View Full Version : So I just had my first ground fighting lesson

12-19-2002, 03:09 PM
Just something I wanted to share..

I joined a boxing gym a while back, just to give me a place to train and get some contact when I'm not kung fu fighting. I only get 2 lessons per week average, so I look for opportunities to work out with folks whenever I can. It's litterally around the corner from my work, so that's working out well.

Anyway, I met a shootfighter there last week, and he's running classes through the gym. I just had my first work out with him, and I must say, that was something.

Overall I did pretty well for day one. He thought my reaction speed was very good, and I used a lot of bagua trapping and following while practicing the guard (to good effect). I also managed to not look stupid while working my way out from under the low and high mount. But holy smokes, when he turned up the speed and introduced me to a few ankle and knee locks, I was totally lost. There's a whole heck of a lot to it, and some of those locks happen much faster than I thought they could.

I don't think "everyone needs to be taking groundfighting lessons", but having just been through a rather humbling experience, I would say if you haven't rolled with quality ground fighters at least once, you owe it to yourself to do so. It'll give you a lot more perspective on that facet of fighting.

12-19-2002, 03:34 PM
It's true.

I get to roll with a BJJ brown belt and a purple belt where I train and that's a very humbling - yet educational - experience.

Last night I rolled with a guy who has trained maybe 6 months longer than me and he caned me. It just goes to show how quick you can learn groundfighting if you just do it.

12-19-2002, 03:39 PM
Hey guys, me too, just started a couple of weeks ago! I can't remember the belts, actually I don't think I have asked really but during grappling practice I get my a$$ beat pretty good! most fun I have had in a while!

12-19-2002, 03:41 PM
It's an eye-opener practicing and learning with those guys, and a good idea.