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01-05-2003, 08:31 PM
Happy New Years KFO members.

Just wanted to let a few of you hardcore KFO members know if you are interested in learning some Iron body Chi Kung. One of my Martial art brothers is giving a workshop in New York the end of this month. For more information go to this link.


My older brother has studied in China for over 20 years. And at his workshop he will give open demonstration of his Chi Kung Skills.

Peace out all.:)

01-06-2003, 05:57 AM
hey BT your sihing studied the hard qigong under my sigung :) Im currently doing the level 2 training...

hope it all goes well for you :)


01-06-2003, 09:24 AM
Sifughazi is one of my past senior brothers in Hsing Yi Boxing, back in the 80's when I was deep in to Hsing Yi Boxing.

At that time Sifughazi was very good with Iron palm skills. He was the only person I ever seen back then able to break unsupported bricks.

Now I seen Karate guys break bricks, but most of the time their bricks are supported.

Anyway I"m trying to help Sifughazi with advertising his up coming workshop. If it was not for Sifughazi, I think I myself would have never gone to China to train, He also hook me up with a lot of great people that know their $hit.

But its funny, this is a small world after all. Yo, you say you are on level two, That's good man. I have not yet practice this method. I plan to start training some time this month.

But from what I seen of these Chi Kung methods, The $hit is hard as hell, a brother have to have to be condition and willing to train hard. So if you got to level two then I know you are training hard.

Keep up the good work, because my objective is reach your level.

01-06-2003, 11:24 AM
hey BT

the hard qigong i do is not from xing-yi but learned from my Sifu and Sigung Michael Tse (Tse Qigong Centre). i recognise all the folks in those pics on the link, but have yet to meet your sihing as im in the uk :)

yup the training pretty intense... around 4 hours a day for min. 100 days, but its very definately worth it, even just for health more than the martial arts side of things. i never felt so clear and strong as when im doing this hard qigong.

As for being any level, i severely doubt it, as i only been learning for 2 years... i think its more gradual to build up the density and things as im still raggedy as heck lol. But i definately feel a lot better than i did when i did boxing and muay thai training, but thats just my experiences.

hope everything is sorted and goes well :)


01-06-2003, 12:57 PM
the hard qigong i do is not from xing-yi but learned from my Sifu and Sigung Michael Tse (Tse Qigong Centre). i

The Chi-Kung my martial art brother Sifughazi teach is not from HsingYi Boxing, I was just letting you know I use to train with Sifughazi back in the days, when he was learning hsing Yi Boxing from Sifu Rudy Curry Jr in the 80's, before he move to China and then U.K. where he met and learn from Master Michael Tse. But at the workshop Sifughazi will be teaching difficult method of Hard Chi Kung that he learn from another Master in China, not master Michael Tse Hard Chi Kung method. Because Sifughazi don't teach Master Michael Tse Hard Chi Kung method to the open public.

As for being any level, i severely doubt it, as i only been learning for 2 years...

Hey two years is better then nothing. You have more knowledge about this method then I do at this time. I'm just getting started. So don't knock yourself. :cool:


01-06-2003, 02:14 PM
thats cool man i hope it all goes well... for me one method is more than enough to learn :p

hope you enjoy the training when you start, it really helps to develop your focus and attitide :)


01-09-2003, 02:09 PM
Gentlemen, what are some of the key components of the chi kung you have learned?

I can understand if you want to guard things more closely, so let me also ask it another way. What do you think are some of the essential pieces of a chi kung program? What advice would you give for distinguishing between chi kung that is for health, versus for developing martial skills?

Thanks in advance guys!


01-09-2003, 06:33 PM
hi crumble :)

to be honest i dont have much experience with Qigong or anything. Only the skills i have learned from my Sifu and those only for 2 years so im a novice really :p

But for me all Qigong develops health, and thats most important if u ask me. if you have that, then u have a choice of what to do with your vitality and energy - martial or otherwise.

i would say the hard qigong i do really focusses more on the attitude and focus, in a different way from the soft qigong. Also its much more physical and generally martial looking, and we use equipment such as bricks, a wall and even a wooden club or whatever.

but apart from that i really dont understand things enough to say much more, sorry :)


01-10-2003, 07:02 AM
As a guy who has been doing Chi Kung for one year, I can understand your reply Dawood!

At this point, the Chi Kung I'm doing mostly focuses on coordinating some core movements, like extending the legs while twisting the waist... which in theory would apply to many techniques. It's sort of a collection of the most simple movements found in most techniques. Like remedial tai chi or something!


01-10-2003, 04:27 PM
to me i think understanding how your body connects and works together is important, so developing that connection for health is good :)

i suffered fomr a lot of setbacks this last 6 months so havent trained often... now i am getting back in to it and right now feel real bad compared to where i was before. i think its coz i 'feel' that the connection and my posture isnt so good etc. and generally my energy is low.

so doing qigong is a good thing - whatever type! :)
