some that have the same interests with you, some that you don't like at all, some that don't like you at all, and some that you don't even know are working there even though you probably see them every day.

If you think its an amusement park for kids, then thats your opinion. And it's just an opinion, not a fact, and many others view it as informational. In fact, if you have gained nothing and learned nothing from being on this board, then have you either wasted a lot of time here or asked the wrong questions.

If you see a formerly serious discussion go to the birds when people start getting into a heated argument, you do have the option to move on, and read other topics. No harm in that.

I'd be more inclined to say that the US government and politics ie. the WhiteHouse is an amusement park for kids! Hah!

- NexuSoWhat?

10-10-2001, 09:37 PM
Quotes from Earth Dragon:

"I am from the old school and repect to others and the golden rule prevail"

(Ok... let's check this out...)


"you are wrong again but you make me laugh when you said you trained internal kung fu for 10 years"

"you just a tongue fu master"

"you feel like an a**hole and are backed into a corner"

"he is one of those blank profile jerks"

"you are afraid of comming to me"

"you are full of s**t and your words and half witted opinon mean nothing to me"

"So do you want a piece of me or what?"

"A great example of a bad instructor is sum guye's teacher!"

(note: he didn't know who SG's teacher was)

"this sick a**hole that has hit such a strong place"

"all the 40 throws there is not one that does not require you to grab or have a hold of your opponent"

"their are many techniques that use a throw without grabbing we have plenty"

(Ok, those two are off topic, but I found them amusing)


"you dont have to agree but why tell some one that what the do is not right just becuse you dont agree!"

(these two were adjacent posts, the irony was just amusing)

"sume dumb guye" (his pet name for SG)

"braden is a TONGUE FU MASTER! Im sure he has won many internet fights hiding behind his keyboard"

"I should employ some diplomacy when dealing with kids that live and train behind their monitors"

"get a life"

"so give it a rest young one and go read a book about kung fu becuse if this is what all you have learned in your training go ask for a refund for you have learmned nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"you have learned nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"qigong is medical you idiot"

"I forgot more than you know! newbie"

"becuse you suck and so does your americanised ba gua! PS I hear you even have a hard time walking the circle HA HA"

Yes... if only we could all have the humbleness and respect this man exhibits, and contribute so positively, this board could be a wonderfull place.

10-10-2001, 10:38 PM
That was great.
Earth Dragon- Can you say hypocrite?

10-10-2001, 10:43 PM
It's kung fu magazine not Shakespeare magazine ;)

10-11-2001, 02:57 PM
Tsk, tsk, tsk. Shocking.

Crimson Phoenix
10-11-2001, 03:12 PM
One thing I don't understand...why losing so much time to complain about it? Love it or leave it, simple...

10-11-2001, 05:57 PM
Kung fu is not for the immature.

10-11-2001, 06:13 PM
"I wish I could improve on Old Jong's comments, but mine are the same. I go to my dojo to learn martial arts. I come here to have fun."
ditto ditto what everyone has said in this vein. It's conversation with people who practice MA..

Want to kill a good discussion? Then restrict it to technique.

"Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill
This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
It hurts to set you free
But you'll never follow me"

10-11-2001, 06:19 PM
what braden forgot to tell you in his little quote facotry is that all of those qutoes are against the only 2 people on this board that I dont get along with!braden is one such person They continuosly atack what ever I say case in point. It doesnt matter who or what I am talking about when either of those to guys jump in a conversatation and say some repulsive remark, childish name calling or threatening me or my students, sumguye even made fun of a paralyzed kid in my care, so braden do something positive and lets not cut and paste tiny bits of full conversations to make somene look bad for it only shows your insecurities and immaturity, dont you have something better to do than attack people that prove you wrong? instead of posting pictures of other people doing kung fu to prove your point GO TRAIN OR SOMETHING!!!!!!


10-11-2001, 06:25 PM
I thought it was cute how you took the time to "snip" out the rest of what I was saying, and the comments that made me respond like that just to make me look bad.... before you attempt to get back at me for making you so mad you should at least tell the audience the whole story
good going kid grow up a little!


10-11-2001, 06:31 PM
The reason Braden and Sum Guye point things out is because they are the two few you should be thanking who still have enough respect for you to try and help you learn. You are not perfect Earth Dragon, nobody here is, but if you come to this forum with a full cup of tea, you will never gain anything more to fill it. Emtpy your cup, come on, and if someone has tea to share, and you wish to drink from it, then extend your cup and the sharing begins. If what someone has to offer is not tea, then you are not forced to agree with it and certainly not forced to drink from it. Knowing this, you can take steps to becoming more humble and respecting of others opinions, even if they are 100% on the other side of the scale as your own opinions, and completely disagree with how you see things.

Remember, that the majority of people are looking for answers, and don't want to be learning poor kungfu or from a bad teacher, just like you would not like to be learning poor kungfu from a bad teacher.

Each of us has areas where we can broaden our perspectives. Lets not get defensive when someone says something we disagree with and rather become insightful as to possibly what we can learn from those experiences. Because you will find people you dislike everywhere you go, and people that dislike you.

- Nexus

10-11-2001, 06:58 PM
ED - I'm not misrepresenting anything. If anyone wants the truth, they can click on your profile and examine everything you have posted here. The same for me.

As for insulting you, threatening your students, etc, I have heard these allegations before, but you have yet to provide a single example of when I have done this.

Yes, I have disagreed with you. Yes, often. Yes, strongly. But I'm as entitled to my opinion as you are to yours. And I do not believe I have ever spoken disrespectfully. If I have, I would like to see the quote so I can apologize and note to myself to be more polite in the future.

BTW, not all of those quotes were directed at me and/or Sum Guye.

10-11-2001, 08:37 PM
Braden, don't sweat it bro!!
You can't teach a old dog, new tricks,
Earth Dragon knows it all, always has,
always will!.


Its not what goes in a man that defile's him, its what comes out.

10-11-2001, 11:22 PM
I do not mind that you or anybody dissagree with what I say, even as you put it "strongly", thats fine and dandy, but it seems as though you go out of your way to prove that I am a bad person or something, just as you are entiltled to your opinon so am I, but time and time again when I am involved in a topic and stating my opinon you cut and paste things that I said in the past on an entilrely different subject!this makes no sense.
I do not see why this is neccesary unless you have something to prove or I ****ed you off in any way, but why take so much of your time out of your day to follow me on every board and every post I make? to prove me wrong? do you secretly have a crush on me? do you want me to train you or something? becuse when your young the person that you choose to pick on has deep subcoincious rooted meanings like you want to be that person or you like them in a certain way. thats the only logic that I can figure out why the last 45 posts from you were about me and what I say even if you wernt in the conversation. You posts things like look what E,D said on the tai chi board in september.
WHY??????? you ticlke me with feeble attempts to discredit the information I put forth but it doesnt work, I have been in martial arts for 19 years and beleive it or not I know a little bit. So if you dont like it then dont read it, but your weight on my back is getting heavy so I think I will stop carrying you and let you walk on your own 2 feet.


10-11-2001, 11:56 PM
"but it seems as though you go out of your way to prove that I am a bad person or something"

I'm sorry you got that impression. I actually couldn't care less about you.

"you cut and paste things that I said in the past on an entilrely different subject"

I cut and paste things that are relevant. On occasion they have been from other threads. Accountability is a *****, eh?

"you have something to prove or I ****ed you off in any way"

Negative on both accounts.

"but why take so much of your time out of your day to follow me on every board and every post I make"

I don't do that. I simply state my opinion on threads that interest me. Conversely, you HAVE spent today putting up empty flames after every post I have made recently.

"do you secretly have a crush on me?"

No, I'm heterosexual. I'm flattered at your interest though.

"do you want me to train you or something?"

No. I think we've allready established what I think of your methods.

"when your young the person that you choose to pick on has deep subcoincious rooted meanings like you want to be that person or you like them in a certain way."

Leave the psychology to psychologists.

"why the last 45 posts from you were about me"

No they weren't. My last post was about silat and kali. My one before that was about xie peiqi's bagua. And so on...

"even if you wernt in the conversation."

This is a discussion board. The idea is to post your comments and watch other people jump in.

"feeble attempts to discredit the information I put forth"

No, I'm only stating my opinion and backing it up. For some reason you obsessively take this as personal attacks. I could have a field day psychoanalyzing that if I cared enough to do it.

"So if you dont like it then dont read it"

You're implying that I stop posting my opinion when it is different than yours. Sorry buddy; I live in a free country.

To those who are wondering - I only bother because I'm waiting for water to boil for my oatmeal.

10-12-2001, 12:05 AM
Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit
KungFuUSA is the lowest form of s*it.

Advantage Braden

He is the Grand Ultimate S h i t

KC Elbows
10-12-2001, 12:06 AM
Oh god, could we at least consider confining the argument to one or two threads? It's all over the place. Its just a little boring.

As an aside, what are the rules for its? the apostrophe goes in the possessive version, or the contraction? I'm always forgetting.

And, by the way, I come here because kung fu online has the best jungle gym. :p

10-12-2001, 12:10 AM
Ok, ok. At KC's insistance I'll ignore the rest of his flames.

KC Elbows
10-12-2001, 12:12 AM
Thanks Braden. Now pardon me, I see no one's on the teeter-totter.

10-12-2001, 12:23 AM
Uh, excuse me. I was in line for the teeter-totter first.

Chang Style Novice
10-12-2001, 12:24 AM
Now, what could just one of you do with the teeter totter? That's one toy that if you don't share isn't any good at all.

Powered by NymphoPop

KC Elbows
10-12-2001, 12:25 AM
My teeter-totter!

Watchman's a big poo-poo head.

10-12-2001, 12:26 AM

KC Elbows
10-12-2001, 12:26 AM

KC Elbows
10-12-2001, 12:29 AM
Hey, thanks, Earth Dragon, you're right, kung fu forum is an amusement park for kids!

Watchman's a poo-poo head
a dingle-bum
a poopy short,
Watchman's a poo-poo head
early in the morning. :p

Chang Style Novice
10-12-2001, 12:33 AM
Now, I want the two of you to settle this like grownups!

5 three minute rounds, no groin shots, eye gouges, or blows to the neck. Winner by KO, submission, or referees decision...


Powered by NymphoPop

10-12-2001, 12:44 AM
Those rules CLEARLY favor someone who actually knows what they are doing.

Therefore, I will only fight KC if he is roped to the cage and I have one uninterrupted round to hurl abusive language at his person.

KC Elbows
10-12-2001, 12:52 AM
Now Watchman, I'm a married man. :eek:

Chang Style Novice
10-12-2001, 01:16 AM
I've changed my mind. I want this to be a dirty, no rules fight. Winner by whoever is healthy enough to reach and use the teeter totter.

I want to see any weapons, any techniques, and any use of assistants, up to and including spectators taking sides and busting a cap in whoever they feel like shooting.


Powered by NymphoPop

10-12-2001, 02:57 AM

10-12-2001, 04:45 AM
See-saws can also be, for practicing stances and jump-spinning kicks while neither end touches the ground.

Very some such, perhaps might have been, likely say some, some not.

10-12-2001, 11:49 PM
I think that most of the posters here are serious. However, I would say that this forum is an amusement park for some kids, and they sometimes ruin it for everyone else.

iron thread
10-13-2001, 02:16 AM

Registered: 05-17-01
Posts: 529

If you really think about the forum in this way, then why bother with 529 posts?

10-13-2001, 02:59 AM
Because many of the posts ARE of good quality.

I also don't think it's entirely fair to the younger members of our board to be held accountable for the crap that goes on here. As a rule, the younger members here are a mature and well-informed bunch.

In kung fu, there's as much chaff as there is substance. The novice rails against one or the other, the master respects both while making his preference clear.

There are many good lessons for the immature to learn from the mature on this forum.