View Full Version : Too old??

01-06-2003, 01:31 PM
Hello there

i just wanted to get a few peeps opinion on something.
ive been thinking about taking up wu shu recently along side my existing art.
ive just turned 25 is this too old to take up this art or not?

Former castleva
01-06-2003, 01:39 PM
I canīt see why...
you would still be considered very yong from a less biased perspective.
I do not agree with peeps who believe that one should start a MA when one hardly has his walking down (a mature age could be better....dunno if anyone actually feels that way though...)...get the idea.
Probably would not hurt to start there but to assume it to be necessary,cannot see a single reason for that.

01-06-2003, 01:56 PM
are we talking wushu in terms of kung fu dancing or the old sense of wushu i.e fighting arts?

If its the former then every one is to old as far as im concerned.

01-06-2003, 02:03 PM
modern wushu
i already do a traditional style

01-06-2003, 02:04 PM
25 isn't too old ... I started KF at 29 and I really enjoy it. The main difference is that injuries don't seem to heal as quickly as they did when I was 17.

01-06-2003, 02:07 PM
25 is fine. Hell I am training to fight seriously as of a few months ago for tournemant fighting and I am 29!!

01-06-2003, 02:21 PM
25 is not too old

well, im 17, I guess you'll say its hard to judge at my age.
But really I'd say its down to the indvidiual, if you feel your up to it physically then of course you can.
The number of years you've been around should only play a minor role in deciding something like this I think, though of course it does need to be taken into consideration.
What art did you do before, did it require similar agility to wushu?
Are you flexible? Why do you want to do wushu?

01-06-2003, 02:26 PM
ive been doing martial arts in one form or another since i was about 6-7
started with judo
done WTF style taekwondo for about 8 years
took a bit of a break due to money and time commitments then started kung fu but ive been thinking about taking up modern wu shu for a while and when better to start but in the new year

01-06-2003, 02:40 PM
Definitely not too old! Wushu sure is a physically demanding sport, along with any sport, but many people start doing wushu in their 20s (for example Japanese university students).

01-06-2003, 02:44 PM
According to Jet Li, 25 would only by too old to start wushu if you had aspirations to be world champion. For that, he feels you should be no older than 14. But other than that, any age would be a good age. You would definitely benefit from it healthwise. I think it would probably compliment your traditional kung fu and vice versa. I didn't start seriously studying martial arts until the age of 27 when I started ITF TKD. I started Kung Fu at 29. I haven't felt any effects of aging yet and knock on wood I've suffered no injuries. Age is just a state of mind. So forget about it and keep training hard (and smart). Good luck!