View Full Version : kung fu vs. mma - very cool article

01-04-2003, 07:00 PM

ps...it's from the beijing brazilian jiujitsu site :D

01-04-2003, 07:37 PM
That is an excellent article. Although...

"Kung Fu utilizes any and all means: striking, qin na, wrestling, groundwork, etc... to win the fight"

True although they are not usually all trained.

"The Kung Fu fighter also knows how to kick, punch and grapple."

The first two, maybe.

"If the Kung Fu fighter spends the majority of his time training only in the esoteric aspects of his chosen art, he will not be prepared for an opponent who has been trained only to incapacitate him."

Good point no. 1

"If the Kung Fu fighter never bothers to train in punching, kicking and grappling, or spar against live training partners, he cannot hope to fair well against a well-experienced opponent."

Good point no. 2

"However, if the Kung Fu fighter prepares himself thoroughly, he has the same chances of victory as any competitor who steps inside the ring. Anyone who says their techniques are too deadly for the ring is simply making a poor excuse for inadequate preparation and lack of training. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise."

This guy is talking sense.:)

"Everybody knows to attack the vital areas: pressure points, eyes, throat or groin."

Instinctively, I would say.

01-04-2003, 09:18 PM
Excellent article.

01-04-2003, 09:28 PM
i find it funny that such basic logic is rare enough to be pointed out with such enthusiasim.

01-04-2003, 11:23 PM
One thing:

"Tank Abbot, who had no formal training at all."

isn't, strictly speaking, true. Tank wrestled in grade school, high school, and college, and was an amateur boxer.

Granted, most of his 'sparring' was a result of being a guy who got into barfights a lot. But he does have some degree of formal training.

01-05-2003, 04:05 AM
Originally posted by GunnedDownAtrocity
i find it funny that such basic logic is rare enough to be pointed out with such enthusiasim.

funny, sad and disappointing.

01-05-2003, 11:31 AM
It was a good article but it assumes a little too much.

Not all KF people train in the manner that MMA people criticize them for.

MMA does not make you a bad ass.

The MMA guys talk trash because they have the NHB events as proof of how good they are etc but lets look at facts.

The average student of any MA who applies themselves, has a teacher and a training method that realistically deals with different attacks, situations, opponents and methods will be a force to recon with in a fight. Likewise, any smack talking MMA D!_cK who spends a day or two at the school, doesn't really look to develop there art or their skill will be SOL in a fight.

It always comes down to the fighter rather then the method.

I will say there are more "Traditional" MA schools out there teaching junk then there are MMA schools teaching bad ma.

Then again I know where the good burger places are compared to McDonalds or B-King too.

Realize that even MMA/BJJ guys have to market themselves and some just do it by bashing on other systems!

01-05-2003, 12:35 PM
"The average student of any MA who applies themselves, has a teacher and a training method that realistically deals with different attacks, situations, opponents and methods will be a force to recon with in a fight. Likewise, any smack talking MMA D!_cK who spends a day or two at the school, doesn't really look to develop there art or their skill will be SOL in a fight.

It always comes down to the fighter rather then the method."

i'm a little confused ... or you are ... i thought that's pretty much what he was saying.

01-05-2003, 09:17 PM
And it's what people here have been saying for... well, forever really. At least, the people with more than a handful of brain cells.

01-05-2003, 10:39 PM

It is what he said but he was definitely trying to sell his stuff and it is what alot of trolls miss when the go...well tolling!

That’s all, plus I felt like a little rant
