View Full Version : San Shou clips

12-28-2002, 06:03 PM

12-28-2002, 08:20 PM
thank you sooo much. Hard to find fight clips.

College football players are always watching clips of games, It makes sense that we should do the same....Thanx again 7 star.

12-28-2002, 08:33 PM
is it just me or is Cung Le inventing San Shou as he goes.

He did Chopping hands "Cutting knife" where you chop the torso and sweep the feet only he did it to look like a thai roundhouse, collapsing the legs first and using the hand that goes back to control the head.

With the shaolin tech, you move the upper body first, so in that regard its reversed.

Cung Le is a tazmanian devil. Has anyone ever seen him get thrown? I've seen an exhibition match where he flipped a man with a leg kick.

Espn had an expose on MMA and how its on the fringes and whether its barbarism or a nobling sport. Well, they are getting press, San Shou is not. Maybe the olympics will change that.

12-28-2002, 09:16 PM
you fu ckin rock sevenstar.

if you ever need someone to cradle your nuts, you got two cold sweaty palms right here.

12-28-2002, 09:21 PM
the chinese ones rules. Some fluidity there. How about that one where he does a tai chi low roll back to the incoming side kick and flips him. Some sweat throws. Where can I buy tapes of this? It almost looks fixed they were so sweet.

12-29-2002, 08:06 AM
Espn had an expose on MMA and how its on the fringes and whether its barbarism or a nobling sport. Well, they are getting press, San Shou is not. Maybe the olympics will change that.

San Shou is not going to be in the olympics guy. As far as i heard its all been decided and in the end the Chinese didnt ever try to get San Shou in.

Oh well.

12-29-2002, 08:36 PM
Cool site, thanks!

12-30-2002, 08:48 AM
on that one KFXtreme clip... that was one of the most scariest roundhouse kicks i have ever seen... lucky for that dude it missed... man!!! my roundhouse sucks... that spinnin back kick dont play either... they got some good TV overseas... Rodeo was on yesterday... Rodeo!?!?! wtf... i mean it funny the first couple times a dude gets stomped out by the bull... but c'mon... i'd rather watch some good ol' fashion san shou... even some judo would be cool... we get... golf:mad: :rolleyes: :confused:

12-30-2002, 09:08 AM
He did Chopping hands "Cutting knife" where you chop the torso and sweep the feet only he did it to look like a thai roundhouse, collapsing the legs first and using the hand that goes back to control the head.

To Cung, its a reverse scissors (kani basami in judo). He saw it in an '80's ninja movie and practised it until he could pull it off. his version works because he kicks "misses" to the back side of the torso then twists and his support leg comes up and catches the opponent high while the foot to the backside catches low.

Cung creating as he goes? He has his own style, like every fighter. and Shonie Carter isn't a slouch, but he def wasn't as adept at sanshou as a guy like Cung. Props to him for stepping in for charity!

Has anyone ever seen him get thrown?

He was thrashed twice by Ramon Razomadan? (sp) the world sanshou champ in that weight division each time he went to the world trials.

Cung is great, he has style and makes the crowd happy, but remember, he's not even the best in his weight class in the world.

Russians, Iranians, Egyptians, Chinese - amazing sanshou guys you haven't seen yet..

12-30-2002, 01:03 PM
Cool, I can't install QT because of the firewalls here. Anyone know of a site that you can DL the full QT installer rather than using the cheesy one on the apple web site?

12-30-2002, 03:09 PM
thats not the technique I'm talking about. Not the scissors kick. puo doa sou cutting knife hand.

12-31-2002, 06:55 AM
Please excuse me then Stacey. I misunderstood.

12-31-2002, 08:54 AM
no need to apologise, my description sucked. Its still hard to describe. You know that mantis picture from superaction.com?


this technique only he started with a round house kick and then took the head making it look like a roundhouse in why the hand goes back for balance.

IN the mantis/shaolin tech, we get the upperbody going first.

12-31-2002, 10:49 AM
I was at the world wushu championships in HK in 99, and the Chinese San Shou guys were amazing, they dominated the categories up to 70-75kg. One guy (I think he was in the 65 or 70kg cat) was pulling off movie-like kicks and just knocking people down with ease. Someone like that would really bring talent and showmanship to something like K1. In the over 75kg categories the Iranians were a force to be reconed with, not as technical nor spectacular as the Chinese in the lighter categories, but nonetheless skilled and in great condition.


12-31-2002, 11:11 AM
I agree wall.

The Chinese are certainly skillful strikers (check out those last 3 clips on "extreme kung fu" for lighting fast kicks!

btw: K-1 does have a "S-cup" now (shootboxing rules.. but close enough for many san da guys)

The Iranians, Turks, Egyptians and Russians are much better "clinch & throw" with their cultures extensive wrestling backgrounds.