View Full Version : All Revealed in Time

Diamond Talons
01-01-2003, 05:04 PM
Hi forum guys & thank you to all those who sent me the information stuffs & e-mail copies from past no face & noone Alabama people like ChingChong & there sure is a bunch of crap lies from these bad people over a few years. Some young guys are putting it together for me to post so my bad writing doesn't cause problems & let all forum people with interest in this thing make up their minds about these stupid coward hiding dog trolls in Alabama & just for me holding them up to be laughed at is good fate for them. Such liars & cowards & stupid trolls they are I had no idea such things went on before forum time & this is good reason enough why young guys should be allowed to do forums if they want so they can see with their own eyes the crap like the no face & noone people in Alabama put on a place people from all over the world read on. All will be revealed in time ChingChong just like you post only difference is the revealed stuffs will be all about your no face noone peoples & public people get to ask to themself if they want to buy your crap or not after the light has been put on your dark stupid coward hiding dog trolls & there no corner in the North for you no face & noone peoples to hide in.

01-01-2003, 05:18 PM
Diamond Talons

I cant remember for the life of me who exactly first said this, however he was much smarter and wiser than i am.

"Never interupt your enemy when there making a mistake"

Diamond Talons
01-01-2003, 07:15 PM
Jon I say thanks for thought stuff & I don't know outside Hakka Tong Long & have been watching praying mantis for years you ever watch a praying mantis Jon. Only mistake made by foe is to come withing striking distance then no more mistakes needed as praying mantis attacks to destroy & still say thanks & I'm not so old as to not be able to think about other ways. This Alabama no face noone guy is not a Sifu as some people saying as students of his & I give him name he earned & it is Si Fut Kin & this is how I call this no face coward hiding dog troll now on okay.

Chun Liu you don't private message me no more as you are no way Chinese to have done stupid thing like that with that group & then ask me what went wrong or else you're crazy as these people nothing to play with & if you don't know how to do it right then you don't reach out to them unless you tired of this life okay.