View Full Version : So my leg's a mess. Now what?

Chang Style Novice
01-01-2003, 07:14 AM
Okay, as I've stated elsewhere, I sustained an unpleasant injury to my left leg (running down a staircase, not training:o) I want to keep weight off the leg until it feels okay, and turning my foot at the ankle strains whatever is injured up further up - the pain is at the outer calf. I'm already taking Gold Spear herb treatment, but I don't just want to sit around getting fat(ter.) I don't have free weights or anything much like them in my apartment except (maybe, I can't find it) one of those physical therapy rubberbands from a couple of years ago.

Aside from seated and prone meditation and crunches and opposed tension excercises (or whatever those are called) what do you suggest I do to not turn into even more of a worthless blob of suet?

Chang Style Novice
01-01-2003, 07:52 AM
Shuai chiao guys - is it possible to do belt cracking while seated?

I've never learned this, but from the name it sounds like maybe it could be done. Can someone post instructions or maybe a link to a demonstration?

Former castleva
01-01-2003, 07:58 AM
Had medical attention yet?
Just in case.

Chang Style Novice
01-01-2003, 08:02 AM
I can't afford a regular doctor, since I'm underemployed wth no health insurance. I've talked to my shifu, and he thinks I'm probably just injured in the tendon and ligament but at worst have a minor hairline fracture right below the knee - the kind they don't give you a cast for and just tell you to keep your weight off. It's been less than two days since I hurt myself, and I've already improved a lot with just rest and the Gold Spear herbs.

Unless things get worse, I'm not going to borrow money for an X-ray.

Thanks for your concern, naturally!

01-01-2003, 09:24 AM
Well, you can try a leg compression sleeve, but they may not have that at your local drug store. A tightly wrapped ace bandage, or tape may also help you.

Tight (not insanely tight), but tight wraps apparently stimulate the prioproceptive nerves in your body. This prepares the body for stress and tends to reduce injury by reducing the "amount of play," so to speak in your body/injuries.

At least, that's how I understand it.

01-01-2003, 09:25 AM
If turning your ankle hurts, a good tape job or a decent ankle brace may also help you get back on your feet.

Chang Style Novice
01-01-2003, 10:27 AM
Thanks MP. I think I'm well enough and cautious enough to avoid further injury as things um...stand. I'm really looking more for stuff that I can do to keep fit(tish) while the healing process um...proceeds.:D

01-01-2003, 10:43 AM
Wack off furiously to Jenna Jameson and Sylvia Saint mpegs between each round of green tea.

Make sure to alternate hands to get overall work out.

Chang Style Novice
01-01-2003, 10:51 AM
You forget, I'm a taichi guy.

We whack off gently, but with immense internal power.

Former castleva
01-01-2003, 01:23 PM
Itīs good that it seems itīs getting better but it seems you do have bigger concerns...
just how are you going to get a dog that ugly adopted? ;)
Of course it is nice of you to try.


01-01-2003, 02:13 PM
Take some vitamins too. I think calcium. I also recommend eating ligament such as from soup bones, don't know if you have diatery concerns.

Cheese Dog
01-01-2003, 11:10 PM
You could still do alot of bodyweight exercises for your upper body. Chins and pullups, dips, various kinds of pushups (if you can do them without hurting your leg). If you can afford it glucosimine is very good for joint and tendon injuries. Also vitimen C and calcium. Good luck!

01-01-2003, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
You forget, I'm a taichi guy.

We whack off gently, but with immense internal power.

Do you risk fa jing when you come then? Could be dangerous...

01-01-2003, 11:16 PM
wish you the most fastest recovery man, sorry i cant be of further help due to my lack of knowledge on the subject

01-01-2003, 11:52 PM
Man, the scenario of being underemployed and having hurt legs made me think of 2 good suggestions. The first one is to get a skateboard, a can for people to put money in, and a subway train. Of course you'll have to keep repeating "I have no legs, I have no legs" over and over, but it seemed to work for the dude that did it in Kids. Just don't let them find out that you really do have legs. Another suggestion is to watch Crippled Masters and learn to fight like the dude that has the tiny legs, :p

01-02-2003, 08:00 AM
If your joint is swelling, take care on the colour if is have appereance of blood, you cut something, if it's yellow to green then you only have a tear.

norther practitioner
01-02-2003, 09:51 AM
A few questions for CSN:

Is there any swelling, if so where?

Has your range of motion been reduced in the knee or ankle?

Why are you so spastic as to hurt yourself running down stairs?

Where do you experience the pain when you weight your leg?

Is there a point in the extention or retaction of your leg that causes pain?

Chang Style Novice
01-02-2003, 10:34 AM
1. A small amount, to the outside of the leg just below the knee. There is also light pink bruising in this area.

2. Not really. It hurts to bend the knee deeply or to turn my foot in or out (pain is at the same area as the swelling and bruising), but the range of motion is still there.

3. I wish I knew.

4. Unless the leg is bent as described above when weighted, no pain.

5. Isn't this the same as question #2?

norther practitioner
01-02-2003, 12:27 PM
sounds like a light sprain of one of the ligaments in your knee.
when you get back into training, concentrate on the muscles around the knee a little bit more. This will help reduce the risk of further injury. Please don't take this as medical advice, just from the sounds of it, it doesn't seem to be too bad. As far as question 5, no it isn't, a reduction in range of motion doesn't mean that it might not hurt in different positions etc.

01-02-2003, 07:13 PM
I had a ligament sprain in the MCL, if you want to be sure and don't want to go to a professional, that is a must recommendation, check some website about testing valgus, varus and torsion with a partner, just to know wich ligament you torn.

01-03-2003, 11:14 AM
There's a taijiquan stance that has the weight on one leg with the arms up (a fighting posture) Correcting your alignment as you stand ought to be helpful. Doing the kick after the grabbing arms where the arms open as the kick happens from the bent knee; crescent kick.

Both sides: lay on the side; do leg swings.