View Full Version : Buying Degrees???

12-23-2002, 04:29 PM
Seems some people can't get enough degrees and titles. Have a look and post your thoughts:


Former castleva
12-24-2002, 01:50 PM
You can never have too much degrees.
And if you tend to collect such,instead of...stamps as an example.

12-24-2002, 07:20 PM
It seems like it's all Karate that your posting.There are alot of true and real Karate dojos.Take a look at how fake and unrealistic kung fu is. Like that stuff is really effective.By the time you go through your fancy motions,you would have already been hit 5 times.

Royal Dragon
12-24-2002, 08:24 PM
I kicked the CR.AP out of a co worker about two weeks ago. I do Kung Fu, he is a Karate based kick boxer.

Guess what, I fought him with only one hand.

Guess what else, he bought me lunch.

Guess what else, he sucker punched me, and it didn't even connect BECAUSE of one of those fancy move you don't understand.

Those "fancy" moves give you position when you now how to use them.

Position is faster than speed, and stronger than strength.

Your an uneducated nitwit.

Merry Christmas, and enjoy your delusions,


12-25-2002, 04:32 PM

I agree with Royal Dragon. But you see Tinman, I also have an advantage as I was once a Karateka (Okinawa Trained & Graded) who saw the light and went into Chinese Quanfa (Paihequan) as most karate is a dead, lifeless art devoid of its original essence.

12-25-2002, 11:15 PM
So I can buy like a 10th degree black belt? Sweet!


12-26-2002, 08:21 AM
My TKD black belt cost $600.

Happy holiday!

12-26-2002, 08:45 AM
I bought my black belt at Samurai City for $5.00 back in 1983. I also bought a couple of ninja throwing stars, because ninjas are sweet. :D

Actually, the program sounds like a good idea -- standardize the requirements, worldwide, for each black belt level. From what I saw you couldn't just pay for the next level, you have to put in some time and meet testing requirements, etc. So it's a better program than, say, buying a black belt training program on video or getting an Official Ninja card from Ashida Kim.