View Full Version : Those Wing Chun VS Choy Li fut fights

12-21-2002, 10:21 AM
Are there any films, pictures or accounts of how those went down? What tactics did each use against the other?

12-21-2002, 11:24 AM
stop trolling with your "VS" threads :D


12-21-2002, 11:39 AM
Wing Chun is superior.


Dunno about video, would seem that if it was illegal in the first place, being the smart chinese martial artists, they wouldent have brought a video camera. Not to mention how big and not-easy a video camera would have been to lug around back then. Plus who would you find to do the taping, everyone would want to fight!

Legend says the fights were pretty brutal etc. Some people even fell off the roofs. :eek:

12-21-2002, 11:42 AM
I think there is some stuff on pantherfist.com. Please ignore the lineage rants.

monk weed
12-21-2002, 03:34 PM

I think I remember some clips of roof top encounters on that Bruce Lee documentary "The warriors journey" that were kinda grainy but cool to see. don't know if clf was involved. As for wing chun supperiority; I would not want to mix it up with a well trained practitioner of any style.

12-21-2002, 05:37 PM
well i looked at www.pantherfist.com, and is there anything EXCEPT rants and self-promotional bull**** on there? (no offense to any parties involved in the website)

12-21-2002, 07:08 PM
I figured film would be rare if it existed at all. Are there any accounts or any of the fights that may have been written up?

What are the main differences tactically between the two arts?

12-21-2002, 07:35 PM
from the pictures i've seen of choy lay fut and what i've experienced practicing wing chun, CLF seems like much more of a longer range art, with a lot of differenct stances. wing chun tends to get in close and stay there, uses the centerline theory, is more for close range power, and only has 'one stance'.

CLF seems to have much more in terms of forms and stances. however, more may not always mean better

monk weed
12-21-2002, 08:49 PM

you're absolutely correct, clf is a long range style that relies on swift movement. However there is a relm of infighting that exists within the style. You're right on when you say that more is not always better. It is my opinion that a good clf practitioner will only concentrate on what suits his body structure and what really works for him and not stress on all that exists in the clf system.

12-21-2002, 09:06 PM
I've seen one of those films - very grainy black and white etc - it might have been the bruce lee one.

It involved the wing chun guy running (literally) forward doing wild chain punches while the other guy was running away.

Very bad stuff.

12-22-2002, 12:23 AM

*supposedly* the one titled

Wu Chun Nam

is a rooftop fight. Its the one on the very bottom, far right, black and white.

From watching it, it looks like the man wearing the black pants (the one that doesn't fall over the pipe on the ground) is doing the Wing Chun, because the man in grey pants kept moving his hands around in a circle motion. Unless of course both them were doing WC? Who knows.

12-22-2002, 01:22 AM
well it looks like the guy in the black pants, the one not doing the circling motions, was attempting to do wing chun ;) it's nothing like i look when i attempt to do it however... at least he didnt look as bad as the other guy :D

12-22-2002, 02:52 AM
hi philbert, whats that website about? it seems to be putitng down wing chun:confused:


12-22-2002, 10:18 AM
Yeah. I can describe 99% of them. And I didn't even see them.

Two people looking nervous square off on a rooftop while their buddies egg them on. Since neither has much fight experience, everything they do looks sort of sloppy and offbalance, ala the clip of ng vs chan. This continues for a bit until both fighters, tired from flailing at each other and landing next to nothing, are left gasping for breath at the end of 30 seconds. Eventually, after the pace slows down, one of them might land a lucky shot even though the other guy really didn't suffer much damage from the "deadly onslaught."

Eventually, each side will claim victory. Legend will transform what looked like an elementary schoolyard fight into a battle of great skill, injury, and courage. Petty squabbles will erupt over which side had the better fighter and stylist although, in reality, both sides would be embarressed by the performance. Someday, a few generations from now, each figher will be hailed as a paragon of the style, invincible in battle, and capable of killing seven men with a single poke to the ribs.

Any other questions?

12-22-2002, 10:25 AM
hi philbert, whats that website about? it seems to be putitng down wing chun Then it can only be one thing David, a WC site. Of course a form of WC that is superior to all other WC.:D

I've seen more than one fight that looked like that and it's those fights that make me feel good about my abilities. The guy in light pants was woking way too hard without much result. The other guy didn't have a good offensive game.

I hate to say this but a so-so Olympic TKD guy would have beat either one. OK I didn't hate to say that.:p

It is my opinion that a good clf practitioner will only concentrate on what suits his body structure and what really works for him and not stress on all that exists in the clf system.That's what I'm doing now with TKD and may be what I'm more accustomed to.

**** Merry, you sure you didn't watch the video?:eek:

12-22-2002, 10:27 AM
ROFL!! Yet another legend is born.

Seriously though, move this to the southern forum. You may get some actual answers there.

12-22-2002, 10:32 AM
hey i just saw the james bond movie and the guy hitting the bag at the start looked pretty good lol

i dont knock TKD as i have fought plenty of ppl in tournaments who were VERY good (or maybe i just sucked :D).

that clip was interesting though, it gives me some hope!


12-22-2002, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by dezhen2001
hi philbert, whats that website about? it seems to be putitng down wing chun:confused:


Probably, looks like it. And before you point the finger at me, I do Wing Tsun.

12-22-2002, 04:27 PM
**** you wing tSun people making us wing chun people look bad!! dont even get me started on the ving tsun people... :D

12-22-2002, 04:39 PM
hey phil i know u do wing chun:)

i didnt mean you, just the writing at the top of the website thats all. kinda weird as there was some training stuff on there :confused:


12-22-2002, 07:41 PM

...funny. True. Funny.

But you know, real fighting isn't pretty.

From watching the roof top fight- first I'd say they were sparring, not fighting. No one was close nor apparently overly interested in actually hitting the other. The fellow falling all over the place (yikes!) seemed as if he could have been CLF. He was doing some long arm defensive moves (whatever that was about) as he backpeddled. Plus, the way he held his hands and such...could have been CLF.

You know, Merryprankster isn't that far off. I'm sure a lot of those rooftop fights told in awe-inspired legend to pump up our 1) style 2) teacher 3) teacher's teacher..etc were a combination of punks fighting other punks or punks fighting MAs that really had no place getting involved in a 'grudge match' in the first place!

I am also sure there were the rare gems that used their style effectively and who could fight. History tends to get inflated, as does the feats of historical characters.

I am sure Hong Kong of the time had a lot of thugs and victims of circumstance that could fight long before they were taught a MA.

My generation, first generation students from my teacher (Bak Hsing CLF) used to wear thin leather bag gloves and go spar with neighbourhood kickboxers. No gear besides the gloves and 4 walls to tell ya backing up just wasn't an option ;)

They are recalled as 'blood baths' and somewhat revered. Hey. I recall seeing a lot of stars and yes a lot of blood. If these would have been on rooftops, I'm sure I'd have some warrior name to brag about now :D

All I have to say is these friendly sparring matches were real (to a point) and quite sloppy because of it. Of course now I float like a Chinese moth and sting like a Sud African killer bee :D


12-23-2002, 07:07 AM
I have to agree with MP here, funny stuff though.....

12-23-2002, 10:39 AM
I really liked that Clem Kadiddlehopper footwork the CLF(?) guy was doing. That was just too funny. Be thankful that vid hasn't circulated around much.