View Full Version : Beat my lousy day.

12-28-2002, 02:15 PM

I challenge you ****s to beat my lousy day.

I got up this morning and found....

My FAT32 on my laptop was hosed and my operating system was wiped out. It's a piece of junk anyway--five years old and I've been meaning to replace it....

The desktop is not running it's POST and thus will not start at all. Oh, it's getting power, but it ain't running crap....

The answering machine is currently unusable: The power went off and my fiancee is out of town and I don't know how to work the **** thing. I followed the instructions and they don't work.

I went down to my car to go train this morning and found a flat. I had to take Nicole's car. Except she didn't have any gas so I had to fill that up.

So now I'm downstairs in my apartment complex's computer room. I need a Reuben and about 3 beers.

12-28-2002, 02:25 PM
That's a bad day? I just had someone on this forum call me a fat Kid Rock lookalike. And because of that my chi powers are low and I don't think I can do my pressure point attacks at this BJJ class I just joined.:(

12-28-2002, 02:29 PM
hey i just found out my girls' a man.....beat that

:eek: :eek:


that is one lousy day man

Former castleva
12-28-2002, 02:43 PM
For a small moment,I felt great and enlightened.
Then that glimpse of light was over and I knew I did not make it.

"because of that my chi powers are low and I don't think I can do my pressure point attacks at this BJJ class I just joined."
You cannot even do that now?
Oh guard,I feel sorry for you.

yu shan
12-28-2002, 06:27 PM
you woke up...

David Jamieson
12-28-2002, 06:53 PM
karma, clearly you've p i s s e d off the karma gods merry and now they are having their way with you.

You have become the karma gods slave for today. pehaps they will favour you tomorrow if you help out a homeless person or give without want.

otherwise, it's just a bunch of stuff that happened. :D

I Hate Ashida Kim
12-29-2002, 01:05 AM
What if you woke up and realized you were having your ass kicked by astral spies?


12-29-2002, 01:40 AM
Woke up and ate an orange.
Played xbox.
Ate breakfast.
Worked out.
Ate lunch.
Played xbox.
Ate dinner.
Played xbox.
Type on computer.
Play xbox.


12-29-2002, 02:01 AM
Uhhh... sorry, I can't even vaguely make an attempt at beating MP's day.

I rolled for 4 hours at Openmat, went out to dinner with friends back in town for the holidays, saw a good movie, had coffee, and got the phone number and AIM SN of a girl I'm somewhat interested in who's trained at the Gracie academy.

Umm, my ribs are a little bruised? That's kinda bad...

Repulsive Monkey
12-29-2002, 03:26 AM
reached the peak of my flu coupled with a throat infection, fell out with my brother and still not on talking terms, and my girlfriend decided to get back involved with an ex of hers.
My only comfort was watching "Its a wonderful life" on tv.

Can't wait for the New Year!!

12-29-2002, 04:53 AM
im stuck at university for this christmas period when all my friends have gone away.

my family had a huge christmas dinner and i wasnt there :(

my partner is in australia and my d@mn internet connection doesnt work properly (i can use IE but not msn, icq etc. :()

i just got a fone bill for 1500 pounds (2250 dollars) as my international calling cards were not working properly :eek::mad::(

its raining outside

i just started training again after a 7month break and suck!

i dunno if i have enough cash to get a train ticket home for new year :(

i have a uni project to hand in in just over a week and i cant research online coz of the internet connection :(

man, i think i win that my life sucks :(
hope u can take some comfort in that MP and have a Happy new year! :D


Former castleva
12-29-2002, 07:47 AM
Just to cheer up,
now that the new year arrives,it is time to clean everything up and gather some force for the next year.
May it be filled with fortune.

12-29-2002, 08:03 AM
*I've reached my overdraft limit and have no money at all until the 13th of January.

*My missus is now spending New Year with her folks.

*All of my mates are going to a New Year party that I declined a ticket for, thinking that I would be spending it with my missus.

*For the 3rd year in a row, I've been ill over Xmas.

*My university Housing Service has again rejected my plea to move to self-catered halls, even though I am allergic to the oli they cook my food in, and so consequently am paying for food that I don't eat, and then paying again for my own food.

*My allergy 'could be life-threatening'. Apparantly.

*The day before I moved out for Xmas, £100 of stuff was stolen from my room, and I can't afford to replace it.

12-29-2002, 09:23 AM
no no no.

Bad DAY you wankers, not "Gee my life sucks."

My life is fine. That day just sucked. Sheesh! :D

12-29-2002, 09:40 AM
soma*****, my life sucks

Chang Style Novice
12-29-2002, 09:49 AM
Make this the last bad day you'll ever have! (http://www.thetexasmercury.com/articles/parnell/HP20021223.html);)

12-29-2002, 09:59 AM
I have this thing that i got from the net that discusses several methods, IMHO the best method is jumping from a really really high place, but im kind of afraid of heights.

12-29-2002, 10:00 AM
not a bad day .. but, i woke up at 5pm, went to work, worked until 2AM, played some quake3, fell asleep. Repeat.

I get nothing done except some work, and i can't train bjj :(

But oh well.

12-29-2002, 10:06 AM
Worked a twelve hour shift on Christmas during a snowstorm (24-30"). Shoveled the three walks three times in the middle of serving Christmas diner to 120 people, a third of which were stranded at the Inn since the roads were unpassable. Helped move both plow trucks that died in the driveway. Didn't get fed all day. Cleaned up kiddy vomit. Had to pray to the furnace gods to keep it going. Wasn't going to sleep on the floor with the boys. Broke brush till I got to the highway and caught a ride with a plow truck. Got home at 2:00 am. The wife was too tired for Christmas fun. How's that for whinning?:p

12-29-2002, 10:18 AM
i cleaned up adult vomit

12-29-2002, 10:36 AM

12-29-2002, 10:43 AM
welcome to my world.

that would be a good day for me.

12-29-2002, 11:02 AM
My allergy is to almonds. Almonds are one of the prime constituants of Toblerone, the worlds greatest chocolate.

For ****s sake Lord, why not just make me allergic to beer*

*That was a joke OK big guy. Sarcasm. Please don't do that. That would REALLY finish me off.

12-29-2002, 11:07 AM
oh man toblerone is the good ****e

12-29-2002, 11:36 AM
glad to see that i actually win something for once :D

DS: where r u? in Brum? that sucks about the allergy :( Have u tried talking to the residential services? Failing that the SU welfare and advice?

Guohuen: i bet your glad you train Qigong so u have enough energy to do that! and that ur missus wants u to conserve jing ;)

oh i have 1 more thing that happened to me today:-

-- found out some bastad from my halls left some meat in the fridge and left around 5 days ago :( it REALLy stunk the kitchen out :mad:


12-29-2002, 03:07 PM
Dezhen - Cheers for the sympathy, I'm trying everything I can. :confused:

Xebsball - Don't tease me you little Brazilian sh!t. Go back to your guarana and policies of extensive deforestation :p

12-29-2002, 03:26 PM
Everyone who said toblerone rules are correct

12-29-2002, 04:46 PM
Oh boy, guaranį is the good ****e too

You know the first time i bought a toblerone... it was me, bro and his girl on the store, then i took one he was like: Whats that?!? Fool!!

I took two then when we got home he saw me eating it then he realised it was awesome.

So he took one for himself, wich i tried to get back but then he licked the **** thing so i wouldnt eat it (really, my bros drool is something i dont wanna taste).

12-29-2002, 06:12 PM
"(really, my bros drool is something i dont wanna taste)."

Lol you don't have to explain ;) I think we can all relate to not wanting to taste a family members drool.

12-29-2002, 06:47 PM
yeah, Xeb's life sucks cuz he didn't get an xbox for Christmas.

MP, I had your day on Christmas eve. I had to tend to a sick child, one of the christmas presents i ordered and paid the extra shipping to have by dec 24th. didn't arrive (it came on the 26th). I couldn't train because of my sick child and my 41 year old father in law (whom I don't get along with at all) paid a surprise visit along with his 25 yr old gf (I'm two days older than her, wtf?) That was actually cool though, because we had more in common than he and her, and I could tell he was getting mad about our talking so much.

FD knows 2 women that grapple??!??! We need to start hanging out with him.

12-29-2002, 07:06 PM
no son, tis not the xbox, tis the wimmins!!! the wimmins!!!

12-29-2002, 07:14 PM
Like I said in that other thread, you can't get women cuz you wanna see GDA naked...

12-29-2002, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by SevenStar
FD knows 2 women that grapple??!??! We need to start hanging out with him.

Actually, there's a couple of girls at my gym that do NHB fighting. I don't really know most of them, though; they're usually there on nights I'm not.

Hey, anytime you're in Jersey...

12-29-2002, 08:51 PM
I'll definitely let you know if I'm ever in the area

12-29-2002, 09:00 PM
youre just jealous cos i didnt ask to see you naked

12-29-2002, 09:05 PM
nah, you're jealous because I could see GDA naked and still get women

12-29-2002, 09:07 PM
:( (i need a crying smiley here)

12-29-2002, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by SevenStar
I'll definitely let you know if I'm ever in the area

Actually, if any KFO peeps that I've talked with are ever in the NJ area, let me know; I'm happy to get together for dinner and such.

An' if you're of a grappling bent, I'm always up for rolling with someone I haven't before.

Seven: I may be in Chicago this summer sometime; that's where you are, right? If you want to grab a beer or something, I'll let you know when I know more.

12-29-2002, 09:43 PM
Nah, I'm in TN but I have a lot of family in chi and the surrounding area, so I get to train with the KFO chi guys alot. WaterDragon, Royal Dragon, Fa_Jing, Drake, Crumble, Crippled Avenger, Cipher and some others are all in the area, so there are plenty of peeps you can meet with when you get there

12-29-2002, 09:45 PM
My bad, Xeb - didn't mean to rub it in. :( Don't worry, be happy! Turn that frown upside down, like this:

:mad: :confused: :( :rolleyes: :) :D

12-29-2002, 10:17 PM


12-29-2002, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by SevenStar
Nah, I'm in TN but I have a lot of family in chi and the surrounding area, so I get to train with the KFO chi guys alot. WaterDragon, Royal Dragon, Fa_Jing, Drake, Crumble, Crippled Avenger, Cipher and some others are all in the area, so there are plenty of peeps you can meet with when you get there

Ah, okay. If I do go to Chicago, it'll be for a Catch Wrestling get together with Tony Ceccine's students, so I doubt I'll have a lot of time to spare, but I'll try and look some folks up.

12-30-2002, 07:56 AM
MP, sounds like you should have let that fatty Rogue hit you with one of his paralyzing attacks, then you would have had a much better day.

Hmmm,m let's see how my day stacks up...woke up and my wife was in the mood....
made an omelet for breakfast
did an hour of calisthenics and running, felt great after so took the dog for a walk and a run in the yard.
2pm rolled around, my wife was still in the mood....
had lunch at my favorite chinese place.
played PS2 and finally beat SH2!!!
Got together with a buddy and did 2 hours of training on the mats
had dinner at a great mongolian barbecue...
watched a movie with my wife, I was in the mood... ;)

ok, you win!