View Full Version : Is your grandmaster lassie?

01-06-2003, 03:04 PM
GDA may not understand Sumo here's something that confuses the hell out of me.

Su Kong Tai Djin


01-06-2003, 03:06 PM
im sure someone has asked this before :)


01-06-2003, 03:10 PM
uh, what is that exactly? Is this for Doggy Style?

01-06-2003, 03:43 PM

Former castleva
01-06-2003, 07:56 PM
Highly scary,
seen that before.
Even though there are various pics which look odd,this tops them all.
All I can think of is a strange medical condition (cannot recall the name...) which very few peeps in X millions do have...
It causes about 80% of skin to be covered with thick hair.
True case that is...

Of course I did not take one thing into account...
it was shaolin-do.


The Willow Sword
01-06-2003, 08:07 PM
we arent going to start THIS again.

the disease is called Hypertrichosis langinosa. and who knows where exactly that pic came from. GM Sin The' claims it is Su kong taijin from the southern shaolin temple who taught his master who eventually taught GM Sin The'.

the fact is we will never really know. this picture is infamous in the bashing shaolin-do cases i have been prevue to and been in the middle of,,,,,,,sigh,,,,oh the days when i was a shaolin-do'er myself. sigh. ;)

01-06-2003, 08:15 PM
Be thankful that you learned the error of your ways before you got all hairy!

01-06-2003, 08:28 PM
Three pictures down on this page is another photo of the same guy. Ask nicely and I'll tell you what I heard was to the left of him that was cut from the photo. :D


01-07-2003, 04:20 AM
poor guy(s)

01-07-2003, 10:47 AM
I'm sorry, but that first picture of the hairy guy in the suit is funny as hell! It looks like something out of a movie. Is this real? Anyone....anyone...? By the way, I don't know much about Shaolin-Do and I don't believe in putting down other styles. But why would a Shaolin martial art refer to their forms as katas?

01-07-2003, 02:41 PM
Radhnoti please tell us, please!

If I remember correct a member here on KFO posted that the picture in the suit was from a Guiness book of records, from back in the day, and theu just used it, I tried to find the post but no luck, anyone else remember hearing this?


The Willow Sword
01-07-2003, 04:04 PM
the cut portion is of him holding a bear at bay? ;)

Former castleva
01-07-2003, 04:11 PM
According to another site (possibly associated?) there is a note that Su Kong Tai Djin (a name that he became known of) was rejected by his parents as a child because of his genetic difference,then eventually found his way to temple(s) and studied various styles,eventually becoming a respectable instructor,or related.

01-07-2003, 05:30 PM
shaolin do is just a karate knockoff named shaolin for marketing reasons. Not only do they name their forms kata, the word do is also japanese as in judo or karate do. Its not kungfu its karate youll be learning when you do it.

01-07-2003, 10:18 PM
Curse you Willow for stealing my thunder! Anyway...I heard there was a bear BITING his arm. :)

Jojo is the guy in the Guiness book of World Records, here's a link to his info.


Kung Lek is on record with the statement that the shaolin-do grandmaster looks Chinese. I have NO idea how he could tell under all the hair, but he seemed quite sure of himself. ;)

01-07-2003, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by The Willow Sword
the cut portion is of him holding a bear at bay? ;)

A koala bear. Maybe.

01-07-2003, 10:55 PM
If I remember correct a member here on KFO posted that the picture in the suit was from a Guiness book of records, from back in the day, and theu just used it, I tried to find the post but no luck, anyone else remember hearing this?

I know some people thought it was JOJO but after finding some pics of jojo online, I didn't really think it looked like him. JoJo's not the only one with this disorder, and if you were going to run a scam with a "dog faced master" legend, you'd probably find a rarer pic than one of the most famous sideshow acts.

Hypertrichosis is untreatable, unless sufferers opt for a very lengthy course of electrolysis. However, an unknown number of people afflicted by a less serious condition known as hirsutism keep it under control with a trusty Bic.

Many of them seem to come from China, for some unknown reason.

Found this at a link talking about the subject. So there's a very good chance the guy in the pic could be Chinese.

Former castleva
01-08-2003, 06:45 AM
On another site,there is a picture of the same guy with same...hairstyle.
Very similar,you do the math.
This is what my explanation on this guy is based on.

In Guinnes 2002,there is a record of a few guys with either the same or similar disorder,I did fail to see though,how it affects their health.

Ground Dragon
01-08-2003, 06:57 AM
People have been saying for years that the picture came from either: a book on P.T. Barnum, a tv show 'they saw the other night', some book their friend had, some book they saw in passing at Barnes & Noble, etc etc. Although the Guiness book is a new one on me. I investigated it some myself a couple of years ago, having the vested interest I do (I study under Sin The's brother and claim Su Kong as part of my lineage as well, although not in the same capacity). I found zilch. And I did a fair amount of looking, any further looking would have involved either money or a serious time committment and I didn't have either to give. I think those statements are a bunch of crap to be honest.
Now, that isn't to say I believe Sin The's story about Su Kong. On the contrary, I believe little, if anything at all, that Sin The' says, the Su Kong story being no exception. These are attempts to discredit an entire lineage based on a single picture while in fact there is plenty of ammo to discredit Sin The' without having to resort to the old 'saw the picture in a book' thing.
I believe this man existed, but certainly not in the capacity Sin The' claims. Such a unique, prominent and skilled martial arts master (esp being the grandmaster of the Fukien temple!) would not have gone unnoticed. And there's really no explanation for that.

01-08-2003, 09:24 AM
JoJo the dog faced boy: http://phreeque.tripod.com/jojo.html
Lionel the Lion Faced Man: http://phreeque.tripod.com/lionel.html

Lionel's actually kind of cool looking, and looks a lot more like the GM than JoJo IMO, at least in the that first picture.

01-08-2003, 09:53 AM
Be thankful that you learned the error of your ways before you got all hairy!

My Grandmother said the same thing... about a different subject!

You could go blind too!